!verbose 2
!define TEMP1 $R0 ;Temp variable
!define SNIFFER_SERVER_SPECIFIER "V3.2.1" ; This is the ending of the product specific server file.... not the default Server.exe file.
; MessageSnifferRestorer1_1_1.nsi
; This script produces an included installer file that is packed inside the MessageSniffer Installer utility.
; It is in charge of installing fresh files, and for restoring from an older pre-existing directory.
; The name of the installer
Name "Message Sniffer Install/Restore Utility 1_0"
; The file to write
OutFile "Restorer.exe"
; End word searching subroutine vars.
; Standard vars for the license page.
LicenseText "Approve License Agreement:" ; title
LicenseData "License.txt" ; pointer to set the target of the license file.
VAR /GLOBAL SNFServerInstallDir ; Root to the $INSTDIR. ## ERROR... this note should read ROOT to the platform that is USING sniffer... ##.... confirm this.
Var /GLOBAL LicenseID ; Holds user entered License ID.
Var /GLOBAL Authentication ; Holds user entered Authentication ID
Var /GLOBAL InstallerCompletedRestore ; A onetime bit flag that determines if the installer needs to jump to the restore success screen or
; move on into the License screen.
Var /GLOBAL OpenGBUIgnoreFileOnClose ; Flag for determining if I should open GBUdbIgnoreList.txt on exit of installer.
Var /GLOBAL HasStickyPots ; Flag for running the email entry list.
Var /GLOBAL UseDetectedRulebase ; Flag for skipping download of huge rulebase if you have one existing.
Var /GLOBAL DownloadFailed ; $DownloadFailed This Variable declared in on init and defaulted to "0".
Var /GLOBAL AUTO_UPDATE_ONOFF_FLAG ; This is the flag to turn on or off the automatic upload file feature in the snfmdplugin.xml file
Var /GLOBAL RetainExistingSettings ; flag for later logic to copy config files into new install folder.
Var /GLOBAL CommandLineParameters ; flag to hold parameters send on the command line to the Restorer.exe program.
Var /Global shortInstallPath ; used to shorten the pathnames for the variables for output.
Var /GLOBAL localINSTDIR ; used in subs like editglobalCFG and editMXGuard.ini to hold the local
Var /GLOBAL localSERVDIR ; and the intended install paths.
Var /GLOBAL registryTempData ; tempvar to read in from registry for that purpose.
## These variables used for File management functions and for Get Time
Var OUT1
Var OUT2
Var OUT3
Var OUT4
Var OUT5
Var OUT6
Var OUT7
; end File Managment subroutine vars.
## Vars for the License and Authentication Display Screen
VAR testInputLength
Var EDITLicense
Var EDITAuthentication
## Vars for the AlphaNumerical Test Function
VAR /GLOBAL AlphanumericalTestString ; Holds the definition of all alpha numerical digits that are acceptable for the License and the Authentication String..
VAR /GLOBAL AlphaNumericsSourceString ; local SourceString to test all char components.
VAR /GLOBAL AlphaNumericalTestChar ; local working char
VAR /GLOBAL AlphaNumericalResult ; 1 if ok, 0 if failed .
VAR /GLOBAL AlphaNumericalSSLen ; local length counter
VAR /GLOBAL SNF2Check ; local variable for holding the result of the snf2check call.
## ADDINGPLATFORM ## 0 The block of variables below are used to point and source files that are being handled by the rollback function,
## but that need special handling. Its easier to be explicit so the code is readable. If you are going to need to hijack the stomping of a file
## during rollback and strip/replace data rather than replace/delete the entire file, then you will need to define all these items.
# Vars used to determine the direction of edit functions.
VAR /GLOBAL healFromOldFile ; used to flag putting stuff back.
VAR /GLOBAL collectedArchiveData ; store these lines, collected from the file.
VAR /GLOBAL succededAtPlacingArchivedData ; true if we have already written data to the new file.
# Edit or Rollback Vars for GLOBAL.cfg
VAR /GLOBAL archivedGLOBALcfgPath ; file to use for putting stuff back.
VAR /GLOBAL archivedGLOBALcfgFileHandle ; handle for file to read in the stuff to put back....
# Edit or Rollback Vars for MXGuard.ini
VAR /GLOBAL archivedMXGUARDiniPath
VAR /GLOBAL archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle ; handle for file to read in the stuff to put back....
VAR /GLOBAL archivedMDPluginsDatPath
VAR /GLOBAL archivedMDPluginsDatFileHandle ; handle for file to read in the stuff to put back....
VAR /GLOBAL UnpackedCURLStuff ; This is a flag so that if you go back to the screen that calls the unpacking of curl etc, it doesn't do it again,
; and continue to add it to the rollback file.
!include "LogicLib.nsh" ; needed for if than do while.
!include "FileFunc.nsh" ; needed for ifFileExists, FileOpen, FileWrite, FileClose
!include "Sections.nsh" ; required.
!include "WinMessages.nsh" ; needed for Word searching of the Plugins.dat file.
!include "WordFunc.nsh" ; needed for Word searching of the Plugins.dat file.
!include "nsDialogs.nsh" ; needed to dynamically handle custom page creation
; !include "StrRep.nsh"
!insertmacro WordFind ; compiler macro... needed to call before use
!insertmacro un.WordFind ; compiler macro... needed to call before use
!insertmacro WordFind2X ; compiler macro... needed to call before use
!insertmacro un.WordFind2X ; compiler macro... needed to call before use!insertmacro GetParameters
!insertmacro GetOptions
!insertmacro GetTime ; compiler macro... needed to call before use
!insertmacro un.DirState ; compiler macro... needed to call before use
!insertmacro un.GetTime ; compiler macro... needed to call before use
!insertmacro un.GetParent ; replace the moveup directory function.....
## ADDINGPLATFORM ## Notes 1 If you have completed the adding platform notes in the Installer.exe code, then you are now moving to the next step.
## The previous efforts were all about deciding WHERE to put the install, and ensuring that its in the right place. The Installer eventually will call
## the Restorer. A left over dichotomy from the original design. It does serve to break installer presentation/validation from installation. Since the
## installation is pretty much the same screens for all the platforms.
## The Installer.exe creates a .txt file that has server location, and the installer location defined. Those two vars are loaded onInit, and begin the
## install process.
## For files that are being edited, the automatic restore macro's will copy and manage putting files back, on uninstall. Besure to make the appropriate
## calls. There is a difference for a file that you are putting in place, vs, a file you are editing in place. It will make sense when you get to the code.
## Remember that even though you have a lot of conditional execution for all the multiple platforms, only one sniffer installation will be live at a time.
## If the Restorer detects via the registry that there is an old version, it uninstalls that first. Then will install the new version on the platform that
## was identified by the Installer.exe via the LocalRoot.txt file.
## Also, be careful to note when/if you need to put in file adjusting subroutines, that you will need to typically duplicate it for the un.installersubs
## if you need to manage the un-doing of those edits. Sometimes you won't if you're happy with file replacement of the old file.
## NSIS requires the namespace for subroutines be different, even though the declared global variables are all valid for the uninstaller as well.
; Sets up the left side picture on the installer.
AddBrandingImage left 140
Push $0
GetTempFileName $0
File /oname=$0 "${IMAGE}"
SetBrandingImage ${PARMS} $0
Delete $0
Pop $0
; Request application privileges for Windows Vista
RequestExecutionLevel admin
XPStyle on ; for custom page look.
; Pages
Page license "nsSetupLicenseTitle" "" ""
Page custom nsDialogsUserName nsDialogsUserName_leave "User name and Authentication:"
Page custom nsDialogsGetRulebase nsDialogsGetRulebase_leave "Downloading Sniffer Rulebase File:"
Page custom nsDialogsWaitingForRulebase "" "Downloading Sniffer Rulebase File:"
Page components "nsSetupcomponentTitle" "" "nsinstfilesExitSub"
Page instfiles "nsSetupInstallationTitle" "" ""
Page custom finishedFilesDisplay finishedFilesQuit
UninstallText "This will uninstall the previous version of Message Sniffer." "Location:"
UninstPage uninstConfirm
#UninstPage custom un.Restore "un.BeSure" ": Restore or Remove"
UninstPage instfiles
Function nsSetupLicenseTitle
!insertmacro BIMAGE "SnifferBanner.bmp" ""
SendMessage $HWNDPARENT ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:Approve License Before Continuing:"
Function nsSetupcomponentTitle
!insertmacro BIMAGE "SnifferBanner.bmp" ""
SendMessage $HWNDPARENT ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:Adjust Component Selection:"
;if We haven't been to this screen before, the case flag will be zero. And we leave teh Next button disabled.... otherwise we leave it enabled:
; Disable the next button until selection is made.
