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Added SNF4SA, SpamAssassin plugin for SNFServer.

git-svn-id: 233e721a-07f6-49eb-a7da-05e0e16828fc
adeniz 16 years ago

+ 22
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF4SA/INSTALL View File

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
SpamAssassin SNF4SA Plugin for SNFServer
Installation and Configuration
Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
See for the copyright terms.
Installing SpamAssassin SNF4SA plugin for SNFServer involves the
following steps:
1) Copy and to /etc/mail/spamassassin .
2) Edit /etc/mail/spamassassin/ to set the score to the
desired value. Setting the score to "10" would result in email
detected as spam by SNFServer would be marked as spam by
The module writes the email message to a temporary file in
/tmp/snf4sa. If this directory doesn't exist, the script creates it
with permission 777. This allows both the script and SNFServer to
write to that directory. If that directory already exists, ensure
that it has a permission of 777.

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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF4SA/README View File

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
SpamAssassin SNF4SA Plugin for SNFServer
Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
See for the copyright terms.
This directory contains the SpamAssassin plugin for SNFServer.
The plugin implements a rule that checks the email message with
SNFServer. If SNFServer determines that the email message is spam,
then SpamAssassin adds to the email score.
Please see the INSTALL file for installation and configuration.

+ 16
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF4SA/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# SpamAssassin SNF4SA Plugin for SNFServer configuration.
# Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
loadplugin Snf4sa
full SNF4SA eval:snf4sa_sacheck()
describe SNF4SA The Message Sniffer Snf4sa Plugin
score SNF4SA 10.0
# Header line containing the results from SNFServer.
add_header all SNF-Result _SNFRESULTTAG_

+ 275
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SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF4SA/ View File

