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Describe provisional configuration and capabilities of the plugin: Maping from SNFServer result code to SA score, short-circuiting further processing, and effect of GBUdb scan on the SA score.

git-svn-id: 233e721a-07f6-49eb-a7da-05e0e16828fc
adeniz 16 years ago

+ 93
- 4
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF4SA/INSTALL View File

@@ -10,13 +10,102 @@ following steps:
1) Copy and to /etc/mail/spamassassin .
2) Edit /etc/mail/spamassassin/ to set the score to the
desired value. Setting the score to "10" would result in email
detected as spam by SNFServer would be marked as spam by
2) Edit /etc/mail/spamassassin/ plugin configuration file
to meet your needs. See below for a description of the
configuration settings.
The module writes the email message to a temporary file in
/tmp/snf4sa. If this directory doesn't exist, the script creates it
with permission 777. This allows both the script and SNFServer to
write to that directory. If that directory already exists, ensure
that it has a permission of 777.
Plugin Configuation Settings
The plugin file ( contains required lines that:
1) Configures SpamAssassin to load the plugin.
2) Describes the plugin.
3) Configures SpamAssassin to add the X-Spam-SNF-Result header to
the email. This header contains the results of the SNF scan.
In addition, there are lines that can be configured by the user that
1) Which emails to process through SNFServer.
2) The relationship between SNFServer results and the SpamAssassin
score. You can specify the value added to or subtracted from the
SpamAssasin score for each SNFServer result. You can also specify
whether SpamAssasin should abort further processing for eacn
SNFServer result.
3) The relationship between the GBUdb results and the SpamAssassin
score. The GBUdb probability p and confidence c add the following
value to the SpamAssasin score:
(p * c) ^ 2 * sign(p) * MaxWeight
where sign(p) is -1 if p < 0, and +1 otherwise, and MaxWeight is
specified on a configuration line. MaxWeight is greater than or
equal to zero.
To specify which emails to process, use a line similar to:
full SNF4SA eval:snf4sa_sacheck()
The above line specifies that all emails be processed. Please see the
SpamAssassin documentation for other options.
To specify the relationship between the SNFServer results and the
SpamAssassin score, enter zero or more lines with the format:
snf_result: NN sa_score: S short_circuit: YES_OR_NO
where NN specifies the SNFServer result, and S is the SpamAssassin
score for that SNFServer result. YES_OR_NO is "yes" if further
scanning should be skipped if SNFServer returns the result specified
by NN, or "no" if further scanning should not be skipped. NN can be a
combination of a series of one or more integers, and a range of
integers specified by N-M, where N and M are integers. The
"short_circuit: YES_OR_NO" is optional, and the default value for
YES_OR_NO is "no" (which specifies that SpamAssasin continue
For example:
snf_result: 63 sa_score: 2.5 short_circuit: no
causes the plugin to add 2.5 to the SpamAssassin score if SNFServer
returns 63 (which in the default SNFServer configuration corresponds
to "caution").
Another example:
snf_result: 45 47-62 sa_score: 5.0 short_circuit: yes
causes the plugin to add 5.0 to the SpamAssassin score and stop
further processing if SNFServer returns 45 or 47 thru 62.
Final example:
snf_result: 1 sa_score: -5.0
causes the plugin to subtract 5.0 from the SpamAssassin score.
SpamAssassin continues to process the email.
If SNFServer returns a result that isn't specified, then the plugin
adds zero to the SpamAssassin score.
The following line specifies the MaxWeight parameter:
GBUdb_max_weight: MaxWeight
where MaxWeight is the value to specify. For example,
GBUdb_max_weight: 3.0
specifies a MaxWeight value of 3.0.

+ 30
- 2
SNF_CS_Developer_Package.3.0.2_p4/SNF4SA/README View File

@@ -8,7 +8,35 @@
This directory contains the SpamAssassin plugin for SNFServer.
The plugin implements a rule that checks the email message with
SNFServer. If SNFServer determines that the email message is spam,
then SpamAssassin adds to the email score.
If SNFServer determines that the email message is spam, then
SpamAssassin increments the score by an amount that depends on the
SNFServer result. The amount to add for each SNFServer result is
specified in the configuration file.
The GBUdb scan result also changes the score by:
(p * c) ^ 2 * sign(p) * MaxWeight
where p is the probability and c is the confidence returned by the
GBUdb scan, sign(p) is -1 if p < 0 and +1 otherwise, and MaxWeight is
specified in the configuration file. If SNFServer is not configured
to insert the GBUdb scan results into a header in the message, then
the SpamAssassin score is not affected by the GBUdb scan results.
In addition to scanning the message, the plugin inserts headers into
the email. The SNFServer must be configured to insert the headers
into the email message. The following headers are copied by the
plugin into the message if SNFServer is configured to generate them:
1) 'X-SPAM-MessageSniffer-Scan-Result' contains the body of the
X-MessageSniffer-Scan-Result header inserted by SNFServer.
2) 'X-SPAM-MessageSniffer-Rules' contains the body of the
X-MessageSniffer-Rules header inserted by SNFServer.
3) 'X-SPAM-GBUdb-Analysis' contains the body of the X-GBUdb-Analysis
header inserted by SNFServer.
Please see the INSTALL file for installation and configuration.