Var /GLOBAL BackButton
GetDlgItem $BackButton $HWNDPARENT 3
EnableWindow $BackButton "0"
Function nsSetupInstallationTitle
!insertmacro BIMAGE "SnifferBanner.bmp" ""
SendMessage $HWNDPARENT ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:Completing Server Installation:"
## Open source functional additions from NSIS website. Provided by users.
; Title : Go to a NSIS page
; Short Name : RelGotoPage
; Last Changed : 22/Feb/2005
; Code Type : Function
; Code Sub-Type : Special Restricted Call, One-way StrCpy Input
; Description : Makes NSIS to go to a specified page relatively from
; the current page. See this below for more information:
; "http://nsis.sf.net/wiki/Go to a NSIS page"
; Function Call : StrCpy $R9 "(number|X)"
; - If a number > 0: Goes foward that number of
; pages. Code of that page will be executed, not
; returning to this point. If it excess the number of
; pages that are after that page, it simulates a
; "Cancel" click.
; - If a number < 0: Goes back that number of pages.
; Code of that page will be executed, not returning to
; this point. If it excess the number of pages that
; are before that page, it simulates a "Cancel" click.
; - If X: Simulates a "Cancel" click. Code will go to
; callback functions, not returning to this point.
; - If 0: Continues on the same page. Code will still
; be running after the call.
; Call RelGotoPage
; Author : Diego Pedroso
; Author Reg. Name : deguix
Function RelGotoPage
IntCmp $R9 0 0 Move Move
StrCmp $R9 "X" 0 Move
StrCpy $R9 "120"
SendMessage $HWNDPARENT "0x408" "$R9" ""
## This allows me to determine how many times I want to replace instead of it being recursive...
Function AdvReplaceInFile
Exch $0 ;file to replace in
Exch $1 ;number to replace after
Exch 2
Exch $2 ;replace and onwards
Exch 2
Exch 3
Exch $3 ;replace with
Exch 3
Exch 4
Exch $4 ;to replace
Exch 4
Push $5 ;minus count
Push $6 ;universal
Push $7 ;end string
Push $8 ;left string
Push $9 ;right string
Push $R0 ;file1
Push $R1 ;file2
Push $R2 ;read
Push $R3 ;universal
Push $R4 ;count (onwards)
Push $R5 ;count (after)
Push $R6 ;temp file name
GetTempFileName $R6
FileOpen $R1 $0 r ;file to search in
FileOpen $R0 $R6 w ;temp file
StrLen $R3 $4
StrCpy $R4 -1
StrCpy $R5 -1
FileRead $R1 $R2 ;read line
IfErrors exit
StrCpy $5 0
StrCpy $7 $R2
IntOp $5 $5 - 1
StrCpy $6 $7 $R3 $5 ;search
StrCmp $6 "" file_write2
StrCmp $6 $4 0 loop_filter
StrCpy $8 $7 $5 ;left part
IntOp $6 $5 + $R3
IntCmp $6 0 is0 not0
StrCpy $9 ""
Goto done
StrCpy $9 $7 "" $6 ;right part
StrCpy $7 $8$3$9 ;re-join
IntOp $R4 $R4 + 1
StrCmp $2 all file_write1
StrCmp $R4 $2 0 file_write2
IntOp $R4 $R4 - 1
IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1
StrCmp $1 all file_write1
StrCmp $R5 $1 0 file_write1
IntOp $R5 $R5 - 1
Goto file_write2
FileWrite $R0 $7 ;write modified line
Goto loop_read
FileWrite $R0 $R2 ;write unmodified line
Goto loop_read
FileClose $R0
FileClose $R1
SetDetailsPrint none
Delete $0
Rename $R6 $0
Delete $R6
SetDetailsPrint BOTH
Pop $R6
Pop $R5
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Pop $R0
Pop $9
Pop $8
Pop $7
Pop $6
Pop $5
Pop $0
Pop $1
Pop $2
Pop $3
Pop $4
######################### End of Advanced Replace in File.
; The following code is for finding strings inbetween two markers... reguardless of linefeeds.
!macro GetBetween This AndThis In Return
Push "${This}"
Push "${AndThis}"
Push "${In}"
Call GetBetween
Pop "${Return}"
!define GetBetween "!insertmacro GetBetween"
!macro un.GetBetween This AndThis In Return
Push "${This}"
Push "${AndThis}"
Push "${In}"
Call un.GetBetween
Pop "${Return}"
!define un.GetBetween "!insertmacro un.GetBetween"
Function GetBetween
Exch $R0 ; file ; $R0_Old + AndThis + This + Stack
Exch ; AndThis + $R0_Old + This + Stack
Exch $R1 ; before this (marker 2) ; $R1_Old + $R0_Old + This + Stack
Exch 2 ; This + $R0_Old + $R1_Old + Stack
Exch $R2 ; after this (marker 1) $R2_Old + $R0_OLD + $R1_Old + Stack
Exch 2 ; $R1_Old + $R0_OLD + $R2_Old + Stack
Exch ; $R0_Old + $R1_OLD + $R2_Old + Stack
Exch 2 ; $R2_Old + $R1_OLD + $R0_Old + Stack
Push $R3 ; marker 1 len R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
Push $R4 ; marker 2 len R4,R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
Push $R5 ; marker pos R5,R4,R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
Push $R6 ; file handle R6,R5,R4,R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
Push $R7 ; current line string R7,R6,R5,R4,R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
Push $R8 ; current chop R8,R7,R6,R5,R4,R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
FileOpen $R6 $R0 r
StrLen $R4 $R2
StrLen $R3 $R1
StrCpy $R0 ""
FileRead $R6 $R7
IfErrors Done
StrCpy $R5 0
IntOp $R5 $R5 - 1
StrCpy $R8 $R7 $R4 $R5
StrCmp $R8 "" Read1
StrCmp $R8 $R2 0 FindMarker1
IntOp $R5 $R5 + $R4
StrCpy $R7 $R7 "" $R5
StrCpy $R5 -1
Goto FindMarker2
FileRead $R6 $R7
IfErrors Done
StrCpy $R5 -1
IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1
StrCpy $R8 $R7 $R3 $R5
StrCmp $R8 "" 0 +3
StrCpy $R0 $R0$R7
Goto Read2
StrCmp $R8 $R1 0 FindMarker2
StrCpy $R7 $R7 $R5
StrCpy $R0 $R0$R7
FileClose $R6
Pop $R8
Pop $R7
Pop $R6
Pop $R5
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0
Function un.GetBetween
Exch $R0 ; file ; $R0_Old + AndThis + This + Stack
Exch ; AndThis + $R0_Old + This + Stack
Exch $R1 ; before this (marker 2) ; $R1_Old + $R0_Old + This + Stack
Exch 2 ; This + $R0_Old + $R1_Old + Stack
Exch $R2 ; after this (marker 1) $R2_Old + $R0_OLD + $R1_Old + Stack
Exch 2 ; $R1_Old + $R0_OLD + $R2_Old + Stack
Exch ; $R0_Old + $R1_OLD + $R2_Old + Stack
Exch 2 ; $R2_Old + $R1_OLD + $R0_Old + Stack
Push $R3 ; marker 1 len R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
Push $R4 ; marker 2 len R4,R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
Push $R5 ; marker pos R5,R4,R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
Push $R6 ; file handle R6,R5,R4,R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
Push $R7 ; current line string R7,R6,R5,R4,R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
Push $R8 ; current chop R8,R7,R6,R5,R4,R3,R2,R1,R0,Stack
FileOpen $R6 $R0 r
StrLen $R4 $R2
StrLen $R3 $R1
StrCpy $R0 ""
FileRead $R6 $R7
IfErrors Done
StrCpy $R5 0
IntOp $R5 $R5 - 1
StrCpy $R8 $R7 $R4 $R5
StrCmp $R8 "" Read1
StrCmp $R8 $R2 0 FindMarker1
IntOp $R5 $R5 + $R4
StrCpy $R7 $R7 "" $R5
StrCpy $R5 -1
Goto FindMarker2
FileRead $R6 $R7
IfErrors Done
StrCpy $R5 -1
IntOp $R5 $R5 + 1
StrCpy $R8 $R7 $R3 $R5
StrCmp $R8 "" 0 +3
StrCpy $R0 $R0$R7
Goto Read2
StrCmp $R8 $R1 0 FindMarker2
StrCpy $R7 $R7 $R5
StrCpy $R0 $R0$R7
FileClose $R6
Pop $R8
Pop $R7
Pop $R6
Pop $R5
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0
; End code for FindBetween functions and macro
## ADDINGPLATFORM ## Step 1 ##
## These functions are callbacks. When you're using the restore macros you can specifiy callbacks if you need to micromanage the restore .
## The call backs need to take the top item of the stack and put it in the expected global var for the function.
## then the function will note the state of healFromOldFile, and it knows to find that in the appropriate var specific to the subroutine.