@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
# SpamAssassin SNF4SA Plugin for SNFServer.
# This plugin implements a SpamAssassin rule to use SNFServer to test
# whether an email is spam.
# Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
# The plugin implements a single evaluation rule, which passes the
# email message through SNFServer. The communication with SNFServer
# is through XCI and a temporary file on disk which contains the email
# message truncated to the frist 64K bytes.
package Snf4sa;
use strict;
use Mail::SpamAssassin;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::File;
use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
our @ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin);
# Convenience variables and pseudo-constants
my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a";
my $DefaultMaxTempFileSize = 64 * 1024;
# translation table for SNF rule codes
my $rule_code_xlat = {
0 => 'Standard White Rules',
20 => 'GBUdb Truncate (superblack)',
40 => 'GBUdb Caution (suspicious)',
47 => 'Travel',
48 => 'Insurance',
49 => 'Antivirus Push',
50 => 'Media Theft',
51 => 'Spamware',
52 => 'Snake Oil',
53 => 'Scam Patterns',
54 => 'Porn/Adult',
55 => 'Malware & Scumware Greetings',
56 => 'Ink & Toner',
57 => 'Get Rich',
58 => 'Debt & Credit',
59 => 'Casinos & Gambling',
60 => 'Ungrouped Black Rules',
61 => 'Experimental Abstract',
62 => 'Obfuscation Techniques',
63 => 'Experimental Received [ip]',
sub new {
my ($class, $mailsa) = @_;
$class = ref($class) || $class;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($mailsa);
bless ($self, $class);
# Name of evaluation rule.
$self->register_eval_rule ("snf4sa_sacheck");
# Use localhost.
$self->{SNF_Host} = "localhost";
# Use default port.
$self->{SNF_Port} = 9001;
# Timeout.
$self->{SNF_Timeout} = 1;
# Directory for files containing emails read by SNFServer.
$self->{Temp_Dir} = '/tmp/snf4sa';
# Maximum email message size (including headers).
$self->{SNF_MaxTempFileSize} = $DefaultMaxTempFileSize;
return $self;
sub snf4sa_sacheck {
my ($self, $permsgstatus, $fulltext) = @_;
my $testscore = 0;
my $response ='';
my $exitvalue;
# Make sure we have a temp dir
unless(-d $self->{Temp_Dir}) {
chmod(0777, $self->{Temp_Dir});
# Truncate the message.
my $mailtext = substr( ${$fulltext}, 0, $self->{SNF_MaxTempFileSize});
# create our temp file, $filename will contain the full path
my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $self->{Temp_Dir} );
# spew our mail into the temp file
my $SNF_fh = IO::File->new( $filename, "w" ) ||
die(__PACKAGE__ . ": Unable to create temporary file '" . $filename . "'");
$SNF_fh->print($mailtext) ||
__PACKAGE__ . ": Unable to write to temporary file '" .
$filename . "'");
$SNF_fh->close ||
__PACKAGE__ . ": Unable to close temporary file '" .
$filename . "'");
# Change permissions.
my $cnt = chmod(0666, $filename) ||
$self->cleanup_die($filename, __PACKAGE__ .
": Unable to change permissions of temporary file '" .
$filename . "'");
# xci_scan connects to SNFServer with XCI to scan the message
my $SNF_XCI_Return = $self->xci_scan( $filename );
# Remove the temp file, we are done with it.
# Check response from SNFServer.
if (! $SNF_XCI_Return ) {
die(__PACKAGE__ . ": Internal error");
# Check for success.
if (! $SNF_XCI_Return->{"success"}) {
die(__PACKAGE__ . ": Error from SNFServer: " .
# get the return code and translation
my ( $rc, $rcx ) = ( $SNF_XCI_Return->{"code"},
$rule_code_xlat->{ $SNF_XCI_Return->{"code"} } );
$rc = -1 unless defined $rc; # default values
$rcx = 'Unknown' unless $rcx;
my $rch = $SNF_XCI_Return->{"header"}; # the SNF header(s)
# Result code of 0 indicates non-spam. Any other value indicates
# spam.
if ($rc >= 1) {
} else {
# Add the header.
$permsgstatus->set_tag("SNFRESULTTAG", "$rc ($rcx)");
#all SA cares about is whether a 0 or 1 comes back. 0 = good 1=spam.
return $testscore;
sub abort
my ( $self, $message ) = @_;
# xci_scan( $file )
# returns hashref:
# success : true/false
# code : response code from SNF
# message : scalar message (if any)
sub xci_scan
my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
return undef unless $self and $file;
my $ret_hash = {
success => undef,
code => undef,
message => undef,
header => undef,
xml => undef
my $xci = $self->connect_socket( $self->{SNF_Host}, $self->{SNF_Port} )
or return $self->err_hash("cannot connect to socket ($!)");
$xci->print("<snf><xci><scanner><scan file='$file' xhdr='yes' /></scanner></xci></snf>\n");
my $rc = $ret_hash->{xml} = $self->socket_response($xci, $file);
if ( $rc =~ /^<snf><xci><scanner><result code='(\d*)'>/ ) {
$ret_hash->{success} = 1;
$ret_hash->{code} = $1;
$rc =~ /<xhdr>(.*)<\/xhdr>/s and $ret_hash->{header} = $1;
} elsif ( $rc =~ /^<snf><xci><error message='(.*)'/ ) {
$ret_hash->{message} = $1;
} else {
$ret_hash->{message} = "unknown XCI response: $rc";
return $ret_hash;
# connect_socket( $host, $port )
# returns IO::Socket handle
sub connect_socket
my ( $self, $host, $port ) = @_;
return undef unless $self and $host and $port;
my $protoname = 'tcp'; # Proto should default to tcp but it's not expensive to specify
$self->{XCI_Socket} = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => $protoname,
Timeout => $self->{SNF_Timeout} ) or return undef;
$self->{XCI_Socket}->autoflush(1); # make sure autoflush is on -- legacy
return $self->{XCI_Socket}; # return the socket handle
# socket_response( $socket_handle )
# returns scalar string
sub socket_response
my ( $self, $rs, $file ) = @_;
my $buf = ''; # buffer for response
# blocking timeout for servers who accept but don't answer
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" }; # set up the interrupt
alarm $self->{SNF_Timeout}; # set up the alarm
while (<$rs>) { # read the socket
$buf .= $_;
alarm 0; # reset the alarm
# report a blocking timeout
if ( $@ eq "timeout\n" ) {
__PACKAGE__ . ": Timeout waiting for response from SNFServer");
} elsif ( $@ =~ /alarm.*unimplemented/ ) { # no signals on Win32
while (<$rs>) { # get whatever's left
# in the socket.
$buf .= $_;
return $buf;
# return an error message for xci_scan
sub err_hash
my ( $self, $message ) = @_;
return {
success => undef,
code => undef,
message => $message
sub cleanup_die
my ( $self, $file, $message ) = @_;
