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Corrected calculation of GBUdb contribution to SA score:

 sqrt(abs(p * c)) * weight.

Updated README, INSTALL, and incremented version to 0.9.1.

git-svn-id: https://svn.microneil.com/svn/PKG-SNF-CS-NIX/trunk@17 233e721a-07f6-49eb-a7da-05e0e16828fc
adeniz hace 15 años

+ 4
- 3
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF4SA/INSTALL Ver fichero

@@ -47,11 +47,12 @@ specifies:
score. The GBUdb probability p and confidence c add the following
value to the SpamAssasin score:
(p * c) ^ 2 * sign(p) * MaxWeight
abs(p * c) ^ 0.5 * sign(p) * MaxWeight
where sign(p) is -1 if p < 0, and +1 otherwise, and MaxWeight is
specified on a configuration line. MaxWeight is greater than or
equal to zero.
specified in a configuration line. MaxWeight is greater than or
equal to zero. If MaxWeight isn't specified in the configuration
file, then the GBUdb results don't affect the SpamAssassin score.
To specify which emails to process, use a line similar to:

+ 4
- 3
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF4SA/README Ver fichero

@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@ specified in the configuration file.
The GBUdb scan result also changes the score by:
(p * c) ^ 2 * sign(p) * MaxWeight
abs(p * c) ^ 0.5 * sign(p) * MaxWeight
where p is the probability and c is the confidence returned by the
GBUdb scan, sign(p) is -1 if p < 0 and +1 otherwise, and MaxWeight is
specified in the configuration file. If SNFServer is not configured
to insert the GBUdb scan results into a header in the message, then
the SpamAssassin score is not affected by the GBUdb scan results.
to insert the GBUdb scan results into a header in the message, or
MaxWeight is not specified in the configuration file, then the
SpamAssassin score is not affected by the GBUdb scan results.
In addition to scanning the message, the plugin inserts headers into
the email. The SNFServer must be configured to insert the headers

+ 1
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF4SA/configure.ac Ver fichero

@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dnl

AC_INIT(snf4sa, 0.9.0)
AC_INIT(snf4sa, 0.9.1)

+ 6
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF4SA/snf4sa.pm Ver fichero

@@ -575,12 +575,15 @@ sub calc_GBUdb
#print "calc_GBUdb. p: $p, ind0: $ind0, ind1: $ind1\n"; # DEBUG
# Calculate and return the score.
my $score = ($p * $c);
$score *= $score * $weight;
my $score = abs($p * $c) ** 0.5;
$score *= $weight;
if ($p < 0.0) {
$score *= -1.0;
#print "calc_GBUdb. score: $score\n"; # DEBUG
#print "calc_GBUdb. p: $p, c: $c, weight: $weight\n";
#print "calc_GBUdb. score: $score\n";
return $score;