## Yes, we could have just used the register, but it becomes so damn unreadable and confusing. We're not doing anyting so heavily memory intensive that
## a few globals affect the performance. But it DOES affect the readability of the code.
## Sample:
## Function restoreMYNEWPLATFORM_ConfigFile
## ; Ok, if you're restoring from the old File we'll need to strip out the relevant section, and put it back without stomping any other changes
## ; to the MXGuard file.
## StrCpy $healFromOldFile "1" ; used to flag putting stuff back carefuly versus a complete revert.
## Exch $0 ; swap the top of the stack with the zero register.
## StrCpy $archivedMXGUARDiniPath $0 ; Put that in the archivedMYNEWPLATFORMPath var
## pop $0 ;restore ; put the top of the stack back into the register. ( Its original value. )
## call editMYNEWPLATFORM_ConfigFile ; call the callback that is expecting to handle $healFromOldFile and $archivedMYNEWPLATFORMPath
## FunctionEnd
Function restoreMDaemonDAT
; Ok, if you're restoring from the old Plugins.dat File we'll need to strip out the relevant section,
; and put it back without stomping any other changes
; to the Plugins.dat MDaemon file.
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "1" ; used to flag putting stuff back.
Exch $0 ;swap
StrCpy $archivedMDPluginsDatPath $0 ; file to read for stripping SNF OUT and putting stuff back.
pop $0 ;restore
call editMDPluginsFile
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; clear flag.
Function un.restoreMDaemonDAT
; Ok, if you're restoring from the old Plugins.dat File we'll need to strip out the relevant section,
; and put it back without stomping any other changes
; to the Plugins.dat MDaemon file.
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "1" ; used to flag putting stuff back.
Exch $0 ;swap
StrCpy $archivedMDPluginsDatPath $0 ; file to read for stripping SNF OUT and putting stuff back.
pop $0 ;restore
call un.editMDPluginsFile
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; clear flag.
Function restoreMXGuardINI
; Ok, if you're restoring from the old MXGuardFile we'll need to strip out the relevant section, and put it back without stomping any other changes
; to the MXGuard file.
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "1" ; used to flag putting stuff back.
Exch $0 ;swap
StrCpy $archivedMDPluginsDatPath $0 ; file to use for putting stuff back.
;MessageBox MB_OK "INI File archived here:$archivedMXGUARDiniPath"
pop $0 ;restore
call editMXGuardINI
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; clear flag.
Function un.restoreMXGuardINI
; Ok, if you're restoring from the old MXGuardFile we'll need to strip out the relevant section, and put it back without stomping any other changes
; to the MXGuard file.
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "1" ; used to flag putting stuff back.
Exch $0 ;swap
StrCpy $archivedMXGUARDiniPath $0 ; file to use for putting stuff back.
;MessageBox MB_OK "INI File archived here:$archivedMXGUARDiniPath"
pop $0 ;restore
call un.editMXGuardINI
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; clear flag.
Function restoreGLOBALcfg
; MessageBox MB_OK "Called restoreGLOBALcfg"
; In order for this to be complete, we need to strip the old file, and insert into the new file.
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "1" ; used to flag putting stuff back.
Exch $0 ;swap
StrCpy $archivedGLOBALcfgPath $0 ; file to use for putting stuff back.
pop $0 ;restore
call editglobalCFG
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; clear flag.
Function un.restoreGLOBALcfg
; MessageBox MB_OK "Called restoreGLOBALcfg"
; In order for this to be complete, we need to strip the old file, and insert into the new file.
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "1" ; used to flag putting stuff back.
Exch $0 ;swap
StrCpy $archivedGLOBALcfgPath $0 ; file to use for putting stuff back.
pop $0 ;restore
call un.editglobalCFG
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; clear flag.
Function restoreCONTENTxml
call editContentXML
Function un.restoreCONTENTxml
call un.editContentXML
Function restoreMINIMIini
; MessageBox MB_OK "Called restoreMINIMIini"
Function un.restoreMINIMIini
; MessageBox MB_OK "Called restoreMINIMIini"
Function restoreXYNTini
; MessageBox MB_OK "Called restoreXYNTini"
Function un.restoreXYNTini
; MessageBox MB_OK "Called restoreXYNTini"
Function restoreGETRULBASEcmd
; MessageBox MB_OK "Called restoreGETRULBASEcmd"
Function un.restoreGETRULBASEcmd
; MessageBox MB_OK "Called restoreGETRULBASEcmd"
Function ResolveFunction
; This function abstracts a string into a function call. All strings that are known to be used as callbacks with files, need to be defined here
; as the response for the callback handler. It pushes the callback function name, and the file that the rollback WOULD be overwriting if it
; were to continue without the callback interrupt.
push $R0 ; stack is $R0 CallbackFunction FilePath Stack
Exch ; stack is CallbackFunction $R0 FilePath Stack
pop $R0 ; stack is $R0 FilePath Stack
push $R1 ; stack is $R1 $R0 FilePath Stack ; thought we might use it but not right now.....
Exch 2 ; stack is FilePath $R0 $R1 Stack
pop $R1 ; stack is $R0 $R1 Stack
## ADDINGPLATFORM ## Step 2 ##
## Here is how we explicitly define the callback functions. If you NEED to handle the callback, you need to define it here.
## Sounds wierd but theren's no runtime binding to function vars in NSIS.
## i.e. You can't read a piece of text and say, call eval($myString)
## This is the best you can do.
## Note: If you desire to provide a reference to the file to use as the source, you need to push the file back onto the stack to be retrieved
## by the Step 1 Restore function.
${Switch} $R0
${Case} "restoreMXGuardINI"
push $R1 ; Stack is now MXGuardiniFilePath + $R0 $R1 stack
call restoreMXGuardINI
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreGLOBALcfg"
push $R1 ; Stack is now Global.cfgFilePath + $R0 $R1 stack
call restoreGLOBALcfg ; This function pops for the filepath. Stack is now $R0 $R1 Stack
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreMINIMIini"
call restoreMINIMIini
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreXYNTini"
call restoreXYNTini
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreGETRULBASEcmd"
call restoreGETRULBASEcmd
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreCONTENTxml"
call restoreCONTENTxml
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreMDaemonDAT"
push $R1 ; Stack is now MDaemonDATFILEPATH + stack
call restoreMDaemonDAT
goto doneResolving
pop $R0 ;restore
pop $R1 ;restore
Function un.ResolveFunction
; This function abstracts a string into a function call. All strings that are known to be used as callbacks with files, need to be defined here
; as the response for the callback handler.
push $R0 ; stack is $R0 CallbackFunction FilePath Stack
Exch ; stack is CallbackFunction $R0 FilePath Stack
pop $R0 ; stack is $R0 FilePath Stack
push $R1 ; stack is $R1 $R0 FilePath Stack ; thought we might use it but not right now.....
Exch 2 ; stack is FilePath $R0 $R1 Stack
pop $R1 ; stack is $R0 $R1 Stack
## ADDINGPLATFORM ## Step 2 ##
## Here is how we explicitly define the callback functions for the uninstaller. If you NEED to handle the callback, you need to define it here.
## Sounds wierd but theren's no runtime binding to function vars in NSIS.
## i.e. You can't read a piece of text and say, call eval($myString)
## This is the best you can do.
## Note: If you desire to provide a reference to the file to use as the source, you need to push the file back onto the stack to be retrieved
## by the Step 1 Restore function.
${Switch} $R0
${Case} "restoreMXGuardINI"
push $R1 ; Stack is now MXGuardiniFilePath + stack
call un.restoreMXGuardINI
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreGLOBALcfg"
push $R1 ; Stack is now Global.cfgFilePath + stack
call un.restoreGLOBALcfg ; This function pops for the filepath. Stack is now $R0 $R1 Stack
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreMINIMIini"
call un.restoreMINIMIini
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreXYNTini"
call un.restoreXYNTini
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreGETRULBASEcmd"
call un.restoreGETRULBASEcmd
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreCONTENTxml"
call un.restoreCONTENTxml
goto doneResolving
${Case} "restoreMDaemonDAT"
push $R1 ; Stack is now MDaemonDATFILEPATH + stack
call un.restoreMDaemonDAT
goto doneResolving
pop $R0 ;restore
pop $R1 ;restore
########################################################## Utilities For Archiving purposes #################################################33
## Rollback.nsh - Written By Andrew Wallo for Microneil Research, Arm Research general permissions granted.
## Reqires the definition of the GetBetween macros.... ( NOTE: The macros shown on the NSIS website have a stack registry error as of Aug 18th 2008)
