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  1. #
  2. # SpamAssassin SNF4SA Plugin for SNFServer.
  3. #
  4. # This plugin implements a SpamAssassin rule to use SNFServer to test
  5. # whether an email is spam.
  6. #
  7. # Copyright (C) 2009 ARM Research Labs, LLC.
  8. #
  9. # snf4sa.pm
  10. #
  11. # The plugin implements a single evaluation rule, which passes the
  12. # email message through SNFServer. The communication with SNFServer
  13. # is through XCI and a temporary file on disk which contains the email
  14. # message truncated to the frist 64K bytes.
  15. #
  16. package Snf4sa;
  17. use strict;
  18. use Mail::SpamAssassin;
  19. use Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin;
  20. use Mail::SpamAssassin::PerMsgStatus;
  21. use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger;
  22. use IO::Socket;
  23. use IO::File;
  24. use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
  25. our @ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin);
  26. # Convenience variables and pseudo-constants
  27. my $CRLF = "\x0d\x0a";
  28. # translation table for SNF rule codes
  29. my $rule_code_xlat = {
  30. 0 => 'Standard White Rules',
  31. 20 => 'GBUdb Truncate (superblack)',
  32. 40 => 'GBUdb Caution (suspicious)',
  33. 47 => 'Travel',
  34. 48 => 'Insurance',
  35. 49 => 'Antivirus Push',
  36. 50 => 'Media Theft',
  37. 51 => 'Spamware',
  38. 52 => 'Snake Oil',
  39. 53 => 'Scam Patterns',
  40. 54 => 'Porn/Adult',
  41. 55 => 'Malware & Scumware Greetings',
  42. 56 => 'Ink & Toner',
  43. 57 => 'Get Rich',
  44. 58 => 'Debt & Credit',
  45. 59 => 'Casinos & Gambling',
  46. 60 => 'Ungrouped Black Rules',
  47. 61 => 'Experimental Abstract',
  48. 62 => 'Obfuscation Techniques',
  49. 63 => 'Experimental Received [ip]',
  50. };
  51. sub new {
  52. my ($class, $mailsa) = @_;
  53. $class = ref($class) || $class;
  54. my $self = $class->SUPER::new($mailsa);
  55. bless ($self, $class);
  56. # Name of evaluation rule.
  57. $self->register_eval_rule ("snf4sa_sacheck");
  58. # Use localhost.
  59. $self->{SNF_Host} = "localhost";
  60. # Use default port.
  61. $self->{SNF_Port} = 9001;
  62. # Timeout.
  63. $self->{SNF_Timeout} = 1;
  64. # Directory for files containing emails read by SNFServer.
  65. $self->{Temp_Dir} = '/tmp/snf4sa';
  66. # Maximum email message size (including headers).
  67. $self->{SNF_MaxTempFileSize} = 64 * 1024;
  68. # Key for confidence in mail header inserted by SNFServer.
  69. $self->{GBUdb_ConfidenceKey} = "c=";
  70. # Key for probability in mail header inserted by SNFServer.
  71. $self->{GBUdb_ProbabilityKey} = "p=";
  72. # Key for GBUdb maximum weight in the configuration file.
  73. $self->{GBUdb_MaxWeightKey} = "gbudb_max_weight";
  74. # Key for SNFServer code in configuration file.
  75. $self->{SNF_CodeKey} = "snf_result";
  76. # Key for SA score increment in configuration file.
  77. $self->{SA_DeltaScoreKey} = "sa_score";
  78. # Key for short circuit in configuration file.
  79. $self->{SA_ShortCircuitYesKey} = "short_circuit_yes";
  80. # Key for no short circuit in configuration file.
  81. $self->{SA_ShortCircuitNoKey} = "short_circuit_no";
  82. # Key for plugin score threshold in the configuration file.
  83. $self->{Plugin_score_thresholdKey} = "pre_3.2_plugin_score_threshold";
  84. return $self;
  85. }
  86. # DEBUG/TEST.
  87. #sub extract_metadata {
  88. #
  89. # my ($self, $opts) = @_;
  90. #
  91. # print "***********************\n";
  92. # print "extract_metadata called\n";
  93. # print "***********************\n";
  94. #
  95. # $opts->{msg}->put_metadata("X-Extract-Metadata:", "Test header");
  96. #
  97. #}
  99. sub have_shortcircuited {
  100. my ($self, $options) = @_;
  101. if (defined($options->{permsgstatus}->{shortCircuit})) {
  102. return $options->{permsgstatus}->{shortCircuit};
  103. }
  104. return 0;
  105. }
  106. sub parse_config {
  107. my ($self, $options) = @_;
  108. # DEBUG.
