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Removed SNFServer since we're linking to it with svn:externals.

git-svn-id: 233e721a-07f6-49eb-a7da-05e0e16828fc
adeniz 16 years ago

+ 0
- 27
SNF_CS_Developer_Package/SNFServer/ View File

@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
## Process this file with automake to produce
## $Id$
## automake input for the MicroNeil SNFServer application (SNFServer directory).
## Author: Alban Deniz
## Copyright (C) 2008 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
## See for the copyright terms.

LIBS = @SNF_LIBS@ -L../SNFMulti -L../CodeDweller -lSNFMulti -lCodeDweller @LIBS@
CXXFLAGS = $(SNF_CXXFLAGS) -I@top_srcdir@/SNFMulti -I@top_srcdir@/CodeDweller

sbin_PROGRAMS = \



rm -f *.gcno *.gcov *.gcda *~ $(CONFDATA)

+ 0
- 192
SNF_CS_Developer_Package/SNFServer/main.cpp View File

@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>
#include <cmath>
#include <exception>
#include <stdexcept>
#include "unistd.h"
#include "timing.hpp"
#include "threading.hpp"
#include "networking.hpp"
#include "SNFMulti.hpp"
#include "snf_xci.hpp"
#include "snf_sync.hpp"
#include "config.h"
// temporary - proving base64codec
#include "base64codec.hpp"
//#include "../nvwa-0.6/nvwa/debug_new.h"
using namespace std; // Introduce standard namespace.
const char* SERVER_VERSION_INFO = "SNF Server Version " PACKAGE_VERSION " Build: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
static const string XCIShutdownResponse =
"<snf><xci><server><response message=\'shutdown in progress\' code=\'0\'/></server></xci></snf>\n";
class XCIShutdownWatcher : public snfXCIServerCommandHandler { // Shutdown watcher.
XCIShutdownWatcher():TimeToStop(false){} // Construct with shutdown flag false.
bool TimeToStop; // Here is the flag.
string processXCIRequest(snf_xci& X) { // Here is how we process requests.
if(0 == X.xci_server_command.find("shutdown")) { // If we find shutdown then
TimeToStop = true; // set the shutdown flag
return XCIShutdownResponse; // and let them know we got it.
} // If we get some other request
return XCIErrorResponse; // return the error response.
// Thread Status Analysis For Debugging.
void ThreadStatusToCout() { // Produce a thread status list.
ThreadStatusReport R = Threads.StatusReport(); // Get a report from Threads.
cout << endl; // Break the line.
ThreadStatusReport::iterator iR = R.begin(); // Loop through the report.
iR != R.end(); iR++
) {
ThreadStatusRecord& S = (*iR); // Take each status report and
cout // send it to cout on it's own line.
<< S.getName() << " (" << S.getPointer() << "), "
<< S.getType().Name << ", "
<< S.getState().Name << ", "
<< ((S.getRunning()) ? "Running, " : "Not Running, ")
<< ((S.getBad()) ? "Broken, " : "Ok, ")
<< S.getFault()
<< endl;
cout << endl; // Leave a blank line at the end.
// Here in the main thread is where we get executive tasks done.
int go(int argc, char* argv[]) { //// go() stands in for main(). main() catches any unhandled exceptions.
// Check for debug mode.
bool DebugMode = false; // This will be our debug mode.
string argv0(argv[0]); // Capture how we were called.
string::npos != argv0.find("Debug") || // If we find "Debug" or
string::npos != argv0.find("debug") // "debug" in our command path
) { // then we are in DebugMode.
DebugMode = true; // Set the flag and tell the
cout << "Debug Mode" << endl; // watchers.
// DebugMode = true; // Force it when needed.
// Announce Version / Build Info.
cout << SERVER_VERSION_INFO << endl; // Shout out our version.
cout << SNF_ENGINE_VERSION << endl; // Shout out the engine version.
// Sanity checks before we get going.
if(2 != argc) { // Check the command line args.
cout << "Use: SNFServer <path-to-config-file>" << endl; // If wrong, say how we work.
return 0;
if(0 != access(argv[1], R_OK)) { // Check the config file path.
cout << "Can't read " << argv[1] << endl; // If it's not accessible, punt.
return 0;
cout << "Launching with " << argv[1] << endl; // Tell them we're going.
snf_RulebaseHandler MyRulebase; // Create a rulebase manager.
MyRulebase.PlatformVersion(SERVER_VERSION_INFO); // Set the Platform version string.
XCIShutdownWatcher ShutdownWatcher; // Make a server shutdown processor
MyRulebase.XCIServerCommandHandler(ShutdownWatcher); // and register it with the engine.[1], "", ""); // Open a configured rulebase.
Sleeper WaitATic(1000); // Learn to wait a second.
cout << "Running." << endl << endl; // Tell them we're running.
char Tic = '\\'; // Tic/Toc indicator.
while(false == ShutdownWatcher.TimeToStop) { // While running, update the screen.
WaitATic(); // One second between updates.
// Animate the Tick/Toc Indicator
switch(Tic) {
case '\\': Tic = '|'; break;
case '|': Tic = '/'; break;
case '/': Tic = '-'; break;
default: Tic = '\\'; break;
// Format and output the screen update. At the end post a \r so that
// the line appears to update in place.
<< "M/min: " << setw(4) << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.MessagesPerMinute() << " "
<< "SP: " << setw(6) << setprecision(2) << setiosflags(ios::fixed) <<
((0 < MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.MessagesPerMinute()) ?
(100 * MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.SpamPerMinute() / MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.MessagesPerMinute()) : 0.0) << "% "
<< "LR:" << setw(7) << MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.LatestRuleID()
<< " ["
<< MyRulebase.MyXCImgr.pollClientCount() << "/"
<< MyRulebase.MyXCImgr.pollLoopCount() << " "
<< Tic << " " << (int) MyRulebase.MyXCImgr.TotalQueue() << "] "
<< "W:" << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.WhitePerMinute() << " "
<< "C:" << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.CautionPerMinute() << " "
<< "B:" << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.BlackPerMinute() << " "
<< "T:" << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.TruncatePerMinute() << " "
<< "S:" << (int) MyRulebase.MyLOGmgr.SamplePerMinute()
<< " \r" << flush;
if(DebugMode) ThreadStatusToCout(); // Debug? Show Thread Status Report.
cout << endl << endl << "Shutdown Received." << endl;
// When this loop fails it is time to shut down.
// All the rest happens via XCI now.
cout << "Closing Rulebase Handler..." << endl;
// All done...
cout << "Bye bye." << endl;
return 0;
class DebugExceptionHandler { // Hand wrapper for exception handler.
DebugExceptionHandler() {
static DebugExceptionHandler TheDebugExceptionHandler; // Global exception handler.
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
try {
go(argc, argv);
catch(exception& e) {
cout << "Unhandled Exception: " << e.what() << " Thrown!" << endl;
catch(...) {
cout << "Unknown, Unhandled Exception Discovered!" << endl;
return 0;