## Code was repaired and sent in.
!include "rollback.nsh"
##################################################### End Utilities for Archiving. #######################################################
; StrReplace
; Replaces all ocurrences of a given needle within a haystack with another string
; Written by dandaman32
Function StrReplace
Exch 1
Exch 2
Goto loop
Goto loop
Pop $STR_REPLACE_VAR_1 ; Prevent "invalid opcode" errors and keep the
Pop $STR_REPLACE_VAR_1 ; stack as it was before the function was called
Function un.StrReplace
Exch 1
Exch 2
Goto loop
Goto loop
Pop $STR_REPLACE_VAR_1 ; Prevent "invalid opcode" errors and keep the
Pop $STR_REPLACE_VAR_1 ; stack as it was before the function was called
!macro _strReplaceConstructor OUT NEEDLE NEEDLE2 HAYSTACK
Push "${HAYSTACK}"
Push "${NEEDLE}"
Push "${NEEDLE2}"
Call StrReplace
Pop "${OUT}"
!macro un._strReplaceConstructor OUT NEEDLE NEEDLE2 HAYSTACK
Push "${HAYSTACK}"
Push "${NEEDLE}"
Push "${NEEDLE2}"
Call un.StrReplace
Pop "${OUT}"
!define StrReplace '!insertmacro "_strReplaceConstructor"'
!define un.StrReplace '!insertmacro "un._strReplaceConstructor"'
Call RIF
Call un.RIF
Function RIF
ClearErrors ; want to be a newborn
Exch 2
Push $R0 ; SOURCE_FILE file handle
Push $R1 ; temporary file handle
Push $R2 ; unique temporary file name
Push $R3 ; a line to sar/save
Push $R4 ; shift puffer
IfFileExists $2 +1 RIF_error ; knock-knock
FileOpen $R0 $2 "r" ; open the door
GetTempFileName $R2 ; who's new?
FileOpen $R1 $R2 "w" ; the escape, please!
RIF_loop: ; round'n'round we go
FileRead $R0 $R3 ; read one line
IfErrors RIF_leaveloop ; enough is enough
RIF_sar: ; sar - search and replace
Push "$R3" ; (hair)stack
Push "$1" ; needle
Push "$0" ; blood
Call StrReplace ; do the bartwalk
StrCpy $R4 "$R3" ; remember previous state
Pop $R3 ; gimme s.th. back in return!
StrCmp "$R3" "$R4" +1 RIF_sar ; loop, might change again!
FileWrite $R1 "$R3" ; save the newbie
Goto RIF_loop ; gimme more
RIF_leaveloop: ; over'n'out, Sir!
FileClose $R1 ; S'rry, Ma'am - clos'n now
FileClose $R0 ; me 2
;MessageBox MB_OK "Files Closed. $R1 , $R0"
Delete "$2.old" ; go away, Sire
;MessageBox MB_OK "Deleete $2.old"
Rename "$2" "$2.old" ; step aside, Ma'am
;MessageBox MB_OK "Rename $2 to $2.old"
Rename "$R2" "$2" ; hi, baby!
;MessageBox MB_OK "Rename $R2 to $2"
Delete "$2.old"
ClearErrors ; now i AM a newborn
Goto RIF_out ; out'n'away
RIF_error: ; ups - s.th. went wrong...
SetErrors ; ...so cry, boy!
RIF_out: ; your wardrobe?
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Pop $R0
Pop $2
Pop $0
Pop $1
Function un.RIF
ClearErrors ; want to be a newborn
Exch 2
Push $R0 ; SOURCE_FILE file handle
Push $R1 ; temporary file handle
Push $R2 ; unique temporary file name
Push $R3 ; a line to sar/save
Push $R4 ; shift puffer
IfFileExists $2 +1 RIF_error ; knock-knock
FileOpen $R0 $2 "r" ; open the door
GetTempFileName $R2 ; who's new?
FileOpen $R1 $R2 "w" ; the escape, please!
RIF_loop: ; round'n'round we go
FileRead $R0 $R3 ; read one line
IfErrors RIF_leaveloop ; enough is enough
RIF_sar: ; sar - search and replace
Push "$R3" ; (hair)stack
Push "$1" ; needle
Push "$0" ; blood
Call un.StrReplace ; do the bartwalk
StrCpy $R4 "$R3" ; remember previous state
Pop $R3 ; gimme s.th. back in return!
StrCmp "$R3" "$R4" +1 RIF_sar ; loop, might change again!
FileWrite $R1 "$R3" ; save the newbie
Goto RIF_loop ; gimme more
RIF_leaveloop: ; over'n'out, Sir!
FileClose $R1 ; S'rry, Ma'am - clos'n now
FileClose $R0 ; me 2
;MessageBox MB_OK "Files Closed. $R1 , $R0"
Delete "$2.old" ; go away, Sire
;MessageBox MB_OK "Deleete $2.old"
Rename "$2" "$2.old" ; step aside, Ma'am
;MessageBox MB_OK "Rename $2 to $2.old"
Rename "$R2" "$2" ; hi, baby!
;MessageBox MB_OK "Rename $R2 to $2"
Delete "$2.old"
ClearErrors ; now i AM a newborn
Goto RIF_out ; out'n'away
RIF_error: ; ups - s.th. went wrong...
SetErrors ; ...so cry, boy!
RIF_out: ; your wardrobe?
Pop $R4
Pop $R3
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Pop $R0
Pop $2
Pop $0
Pop $1
Function nsinstfilesExitSub
;MessageBox MB_OK "I'm out."
# This function tests to ensure that all the chars in its SourceString are included in its TestString.
# Its output is in the AlphaNumericalResult which, as long as its > 0 indicates the validity of all chars in the string.
# It depends on the WORDFIND library.
Function TestAlphaNumerics
; load the alphanumerical test string
StrCpy $AlphanumericalTestString "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ; for alphnumeric, char must be in here.
; Now test the words.
; Seed the testChar...
StrCpy $AlphaNumericalTestChar $AlphaNumericsSourceString 1 0 ; take the first character from the working License string.
; ${WordFind} $AlphanumericalTestString $AlphaNumericalTestChar "*" $AlphaNumericalResult ; This will return in #R0 the number of times the delimiter was found in teh testString.
TestAlphaNumerics_getchar: ${WordFind} $AlphanumericalTestString $AlphaNumericalTestChar "E+1{" $AlphaNumericalResult
IfErrors AlphaNumerics_notfound AlphaNumerics_found
AlphaNumerics_found: ; things are ok, handle next char.
StrLen $AlphaNumericalSSLen $AlphaNumericsSourceString ; get the current length of the source string
${IF} $AlphaNumericalSSLen > 1 ; if we don't have any more chars... then we quit, otherwize continue.
StrCpy $AlphaNumericsSourceString $AlphaNumericsSourceString "" 1 ; trim off the leading char.
StrCpy $AlphaNumericalTestChar $AlphaNumericsSourceString 1 0 ; strip off the next one to test.
Goto TestAlphaNumerics_getchar
; exit test
StrCpy $AlphaNumericalResult "1"
;MessageBox MB_OK "$AlphaNumericsSourceString,$AlphaNumericalTestChar,$AlphaNumericalResult"
StrCpy $AlphaNumericalResult "0"
Function nsDialogsUserName
SendMessage $HWNDPARENT ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:Enter License and Authentication:"
!insertmacro BIMAGE "SnifferBannerIdentity.bmp" ""
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $0
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 20 60% 8u "Enter License (8 Chars)"
Pop $0
${NSD_CreateText} 0 40 40% 12u $LicenseID
Pop $EDITLicense
GetFunctionAddress $0 OnChangeLicense
nsDialogs::OnChange /NOUNLOAD $EDITLicense $0
${NSD_CreateLabel} 50% 20 60% 8u "Enter Authentication (16 Chars)"
Pop $0
${NSD_CreateText} 50% 40 40% 12u $Authentication
Pop $EDITAuthentication
GetFunctionAddress $0 OnChangeAuthentication
nsDialogs::OnChange /NOUNLOAD $EDITAuthentication $0
${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 50u 100% 16u " Select this if you have email accounts that intentionally receive spam.$\n ( Will automatically open file for editing email accounts after install. )"
GetFunctionAddress $0 OnCheckStickyPot
nsDialogs::OnClick /NOUNLOAD $CHECKBOX $0
${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 80u 100% 16u " Select if you have gateways that need to be entered into the Ignore List.$\n ( Will automatically open file for editing Gateway IP's after install. )"
GetFunctionAddress $0 OnCheckboxGateway
nsDialogs::OnClick /NOUNLOAD $CHECKBOX $0
Var /GLOBAL HelpMeButton
${NSD_CreateButton} 0 110u 100% 16u "Help! I don't have a license key. Do you have a webpage to help me?"
Pop $HelpMeButton
${NSD_OnClick} $HelpMeButton OpenHelpMePage
Function OpenHelpMePage
ExecShell "open" "http://www.armresearch.com/products/trial.jsp"
Function nsDialogsUserName_leave
StrLen $testInputLength $LicenseID;
; test to ensure that we have a non-zero string length;
${If} $testInputLength != "9" ; Include one for the nullterminator. i.e. an 8char LicsenseID will read 9 for string lenght.