  109. #print "parse_confg. key: $options->{key}\n";
  110. #print "parse_config. line: $options->{line}\n";
  111. #print "parse_config. value: $options->{value}\n";
  112. #END OF DEBUG.
  113. # Process GBUdb_max_weight.
  114. if (lc($options->{key}) eq $self->{GBUdb_MaxWeightKey}) {
  115. # GBUdb maximum weight.
  116. my $tempValue = $options->{value};
  117. # Test that the value was a number.
  118. #$self->log_debug("Found $self->{GBUdb_MaxWeightKey} . " value: $options->{value}, tempValue: $tempValue\n"; # DEBUG.
  119. if ($tempValue =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/) {
  120. # Value was a number. Load and return success.
  121. $options->{conf}->{gbuDbMaxWeight} = $tempValue;
  122. $self->inhibit_further_callbacks();
  123. return 1;
  124. } else {
  125. $self->log_debug("Invalid value for $self->{GBUdb_MaxWeightKey} " .
  126. $tempValue);
  127. }
  128. } elsif (lc($options->{key}) eq $self->{Plugin_score_thresholdKey}) {
  129. # Plugin score threshold.
  130. my $tempValue = $options->{value};
  131. # Test that the value was a number.
  132. #print "Found $self->{Plugin_score_thresholdKey} value: $options->{value}\n"; # DEBUG.
  133. if ($tempValue =~ /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/) {
  134. # Value was a number. Load and return success.
  135. $options->{conf}->{pluginScoreThreshold} = $tempValue;
  136. $self->inhibit_further_callbacks();
  137. return 1;
  138. } else {
  139. $self->log_debug("Invalid value for $self->{Plugin_score_thresholdKey} " .
  140. $tempValue);
  141. }
  142. } elsif (lc($options->{key}) eq $self->{SNF_CodeKey}) {
  143. # Relationship between SNFServer code and SA score delta.
  144. my $snf = $self->parse_snf_sa_mapping($options);
  145. if (defined($snf)) {
  146. my @snfCode = @{$snf->{snfCode}};
  147. #print "snf->{snfCode}: @snfCode\n"; # DEBUG.
  148. #print "snf->{deltaScore}: $snf->{deltaScore}\n"; # DEBUG.
  149. #print "snf->{shortCircuit}: $snf->{shortCircuit}\n"; # DEBUG.
  150. # Save configuration.
  151. foreach my $i (@{$snf->{snfCode}}) {
  152. # Create (or update) an element in the mapping array
  153. # that snfSaMapping is a reference to.
  154. $options->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i] = {
  155. deltaScore => $snf->{deltaScore},
  156. shortCircuit => $snf->{shortCircuit}
  157. };
  158. }
  159. # DEBUG.
  160. #for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$options->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}}; $i++) {
  161. # if (! defined($options->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i])) {
  162. # print "No configuration for SNFServer code $i\n";
  163. # next;
  164. # }
  165. # print "SNFServer code: $i, " .
  166. # "deltaScore: " .
  167. # "$options->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i]->{deltaScore}, " .
  168. # "shortCircuit: " .
  169. # "$options->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i]->{shortCircuit}\n";
  170. #}
  171. # END OF DEBUG.
  172. # Successfully parsed.
  173. $self->inhibit_further_callbacks();
  174. return 1;
  175. }
  176. }
  177. # Wasn't handled.
  178. return 0;
  179. }
  180. # Parse a snf_result configuration line.
  181. #
  182. # Input--
  183. #
  184. # $line--String containing the snf_result line without the first word.
  185. #
  186. # Returns a reference with the following fields (if no error)--
  187. #
  188. # snfCode--Array of SNFServer result codes that this configuration
  189. # line specifies.
  190. #
  191. # deltaScore--SA score increment for the codes in @snfCode.
  192. #
  193. # shortCircuit--True if a SNFServer code in @snfCode is to
  194. # short-circuit the message scan, false otherwise.
  195. #
  196. # If the line cannot be parsed, the return value is undef.
  197. #
  198. sub parse_snf_sa_mapping
  199. {
  200. my ($self, $options) = @_;
  201. my $value = $options->{value};
  202. my $ret_hash = {
  203. snfCode => undef,
  204. deltaScore => undef,
  205. shortCircuit => undef
  206. };
  207. # SNFServer codes found.