MessageBox MB_OK "License Keys are eight characters in length. Please double check your License Key."
StrLen $testInputLength $Authentication;
; test to ensure that we have a non-zero string length;
${If} $testInputLength != "17" ; Include one for the nullterminator. i.e. an 16char LicsenseID will read 17 for string lenght.
MessageBox MB_OK "Authentication Keys are sixteen characters in length. Please double check your Authentication String."
; TODO TODO TODO : When a user hits back, the page loads unmarked checkboxes.... it doesnt' remember state. It should.
; Now test to ensure that we are using alpha numerical characters not puncutation etc.
StrCpy $AlphaNumericsSourceString $LicenseID 8 0 ; Copy the License String into a working string to be abused. Trim null terminator char for comparsion.
Call TestAlphaNumerics ; test the string.
StrCmp $AlphaNumericalResult "1" nextTest nextLine ; skip command if equal, otherwise fall through and abort.
MessageBox MB_OK "License and Authentication strings must be alphanumerical. A-Z,a-Z,0-9"
abort ; advance one command if not equal, and fail.
; system ok.
nextTest: StrCpy $AlphaNumericsSourceString $Authentication 16 0 ; Copy the License String into a working string to be abused. Trim null terminator char for comparsion.
Call TestAlphaNumerics ; test the string.
StrCmp $AlphaNumericalResult "1" done nextAbort ; skip command if equal, otherwise fall through and abort.
MessageBox MB_OK "License and Authentication strings must be alphanumerical. A-Z,a-Z,0-9"
abort ; advance one command if not equal, and fail.
; system ok.
; clear flag for use rulebase
StrCpy $UseDetectedRulebase "0"
Function nsDialogsGetRulebase
!insertmacro BIMAGE "SnifferBannerFindingRulebase.bmp" ""
SendMessage $HWNDPARENT ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:Finding Rulebase:"
;MessageBox MB_OK "inside nsDialogsGetRulebase"
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $0
; Ensure to set the global test variable to zero
StrCpy $SNF2Check "1" ; Default to fail. If we come back to this page it will reset and test again anyway. That is good.
; This holds the result of the sniffer2check test.
; And clear the checkbox for reusing the rulebase too.
StrCpy $UseDetectedRulebase "0" ; clear flag for use rulebase
; Set output path to the installation directory.
SetOutPath $INSTDIR ;
; NOTE installing and unpacking the getRulebase.cmd was moved here to keep the relevant actions together. It was commented out in other places.
; ALL versions and installs must fire this page. So its version safe. Even if you don't download a new rulebase.
StrCmp $UnpackedCURLStuff "1" SkipUnpacking 0 ; Don't continue to add this to the rollback file, if you are backing up in the user screens.
; Ok because of either retaining settings, or resetting settings,
; we'll either put the existing rulebase file back later ( In the section for handling this feature, or we'll
; leave this one in place. Either way, it doesn't hurt to just stomp it here and resolve the retain-settings later.
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "getRulebase.cmd" "" "" ; Before with callback... but not needed... file level ok for GetRulebase... "restoreGETRULBASEcmd" ""
# If you delete it prior to installing with rollback control, it won't have a copy in rollback
;ifFileExists "curl.exe" 0 +2
;Delete "curl.exe" ; reinstore the newer version.
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "curl.exe" "" ""
;ifFileExists "gzip.exe" 0 +2
;Delete "gzip.exe"
;${Install_with_RollbackControl} "gzip.exe" "" ""
;ifFileExists "snf2Check.exe" 0 +2
;Delete "snf2Check.exe"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "snf2Check.exe" "" ""
StrCpy $UnpackedCURLStuff "1"
Call editGetRulebase ; Finds Opens edits the Path License and Authentication strings in the getRulebase file.
; This is done because you need it set propelry for executing the rulebase download.
Var /GLOBAL DownloadText
Var /GLOBAL NextButton
; If this is an upgrade from a previous state, we just copy the rulebase and we move on to the next page.
; Now find all the folders in the Archive Direcotry
;GetDlgItem $NextButton $HWNDPARENT 1
;EnableWindow $NextButton "0"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.snf" 0 NothingDetected
; Default is to use the detected rulebase, so set the flag.
StrCpy $UseDetectedRulebase "1"
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 25% 30 "Rulebase detected."
Pop $0
${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 100 00 15 20 ""
${NSD_CreateLabel} 120 0 65% 40 "Check if you want to download the newest rulebase.$\nLeave unchecked to use the existing rulebase."
Pop $0
GetFunctionAddress $8 OnUseDetected
nsDialogs::OnClick /NOUNLOAD $CHECKBOX $8
Goto EndDetectionLabel
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 15 "No Rulebase detected. { Download is required. }"
Pop $0
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 35 100% 60 "Please be patient as this may take a few minutes depending upon your bandwidth.$\n$\nIf the installer cannot download a rulebase, your LicenseID or Authentication may$\nbe entered incorrectly."
Pop $0
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 100 100% 90 "Note: You may be so eager to use Message Sniffer that you have attempted to install it before our server could compile your first rulebase. $\n$\nIf this happens just wait a few minutes or check your email for the update notification to inform you that your first rulebase has been created. Thank you."
Pop $0
Function OnUseDetected
Pop $0 # HWND
${IF} $UseDetectedRulebase == 1
StrCpy $UseDetectedRulebase "0";
StrCpy $UseDetectedRulebase "1";
Function nsDialogsGetRulebase_leave
!insertmacro BIMAGE "SnifferBannerFindingRulebase.bmp" ""
SendMessage $HWNDPARENT ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:Downloading Rulebase:"
;MessageBox MB_OK "inside nsDialogsGetRulebase"
;MessageBox MB_OK "inside nsDialogsGetRulebase_leave"
; Ok we're leaving but if we're using an existing rulebase, we still should test the sniffer2check test for the new authentication string..
StrCmp $UseDetectedRulebase "1" 0 GetTheRulebaseNow
; Ok, well do the sniffer2check for concurrance....
;ExecWait 'snf2check.exe $LicenseID.snf "$Authentication"' $9
;pop $9
nsExec::ExecToLog '"$INSTDIR\snf2check.exe" "$LicenseID.snf" "$Authentication"'
pop $0
;DetailPrint "Snf2Check Reports:$0$\r$\n"
;MessageBox MB_OK "Snf2Check Reports:$0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SNF2Check $0 ; Set this to determine the message for the next screen, or if we just pass through. ( 0 result is clean )
; Else download and report.
;nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
;Pop $0
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 180 100% 30 "Starting download attempt... Approximate Size of Rulebase: 20Mb"
Pop $DownloadText
StrCpy $DownloadFailed "0"
; Now grey out the next until we complete or fail....
GetDlgItem $NextButton $HWNDPARENT 1
EnableWindow $NextButton "0"
Var /GLOBAL TempBatchFileHandle
Var /GLOBAL ThreadHandleExitCode
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.new" 0 +2 ; test for file.
Delete "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.new" ; clean up old file.
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\curlresult.txt" 0 +2 ; test for file.
Delete "$INSTDIR\curlresult.txt" ; clean up old file.
;Curl new file.
FileOpen $TempBatchFileHandle "$INSTDIR\TempGetCall.cmd" w ; Removing the conditional on download. We ALWAYS want it to download. -z $LicenseID.snf
;FileWrite $TempBatchFileHandle "wget -a wgetreport.txt http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/$LicenseID.snf -O $LicenseID.new.gz --header=Accept-Encoding:gzip --http-user=sniffer --http-passwd=ki11sp8m"
FileWrite $TempBatchFileHandle 'curl -v "http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/$LicenseID.snf" -o $LicenseID.new -S -R -H "Accept-Encoding:gzip" --compressed -u sniffer:ki11sp8m 2>> "$INSTDIR\curlresult.txt"'
FileClose $TempBatchFileHandle
;ExecDos::Exec /NOUNLOAD /ASYNC 'curl -v "http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/$LicenseID.snf" -o $LicenseID.new -S -R -H "Accept-Encoding:gzip" --compressed -u sniffer:ki11sp8m 2>> "$INSTDIR\curlresult.txt"'
ExecDos::Exec /NOUNLOAD /ASYNC "$INSTDIR\TempGetCall.cmd"
Pop $ThreadHandleExitCode ; exit code
;ExecDos::Exec /NOUNLOAD /ASYNC "TempGetCall.cmd" "" ""
;Pop $ThreadHandleExitCode ; exit code
Var /GLOBAL progressTextFile ; the handle to the file log 'wgetreport.txt'
Var /GLOBAL progressTextLine ; line handle
Var /GLOBAL progressLastLine ; last line string....
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\TEMPcurlresult.txt" 0 +2
Delete "$INSTDIR\TEMPcurlresult.txt" ; Delete it.
Sleep 2000
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\curlresult.txt" 0 CheckForExit ; Ok, if the file doesn't exist you can't get parameters.
CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\curlresult.txt" "$INSTDIR\TEMPcurlresult.txt"
FileOpen $progressTextFile "$INSTDIR\TEMPcurlresult.txt" r
FileSeek $progressTextFile -63 "END"
FileRead $progressTextFile $progressTextLine
StrCpy $progressLastLine $progressTextLine 6 0
;FileRead $progressTextFile $progressTextLine [256]
;ifErrors +3 0 ; If there are errors then we found the end, print the next to last line of text.
; StrCpy $progressLastLine $progressTextLine "" -20 ; otherwise save next to last line, and loop again.
; Goto findEndOfFile ; go back for more....
; Now change the label on the screen.
SendMessage $DownloadText ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:File Progress: $progressLastLine byte"
ShowWindow $DownloadText ${SW_SHOW} ; show it.
FileClose $progressTextFile ; Close the working file.
Delete "$INSTDIR\TEMPcurlresult.txt"
ExecDos::isdone /NOUNLOAD $ThreadHandleExitCode
Pop $R9 ; keep stack clean
StrCmp $R9 1 0 LoopAgain
; This will handle cleanup and failure.
Delete "$INSTDIR\curlresult.txt"
;StrCmp $9 "error" CleanupMess 0
;ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.new.gz" 0 CleanupMess
; ExecWait "gzip -d -f $LicenseID.new.gz" $9
;nsExec::Exec 'gzip -d -f "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.new.gz"'
;pop $9
;StrCmp $9 "1" CleanupMess 0 ; success is reported with a '0', failed-with-errors with a '1'.
;ExecWait '"$INSTDIR\snf2check.exe" $LicenseID.new "$Authentication"' $0
nsExec::Exec '"$INSTDIR\snf2check.exe" $LicenseID.new "$Authentication"'
pop $0
;MessageBox MB_OK "Snf2Check Reports:$0$\r$\n"
${Switch} $0
${Case} "0"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " SNFClient successfuly connected with SNFServer."
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
${Case} "65"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " {65} ERROR_CMDLINE. SNF was called improperly."
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
${Case} "66"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " {66}ERROR_LOGFILE Cannot open logfile."
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
${Case} "67"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " {67} ERROR RULE FILE. Cannot open rules file."
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
${Case} "68"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " {68} ERROR_RULE_DATA Cannot create pattern matrix."
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
${Case} "69"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " {69} ERROR_MSG_FILE Cannot open message file."
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
${Case} "70"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " {70} ERROR_ALLOCATION Allocation error during processing."
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
${Case} "71"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " {71} ERROR_BAD_MATRIX Pattern trace went out of range."
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
${Case} "72"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " {72} ERROR_MAX_EVALS The maximum number of evaluation paths was exceeded."
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
${Case} "73"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " {73} ERROR_RULE_AUTH The rulebase file did not authenticate properly."
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
${Case} "99"
StrCpy $snf2CheckERROR " {99} ERROR_UNKNOWN"
Goto EndSNF2CheckTest
StrCpy $SNF2Check $0 ; set up flag for retaining the result fo this test.
StrCmp $SNF2Check "0" 0 CleanupMess
;if errorlevel not zero goto CLEANUP
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.old" 0 +2
Delete "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.old"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.snf" 0 +2
rename "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.snf" "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.old"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.new" 0 +2
rename "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.new" "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.snf"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\UpdateReady.txt" 0 +2
delete "$INSTDIR\UpdateReady.txt"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\UpdateReady.lck" 0 +2
delete "$INSTDIR\UpdateReady.lck"
; Now trigger the system to enable the AutoUpdater to pull the next rulebase.
VAR /GLOBAL UpdateRulebaseHandle
FileOpen $UpdateRulebaseHandle "$INSTDIR\UpdateReady.txt" w
FileWrite $UpdateRulebaseHandle " "
FileClose $UpdateRulebaseHandle
StrCpy $DownloadFailed "0"
Delete "$INSTDIR\TempGetCall.cmd"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\TempGetCall.cmd" 0 +2
Delete "$INSTDIR\TempGetCall.cmd"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\UpdateReady.txt" 0 +2
delete "$INSTDIR\UpdateReady.txt"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\TempGetCall.cmd" 0 +2
delete "$INSTDIR\TempGetCall.cmd"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.new" 0 +2
delete "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.new"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\UpdateReady.lck" 0 +2
delete "$INSTDIR\UpdateReady.lck"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.new.gz" 0 +2
delete "$INSTDIR\$LicenseID.new.gz"
StrCpy $DownloadFailed "1"
## Unload the plugin so that the progress bar can be deleted!
;Function .onGUIEnd
; ;RealProgress::Unload
Function nsDialogsWaitingForRulebase
!insertmacro BIMAGE "SnifferBannerFindingRulebase.bmp" ""
;MessageBox MB_OK "inside nsDialogsWaitingForRulebase"
SendMessage $HWNDPARENT ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:Downloading Rulebase:"
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $0
StrCmp $UseDetectedRulebase "1" 0 NotifyAll ; If we're not downloading, possibley just skip to components...
StrCmp $SNF2Check "0" 0 NofityAuthFailure ; but only if it passes authentication test.... opps... notify and refuse passage.
;MessageBox MB_OK "SNF2Check: $SNF2Check " ; debug....
Return ; only get to here if all is good... this will progress to next page.
; $DownloadFailed This Variable declared in ONinit and defaulted to "0".
; If this is an upgrade from a previous state, we just copy the rulebase and we move on to the next page.
; Now find all the folders in the Archive Direcotry
StrCmp $DownloadFailed "1" 0 AllowNext ; if the download HAS failed we must display a screen. We may also jump in here if the auth fails.
Var /GLOBAL ErrorMessage
StrCpy $ErrorMessage "Your rulebase file could not be authenticated:$\n$\n $snf2CheckERROR$\n$\n"
StrCpy $ErrorMessage "$ErrorMessage If the installer cannot download / update your rulebase then:$\n$\n"
StrCpy $ErrorMessage "$ErrorMessage * Your License ID and/or Authentication may be entered incorrectly.$\n Check your entries on the previous screen.$\n$\n"
StrCpy $ErrorMessage "$ErrorMessage * If you are new to Message Sniffer your rulebase might not be ready yet.$\n Check your email for your first update notification email.$\n"
StrCmp $SNF2Check "0" 0 NofityAuthFailure ; if snf2check was zero and error was because of something else...give normal notification.
;GetDlgItem $NextButton $HWNDPARENT 1 ; stop next button from working
;EnableWindow $NextButton "0"
;${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 70 100% 65 "Download Failed: $snf2CheckERROR Check your License ID and try again. If you have not yet received an update notification, your rulebase file might not be ready."
;Pop $DownloadText
NofityAuthFailure: ; failed because of snf2check authroization failure.
GetDlgItem $NextButton $HWNDPARENT 1 ; stop next button from working
EnableWindow $NextButton "0"
;${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 70 100% 65 "Your rulebase file could not be authenticated: $snf2CheckERROR Please go back and check your License Id and Authentication string and try again. If you do find a typo in your authentication string, try to use the existing rulebase you have downloaded before trying to download a second copy. Snf2check will probably authenticate correctly."
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 30 100% 130 $ErrorMessage
Pop $DownloadText
AllowNext: ; only get to here if download didn't fail.
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 70 100% 30 "The download of your Message Sniffer Rulebase completed successfully. You may proceed with the rest of the installation."
Pop $DownloadText
Function OnChangeLicense
Pop $0 # HWND
System::Call user32::GetWindowText(i$EDITLicense,t.r0,i${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN})
StrCpy $LicenseID $0 ; Set the global variable to the new license ID.
Function OnChangeAuthentication
Pop $0 # HWND
System::Call user32::GetWindowText(i$EDITAuthentication,t.r0,i${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN})
StrCpy $Authentication $0 ; Set the global variable to the new authentication ID.
Function OnCheckStickyPot
Pop $0 # HWND
${IF} $HasStickyPots == 1
StrCpy $HasStickyPots "0";
StrCpy $HasStickyPots "1";
Function OnCheckboxGateway
Pop $0 # HWND
${IF} $OpenGBUIgnoreFileOnClose == "1"
StrCpy $OpenGBUIgnoreFileOnClose "0";
StrCpy $OpenGBUIgnoreFileOnClose "1";
Function editLicenseFile
; In the case of a re-install we don't to stomp the file.. ( Though we did already in the file write... but we'll do this
; as a good premtive measure.
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\identity.xml" filedoesexist repairfile ; Skip to second instruction if it doesnt' exist.
; This shouldn't happen unless you corrupt or fail in the install of the file from the packed installer.....