  208. my @snfCode = ();
  209. # Remove leading and trailing whitespace.
  210. $value =~ s/^\s+//;
  211. $value =~ s/\s+$//;
  212. # Convert to lower case.
  213. $value = lc($value);
  214. # Split up by white space.
  215. my @specVal = split(/\s+/, $value);
  216. if (0 == @specVal) {
  217. # No separate words.
  218. $self->log_debug("No separate words found in configuration line '" .
  219. $options->{line} . "'");
  220. return undef;
  221. }
  222. # Convert each SNFServer result specification into an integer.
  223. my $lastSpec;
  224. for ($lastSpec = 0; $lastSpec < @specVal; $lastSpec++) {
  225. # Check for next keyword.
  226. if ($specVal[$lastSpec] eq $self->{SA_DeltaScoreKey}) {
  227. # We've completed the processing of the SNFServer result
  228. # codes.
  229. last;
  230. }
  231. # Get the code values.
  232. my @codeVal = $self->get_code_values($specVal[$lastSpec]);
  233. if (0 == @codeVal) {
  234. # No code values were obtained.
  235. $self->log_debug("Couldn't parse all the SNFServer code values " .
  236. "in configuration line '" .
  237. $options->{line} . "'");
  238. return undef;
  239. }
  240. # Add to the list of codes.
  241. @snfCode = (@snfCode, @codeVal);
  242. }
  243. # Sort the SNFServer result codes and remove duplicates.
  244. @snfCode = sort { $a <=> $b } @snfCode;
  245. my $prev = -1;
  246. my @temp = grep($_ != $prev && ($prev = $_), @snfCode);
  247. $ret_hash->{snfCode} = \@temp;
  248. # The $specVal[$lastSpec] is $self->{SA_DeltaScoreKey}. Return if
  249. # there aren't enough parameters.
  250. $lastSpec++;
  251. if ($lastSpec >= @specVal) {
  252. # Not enough parameters.
  253. $self->log_debug("Not enough parameters in configuration line '" .
  254. $options->{line} . "'");
  255. return undef;
  256. }
  257. # Extract the SA delta score.
  258. $ret_hash->{deltaScore} = $specVal[$lastSpec];
  259. if (!($ret_hash->{deltaScore} =~
  260. /^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/)) {
  261. # SA delta score isn't a number.
  262. $self->log_debug("Value after '" . $self->{SA_DeltaScoreKey} .
  263. "' ($specVal[$lastSpec]) must be a number " .
  264. "in configuration line '" .
  265. $options->{line} . "'");
  266. return undef;
  267. }
  268. # Get short circuit spec.
  269. $lastSpec++;
  270. $ret_hash->{shortCircuit} = 0;
  271. if ( ($lastSpec + 1) == @specVal) {
  272. # A parameter was specified.
  273. my $shortCircuitSpec = $specVal[$lastSpec];
  274. if ($self->{SA_ShortCircuitYesKey} eq $shortCircuitSpec) {
  275. # Specified short-circuit evaluation.
  276. $ret_hash->{shortCircuit} = 1;
  277. } elsif ($self->{SA_ShortCircuitNoKey} ne $shortCircuitSpec) {
  278. # Invalid short-circuit specification.
  279. $self->log_debug("Invalid short-circuit specification: '" .
  280. $specVal[$lastSpec] .
  281. "' in configuration line '" . $options->{line} .
  282. "'. Must be '$self->{SA_ShortCircuitYesKey}' " .
  283. " or '$self->{SA_ShortCircuitNoKey}'.");
  284. return undef;
  285. }
  286. } elsif ($lastSpec != @specVal) {
  287. # Too many parameters were specified.
  288. $self->log_debug("Too many parameters were specified in " .
  289. "configuration line '" . $options->{line} . "'");
  290. return undef;
  291. }
  292. return $ret_hash;
  293. }
  294. sub get_code_values
  295. {
  296. my ($self, $specElement) = @_;
  297. my @snfCode = ();
  298. # Split the specification.
  299. my @codeVal = split(/-/, $specElement);
  300. #$self->log_debug("snf4sa: get_code_values. specElement: $specElement. codeVal: @codeVal"); # DEBUG
  301. if (1 == @codeVal) {
  302. if ($specElement =~ /^\d+$/) {
  303. # Found a single code.
  304. $snfCode[0] = 1 * $specElement;
  305. }
  306. } elsif (2 == @codeVal) {
  307. # Check range.