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\identity.xml" w
IfErrors FailedIdentityRepair ; otherwise clear for attempting to recreate.
FileWrite $0 "" ;
FileClose $0
; MessageBox MB_OK "Installer successfully rebuilt the identity.xml file."
Goto done
; now rename and write new one.
Delete "$INSTDIR\identity.xml" ; Always stomp with new ID.
; because this will always be operating with a newly upacked file, that is there only if the user
; wants to do a manual install.
; This will only be called after the archived folder has been moved,
; and new files are installed. So stomp the identity.xml file so its ok.
FileOpen $0 "$INSTDIR\identity.xml" w
IfErrors FailedIdentityArchive ; otherwise clear for writing
FileWrite $0 "" ;
FileClose $0
Goto done
MessageBox MB_OK "Installer seemed unable to repair identity.xml file. Perhaps the file is locked. Please attempt to create this file manually with the xml contents: "
Goto done
MessageBox MB_OK "Installer seemed unable to archive identity.xml file. Perhaps the file is locked. Please attempt to re/create this file manually with the xml contents: "
Function finishedFilesDisplay
Function finishedFilesQuit
Quit ; Don't want to continue to the next page.
Function finishedRestoreDisplay
Var /GLOBAL CancelButton
GetDlgItem $CancelButton $HWNDPARENT 2
EnableWindow $CancelButton "0"
StrCmp $InstallerCompletedRestore "1" 0 doneSplashScreen
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $0
nsDialogs::CreateItem /NOUNLOAD STATIC "" ${WS_VISIBLE}|${WS_CHILD}|${WS_CLIPSIBLINGS}|${SS_BITMAP} 25 60 0 64 64
File "SuccessInstall.bmp"
StrCpy $0 "$INSTDIR\SuccessInstall.bmp"
System::Call 'user32::LoadImage(i 0, t r0, i ${IMAGE_BITMAP}, i 0, i 0, i ${LR_LOADFROMFILE}) i.s'
Function finishedRestoreQuit
StrCmp $InstallerCompletedRestore "1" 0 +2
Quit ; The Installer is done.
!macro handleShortPath Result_Path Source_Path
Push "${Source_Path}"
Push "${Result_Path}"
Call handleShortFilePath
Pop "${Result_Path}"
!define handleShortPath "!insertmacro handleShortPath"
Function handleShortFilePath
Var /Global local_sourcePath ; where we put the result
Var /Global local_resultPath ; what we work from
Var /Global local_searchResults ; WordFind temp var.
pop $local_resultPath
pop $local_sourcePath
${WordFind} $local_sourcePath " " "E+1}" $local_searchResults
ifErrors 0 FoundSpaceInString ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
push $local_sourcePath
GetFullPathName /SHORT $local_resultPath $local_sourcePath
push $local_resultPath
!macro un.handleShortPath unResult_Path unSource_Path
Push "${unSource_Path}"
Push "${unResult_Path}"
Call un.handleShortFilePath
Pop "${unResult_Path}"
!define un.handleShortPath "!insertmacro un.handleShortPath"
Function un.handleShortFilePath
Var /Global unlocal_sourcePath ; where we put the result
Var /Global unlocal_resultPath ; what we work from
Var /Global unlocal_searchResults ; WordFind temp var.
pop $unlocal_resultPath
pop $unlocal_sourcePath
${un.WordFind} $unlocal_sourcePath " " "E+1}" $unlocal_searchResults
ifErrors 0 unFoundSpaceInString ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
push $unlocal_sourcePath
GetFullPathName /SHORT $unlocal_resultPath $unlocal_sourcePath
push $unlocal_resultPath
## This edits the service init file
## so that when you call the XYNTService it will
## Properly boot and start the SNFServer.
Function editXYNTServiceINI
;MessageBox MB_OK "Installing XYNTSErviceINI"
; Just easier to write it all out.
Var /GLOBAL iniHandle
FileOpen $iniHandle "$INSTDIR\XYNTService.ini" w
FileWrite $iniHandle "[Settings]$\r$\n"
FileWrite $iniHandle "ProcCount=1$\r$\n" ;
FileWrite $iniHandle "ServiceName=SNFService$\r$\n"
FileWrite $iniHandle "CheckProcessSeconds = 30$\r$\n"
FileWrite $iniHandle "[Process0]$\r$\n"
Var /GLOBAL ShortPathTempVar ; use this to hold the Short Windows Progr~1 path references...
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $ShortPathTempVar $INSTDIR
${handleShortPath} $ShortPathTempVar $INSTDIR
;FileWrite $iniHandle "CommandLine = '$\"$INSTDIR\SNFServer.exe$\" $\"$INSTDIR\snf_engine.xml$\"'$\r$\n"
;FileWrite $iniHandle "WorkingDir= $\"$INSTDIR$\"$\r$\n"
FileWrite $iniHandle "CommandLine = '$\"$ShortPathTempVar\SNFServer.exe$\" $\"$ShortPathTempVar\snf_engine.xml$\"'$\r$\n"
FileWrite $iniHandle "WorkingDir= $\"$ShortPathTempVar$\"$\r$\n"
FileWrite $iniHandle "PauseStart= 100$\r$\n"
FileWrite $iniHandle "PauseEnd= 100$\r$\n"
FileWrite $iniHandle "UserInterface = No$\r$\n"
FileWrite $iniHandle "Restart = Yes$\r$\n"
;FileWrite $iniHandle "UserName =$\r$\n"
;FileWrite $iniHandle "Domain =$\r$\n"
;FileWrite $iniHandle "Password =$\r$\n"
FileClose $iniHandle
## ADDINGPLATFORM ## Step 3 ##
## If the new platform requires complex service handeling, you can group that here to simplify. Don't forget to support the uninstaller.
Function restartMDaemon
nsExec::Exec "NET STOP MDaemon" "" SH_HIDE
nsExec::Exec "NET START MDaemon" "" SH_HIDE
Function un.restartMDaemon
nsExec::Exec "NET STOP MDaemon" "" SH_HIDE
nsExec::Exec "NET START MDaemon" "" SH_HIDE
Function stopMDaemon
nsExec::Exec "NET STOP MDaemon" "" SH_HIDE
Function un.stopMDaemon
nsExec::Exec "NET STOP MDaemon" "" SH_HIDE
Function un.stopSNFServer
nsExec::Exec "NET STOP SNFService" "" SH_HIDE
Function stopSNFServer
nsExec::Exec "NET STOP SNFService" "" SH_HIDE
Function startSNFServer
;MessageBox MB_OK "Entering Telemetry generator"
;nsExec::Exec "NET START SNFService > '$INSTDIR\Telemetry.txt'" "" SH_HIDE
nsExec::Exec "NET START SNFService" "" SH_HIDE
pop $0
StrCmp $0 "0" 0 +2
;MessageBox MB_OK "Staring SNFService return code:$0"
## Call the XYNTService to start.
Function startXYNTService
; presumes that the .ini file is in the same location.
nsExec::Exec "XYNTService -r" "" SH_HIDE
Function stopXYNTService
; presumes that the .ini file is in the same location.
nsExec::Exec "XYNTService -k" "" SH_HIDE
Function un.UninstallXYNTService
; This uninstalls the XYNTService
nsExec::Exec "NET STOP SNFService" "" SH_HIDE
nsExec::Exec "XYNTService -u" "" SH_HIDE
Function installXYNTService
# Function is deprecated because of the FILE Handling managed elsewhere in the flow... and of the new rollback scheme for files....
Call stopSNFServer ; if it there it will stop it.
Call stopXYNTService ; if its there, stop it.
;MessageBox MB_OK "Starting SNFService"
File "XYNTService.exe" ; Unpack the files.
File "XYNTService.ini"
; First properly handle the ini file.
call editXYNTServiceINI
nsExec::Exec "XYNTService -u" "" SH_HIDE ; uninstall it if it exists....
; presumes that the .ini file is in the same location.
nsExec::Exec "XYNTService -i" "" SH_HIDE ; install XYNTService
nsExec::Exec "XYNTService -r" "" SH_HIDE ; restart XYNTService
call startSNFServer ;nsExec::Exec "NET START SNFService" "" SH_HIDE
Function removeShortcuts
## Shortcuts removed, from a different user context.
; Remove shortcuts, if any
SetShellVarContext all ; this makes it backward/forwrad compatible Without it Vista will have problems removing shortcuts.
; Essentially, we said put these shortcuts into the all-users profile of the machine
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\*.*"
RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer"
Delete "$INSTDIR\shortcuts.xml"
Function un.removeShortcuts
## Shortcuts removed, from a different user context.
; Remove shortcuts, if any
SetShellVarContext all ; this makes it backward/forwrad compatible Without it Vista will have problems removing shortcuts.