  308. if ( ($codeVal[0] =~ /^\d+$/) && ($codeVal[1] =~ /^\d+$/) ) {
  309. # Found a range of codes.
  310. $codeVal[0] = 1 * $codeVal[0];
  311. $codeVal[1] = 1 * $codeVal[1];
  312. if ($codeVal[0] <= $codeVal[1]) {
  313. # Add these SNF codes.
  314. for (my $i = $codeVal[0]; $i <= $codeVal[1]; $i++) {
  315. push(@snfCode, $i);
  316. }
  317. }
  318. }
  319. }
  320. return @snfCode;
  321. }
  322. # Output a debug message.
  323. #
  324. # Input--
  325. #
  326. # $message--String containing the message to output.
  327. #
  328. sub log_debug
  329. {
  330. my ($self, $message) = @_;
  331. dbg("snf4sa: $message");
  332. }
  333. # Check the message with SNFServer.
  334. sub snf4sa_sacheck {
  335. my ($self, $permsgstatus, $fulltext) = @_;
  336. my $response ='';
  337. my $exitvalue;
  338. # Make sure we have a temp dir
  339. unless(-d $self->{Temp_Dir}) {
  340. mkdir($self->{Temp_Dir});
  341. chmod(0777, $self->{Temp_Dir});
  342. };
  343. # Truncate the message.
  344. my $mailtext = substr( ${$fulltext}, 0, $self->{SNF_MaxTempFileSize});
  345. # create our temp file, $filename will contain the full path
  346. my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile( DIR => $self->{Temp_Dir} );
  347. close $fh;
  348. # spew our mail into the temp file
  349. my $SNF_fh = IO::File->new( $filename, "w" ) ||
  350. die(__PACKAGE__ . ": Unable to create temporary file '" . $filename . "'");
  351. $SNF_fh->print($mailtext) ||
  352. $self->cleanup_die($filename,
  353. __PACKAGE__ . ": Unable to write to temporary file '" .
  354. $filename . "'");
  355. $SNF_fh->close ||
  356. $self->cleanup_die($filename,
  357. __PACKAGE__ . ": Unable to close temporary file '" .
  358. $filename . "'");
  359. # Change permissions.
  360. my $cnt = chmod(0666, $filename) ||
  361. $self->cleanup_die($filename, __PACKAGE__ .
  362. ": Unable to change permissions of temporary file '" .
  363. $filename . "'");
  364. # xci_scan connects to SNFServer with XCI to scan the message
  365. my $SNF_XCI_Return = $self->xci_scan( $filename );
  366. #print "header:\n\n$SNF_XCI_Return->{header}\n\n"; # DEBUG
  367. # Remove the temp file, we are done with it.
  368. unlink($filename);
  369. # Check response from SNFServer.
  370. if (! $SNF_XCI_Return ) {
  371. die(__PACKAGE__ . ": Internal error");
  372. }
  373. # Check for success.
  374. if (! $SNF_XCI_Return->{"success"}) {
  375. die(__PACKAGE__ . ": Error from SNFServer: " .
  376. $SNF_XCI_Return->{"message"});
  377. }
  378. # get the return code and translation
  379. my ( $rc, $rcx ) = ( $SNF_XCI_Return->{"code"},
  380. $rule_code_xlat->{ $SNF_XCI_Return->{"code"} } );
  381. $rc = -1 unless defined $rc; # default values
  382. $rcx = 'Unknown' unless $rcx;
  383. my $rch = $SNF_XCI_Return->{"header"}; # the SNF header(s)
  384. # DEBUG.
  385. # for (my $i = 0; $i < @{$permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}}; $i++) {
  386. # if (! defined($permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i])) {
  387. # print "No configuration for SNFServer code $i\n";
  388. # next;
  389. # }
  390. # print "SNFServer code: $i, " .
  391. # "deltaScore: " .
  392. # "$permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i]->{deltaScore}, " .
  393. # "shortCircuit: " .
  394. # "$permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$i]->{shortCircuit}\n";
  395. # }
  396. # END OF DEBUG.
  397. # Initialize the change in the SA score.
  398. my $deltaScore = 0.0;
  399. # Add the score from the SNFServer return.
  400. if (defined($permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$rc])) {
  401. $deltaScore +=
  402. $permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$rc]->{deltaScore};
  403. $permsgstatus->{shortCircuit} =
  404. $permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{snfSaMapping}->[$rc]->{shortCircuit};
  405. }
  406. # Perform GBUdb processing.
  407. if (defined($permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{gbuDbMaxWeight})) {
  408. #print "gbudbMaxWeight: $permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{gbuDbMaxWeight}\n\n"; # DEBUG.
  409. # Calculate the contribution to the scrore from the GBUdb results.
  410. $deltaScore +=
  411. $self->calc_GBUdb($SNF_XCI_Return->{header},
  412. $permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{gbuDbMaxWeight});
  413. }
  414. # Add the headers.
  415. $permsgstatus->set_tag("SNFRESULTTAG", "$rc ($rcx)");
  416. $permsgstatus->set_tag("SNFMESSAGESNIFFERSCANRESULT",
  417. $self->extract_header_body($SNF_XCI_Return->{header},
  418. "X-MessageSniffer-Scan-Result"));
  419. $permsgstatus->set_tag("SNFMESSAGESNIFFERRULES",
  420. $self->extract_header_body($SNF_XCI_Return->{header},
  421. "X-MessageSniffer-Rules"));
  422. $permsgstatus->set_tag("SNFGBUDBANALYSIS",
  423. $self->extract_header_body($SNF_XCI_Return->{header},
  424. "X-GBUdb-Analysis"));
  425. # If dynamic scoring isn't supported, this rule fires if the score is
  426. # above the threshold.
  427. if (Mail::SpamAssassin::Version() le "3.2.0") {
  428. my $pluginScoreThreshold = 2.5; # Default value.
  429. if (defined($permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{pluginScoreThreshold})) {
  430. $pluginScoreThreshold = $permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{pluginScoreThreshold};
  431. }
  432. #print "Before comparison. pluginScoreThreshold: $pluginScoreThreshold deltaScore: $deltaScore\n"; # DEBUG
  433. if ($deltaScore < $pluginScoreThreshold) {
  434. $deltaScore = 0.0;
  435. }
  436. }
  437. # print "After comparison. deltaScore: $deltaScore\n"; # DEBUG
  438. # Submit the score.
  439. if ($deltaScore) {
  440. $permsgstatus->got_hit("SNF4SA", "", score => $deltaScore);
  441. for my $set (0..3) {
  442. $permsgstatus->{conf}->{scoreset}->[$set]->{"SNF4SA"} =
  443. sprintf("%0.3f", $deltaScore);
  444. }
  445. }
  446. # Always return zero, since the score was submitted via got_hit()
  447. # above.
  448. return 0;
  449. }
  450. # Calculate the contribution of the GBUdb scan to the SA score.
  451. #
  452. # Input--
  453. #
  454. # $headers--String containing the headers.
  455. #
  456. # $weight--Weight used to calculate the contribution.
  457. #
  458. # Returns the contribution to the SA score (float).
  459. #
  460. sub calc_GBUdb
  461. {
  462. my ( $self, $headers, $weight ) = @_;
  463. # Split the header into lines.
  464. my @headerLine = split(/\n/, $headers);
  465. # Find the line containing the GBUdb results.
  466. my $line;
  467. foreach $line (@headerLine) {
  468. # Search for the tag.
  469. if ($line =~ /^X-GBUdb-Analysis:/) {
  470. # GBUdb analysis was done. Extract the values.
  471. my $ind0 = index($line, $self->{GBUdb_ConfidenceKey});
  472. my $ind1 = index($line, " ", $ind0 + 2);
  473. if (-1 == $ind0) {
  474. return 0.0;
  475. }
  476. my $c = 1.0 * substr($line, $ind0 + 2, $ind1 - $ind0 - 2);
  477. #print "calc_GBUdb. line: $line\n"; # DEBUG
  478. #print "calc_GBUdb. c: $c, ind0: $ind0, ind1: $ind1\n"; # DEBUG
  479. $ind0 = index($line, $self->{GBUdb_ProbabilityKey});
  480. $ind1 = index($line, " ", $ind0 + 2);
  481. if (-1 == $ind0) {
  482. return 0.0;
  483. }
  484. my $p = 1.0 * substr($line, $ind0 + 2, $ind1 - $ind0 - 2);
  485. #print "calc_GBUdb. p: $p, ind0: $ind0, ind1: $ind1\n"; # DEBUG
  486. # Calculate and return the score.
  487. my $score = abs($p * $c) ** 0.5;
  488. $score *= $weight;
  489. if ($p < 0.0) {
  490. $score *= -1.0;
  491. }
  492. # DEBUG.
  493. #print "calc_GBUdb. p: $p, c: $c, weight: $weight\n";
  494. #print "calc_GBUdb. score: $score\n";
  495. # END OF DEBUG.
  496. return $score;
  497. }
  498. }
  499. }
  500. # Extract the specified header body from a string containing all the
  501. # headers.
  502. #
  503. # Input--
  504. #
  505. # $headers--String containing the headers.
  506. #
  507. # $head--String containing the head of the header to extract.
  508. #
  509. # Returns the body of the header.
  510. #
  511. sub extract_header_body
  512. {
  513. my ( $self, $headers, $head ) = @_;
  514. my $body = "";
  515. if ($headers =~ /$head:(.*)/s) {
  516. my $temp = $1;
  517. $temp =~ /(.*)\nX-(.*)/s;
  518. $body = $1;
  519. }
  520. return $body;
  521. }
  522. # xci_scan( $file )
  523. # returns hashref:
  524. # success : true/false
  525. # code : response code from SNF
  526. # message : scalar message (if any)
  527. sub xci_scan
  528. {
  529. my ( $self, $file ) = @_;
  530. return undef unless $self and $file;
  531. my $ret_hash = {
  532. success => undef,
  533. code => undef,
  534. message => undef,
  535. header => undef,
  536. xml => undef
  537. };
  538. my $xci = $self->connect_socket( $self->{SNF_Host}, $self->{SNF_Port} )
  539. or return $self->err_hash("cannot connect to socket ($!)");
  540. $xci->print("<snf><xci><scanner><scan file='$file' xhdr='yes' /></scanner></xci></snf>\n");
  541. my $rc = $ret_hash->{xml} = $self->socket_response($xci, $file);
  542. $xci->close;
  543. if ( $rc =~ /^<snf><xci><scanner><result code='(\d*)'>/ ) {
  544. $ret_hash->{success} = 1;
  545. $ret_hash->{code} = $1;
  546. $rc =~ /<xhdr>(.*)<\/xhdr>/s and $ret_hash->{header} = $1;
  547. } elsif ( $rc =~ /^<snf><xci><error message='(.*)'/ ) {
  548. $ret_hash->{message} = $1;
  549. } else {
  550. $ret_hash->{message} = "unknown XCI response: $rc";
  551. }
  552. return $ret_hash;
  553. }
  554. # connect_socket( $host, $port )
  555. # returns IO::Socket handle
  556. sub connect_socket
  557. {
  558. my ( $self, $host, $port ) = @_;
  559. return undef unless $self and $host and $port;
  560. my $protoname = 'tcp'; # Proto should default to tcp but it's not expensive to specify
  561. $self->{XCI_Socket} = IO::Socket::INET->new(
  562. PeerAddr => $host,
  563. PeerPort => $port,
  564. Proto => $protoname,
  565. Timeout => $self->{SNF_Timeout} ) or return undef;
  566. $self->{XCI_Socket}->autoflush(1); # make sure autoflush is on -- legacy
  567. return $self->{XCI_Socket}; # return the socket handle
  568. }
  569. # socket_response( $socket_handle )
  570. # returns scalar string
  571. sub socket_response
  572. {
  573. my ( $self, $rs, $file ) = @_;
  574. my $buf = ''; # buffer for response
  575. # blocking timeout for servers who accept but don't answer
  576. eval {
  577. local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "timeout\n" }; # set up the interrupt
  578. alarm $self->{SNF_Timeout}; # set up the alarm
  579. while (<$rs>) { # read the socket
  580. $buf .= $_;
  581. }
  582. alarm 0; # reset the alarm
  583. };
  584. # report a blocking timeout
  585. if ( $@ eq "timeout\n" ) {
  586. $self->cleanup_die($file,
  587. __PACKAGE__ . ": Timeout waiting for response from SNFServer");
  588. } elsif ( $@ =~ /alarm.*unimplemented/ ) { # no signals on Win32
  589. while (<$rs>) { # get whatever's left
  590. # in the socket.
  591. $buf .= $_;
  592. }
  593. }
  594. return $buf;
  595. }
  596. # return an error message for xci_scan
  597. sub err_hash
  598. {
  599. my ( $self, $message ) = @_;
  600. return {
  601. success => undef,
  602. code => undef,
  603. message => $message
  604. };
  605. }
  606. sub cleanup_die
  607. {
  608. my ( $self, $file, $message ) = @_;
  609. unlink($file);
  610. die($message);
  611. }
  612. 1;