; Essentially, we said put these shortcuts into the all-users profile of the machine
Delete "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\*.*"
RMDir "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer"
Delete "$INSTDIR\shortcuts.xml"
Function editGetRulebase
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\getRulebase.cmd" 0 DoneWithErrors
; This is what is getting edited.
;REM ----- Edit This Section --------;
;SET AUTHENTICATION=authenticationxx
;SET LICENSE_ID=licensid
;REM --------------------------------
; Var /GLOBAL ShortPathTempVar ; Defined earlier ... use this to hold the Short Windows Progr~1 path references...
; GetFullPathName /SHORT $ShortPathTempVar $INSTDIR ; for windows greeking.
${handleShortPath} $ShortPathTempVar $INSTDIR
${GetBetween} "SET SNIFFER_PATH=" "$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\getRulebase.cmd" "$R0" ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value. i.e. It would
!insertmacro ReplaceInFile "$INSTDIR\getRulebase.cmd" "SET SNIFFER_PATH=$R0$\r$\n" "SET SNIFFER_PATH=$ShortPathTempVar$\r$\n"
${GetBetween} "SET AUTHENTICATION=" "$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\getRulebase.cmd" "$R0" ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value. i.e. It would
!insertmacro ReplaceInFile "$INSTDIR\getRulebase.cmd" "SET AUTHENTICATION=$R0$\r$\n" "SET AUTHENTICATION=$Authentication$\r$\n"
${GetBetween} "SET LICENSE_ID=" "$\r$\n" "$INSTDIR\getRulebase.cmd" "$R0" ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value. i.e. It would
!insertmacro ReplaceInFile "$INSTDIR\getRulebase.cmd" "SET LICENSE_ID=$R0$\r$\n" "SET LICENSE_ID=$LicenseID$\r$\n"
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to edit getRulebase.cmd. Unexpected Installer Environment. Please notify Message Sniffer Support Personel Immediately. Thank you."
## ADDINGPLATFORM ## Step 4 ##
## Write the editor function for inserting any code you need for manipulating text files. Decludes editglobalCFG has a lot of the appropriate comments
## for building a fresh version. use editglobalCFG as a template of a very complex edit/replace example. It supports the healFromOldFile typology.
## But lots of systems don't use the heal from old file requirements. It depends. Icewarp for example, rewrites and edits whats there each time and doens't
## use the archive as a source.
## editMDPluginsFile function will search the existing plugins.dat file for a SNF or a SNIFFER section.
## It will strip that section and insert its own new version. Either from the local Plugins.dat file on a fresh install.
## or via the callback function during a rollback.
## If the ResolveFunction is using the Callback function from the Rollback feature to call editMDPluginsFile then
## it will have set the flags for 'healing' the existing file and the source file to use. The challenge is that we don't really want to rollback the entire
## file, because the Plugins.dat file may have changed, and we dont' want to break those changes. That's why the callback function
## calls restoreMDPlugins which calls this, after setting the flags. This will then have interrupted the 'copying' of the rollback file, and
## give the function the chance to pull the sourced path data out of the old file.
Function editMDPluginsFile
;Var /GLOBAL ShortPathTempVar ; Defined earlier ... use this to hold the Short Windows Progr~1 path references...
${handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR
${handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir
## ADDING sensitivity to the functions being called to enable them to look up the proper path values in the event that the
## rollback sequence is not in the current INSTDIR and $SNFServerInstallDir locations. i.e. Those parsing functions need to be able
## to find the correct file to be editing. If its rolling back an older version cross platform, then it needs to redefine the file its
## targeting, not just assume that its in the INSTDIR or the $SNFServerInstallDir. I added two registry keys to the EndRollbackSequence
## subroutine called SRS_INSTDIR and SRS_SERVDIR to cover the lookup during rollback....since by this point INSTDIR is defined,
## just having SRS_INSTDIR different from INSTDIR should be enough key to use the SRS_INSTDIR.... and if the SRS_INSTDIR doesnt' exist,
## ( because it wouldn't be entered until the end of the rollback sequence, then the functions will know they are in the new install, and
## will use the current INSTDIR as their paths.....
ReadRegStr $registryTempData HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_INSTDIR"
iferrors 0 handleReset
goto doneCheckingRollbackVars ; the keys didn't exist so don't hijack.
; they exist so hijack. i.e. Anytime a rollback file exists, ITS local pointers to the relevant INSTDIR and SERVDIR will be valid.
; because when you're done running the rollback, the markers are gone. And a fresh install will replace relevent markers. Even if its
; in the same spot.
StrCpy $localINSTDIR $registryTempData
ReadRegStr $registryTempData HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_SERVDIR"
StrCpy $localSERVDIR $registryTempData
## Handle the proper shortpaths if they need to be handled.
${handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $localSERVDIR
${handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $localINSTDIR
## Ok, so we know what file we're editing, or un-editing.
Var /GLOBAL lineDataHandle ; these are the vars that will hold the line of text from the file.
Var /GLOBAL tempVariableReadLine
Var /GLOBAL SourcePluginsFileHandle ; File handles.
Var /GLOBAL TargetPluginsFileHandle
Var /GLOBAL insideSNFSectionFlag ; Loop/Section Flag.
StrCpy $insideSNFSectionFlag ""
Var /GLOBAL PresetPluginsFileData ; Blank Plugins file / snf section looks like this:
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "" ; clear this or else it builds up.
StrCpy $collectedArchiveData "" ; clear this or else it builds up.
## GET / FORMAT DATA FOR INSERTION INTO THE PLUGINS.DAT FILE This will either come from the rolledback version, or the
## fresh formulation as depicted here, based on the healFromOldFile flag:
StrCmp $healFromOldFile "1" GetSourceFromRollbackFile 0
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\n[SNF]"
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\nMenuText=Configure SNF Plug-in"
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\nEnable=Yes"
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\nDllPath=$localINSTDIR\snfmdplugin.dll"
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\nStartupFuncName=Startup@4"
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\nConfigFuncName=ConfigFunc@4"
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\nPostMessageFuncName=MessageFunc@8"
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\nSMTPMessageFuncName=MessageIPFunc@8"
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\nShutdownFuncName=Shutdown@4"
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\nPluginDoesAllLogging=No"
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "$PresetPluginsFileData$\r$\nNonAuthOnly=Yes$\r$\n"
Goto DataIsReady ; Don't do Read-From-Rollback... not relevant.
GetSourceFromRollbackFile: ## Ok, so its a callback then. Get the data from the rollback file.
## Open File, strip out the SNF section into a variable, and store it. If none exists, leave empty.
################################################## HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #######################################
StrCmp $healFromOldFile "1" 0 NoDataMining
## Then you need to strip the stuff to put back.
IfFileExists $archivedMDPluginsDatPath 0 DoneReadingArchiveFile ; if the file is valid.
FileOpen $archivedMDPluginsDatFileHandle $archivedMDPluginsDatPath r ; open file.
iferrors 0 +3
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to restructure MDaemons Plugins.dat file from the rollback."
Goto DoneReadingArchiveFile
FileRead $archivedMDPluginsDatFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; Master loop until we find our [SNF] marker in the Plugins.dat file.
ifErrors DoneReadingArchiveFile 0 ; If we get to end with no lines... ok...
; Primary test is that this a live sniffer line.
${WordFind2X} $lineDataHandle "[" "]" "E+1" $9
IfErrors 0 +2 ; no errors means it found a string, so skip over and test
Goto ReadArchiveLine ; if errors then get new line
StrCmp $9 "SNF" FoundLiveArchiveSnifferLine TestTagForOldSniffer ; Test for SNF tag...
TestTagForOldSniffer: StrCmp $9 "SNIFFER" FoundLiveArchiveSnifferLine ReadArchiveLine ; if not, then besure it isn't SNIFFER tag...
; go back and get a newline to test.
## IF here, then we broke out of the loop.
FoundLiveArchiveSnifferLine: ; we found the open tag for the SNF. So we read until we get another [] tag.
StrCpy $collectedArchiveData "$collectedArchiveData$lineDataHandle" ; If here the line is of interest, collect it.
GetanInsideLine: ; as long as were inside the sniffer section, get lines here.
FileRead $archivedMDPluginsDatFileHandle $lineDataHandle
IfErrors DoneReadingArchiveFile
${WordFind2X} $lineDataHandle "[" "]" "E+1" $9
IfErrors 0 FoundNewBracketMarker ; Drop through if errors, ( No delimiter found ) If we have zero errors we've found
; a new section so then you should goto FoundNewBracketMarker label.
; If errors, then we keep going with more string compares..
ClearErrors ; must clear the error condition returned from the WordFind before next line...
StrCpy $collectedArchiveData "$collectedArchiveData$lineDataHandle" ; If here the line is still of interest, collect it.
Goto GetanInsideLine ; Go get more.
FoundNewBracketMarker: ; Break.
; So we're done here then. Cause we don't care about the rest. We only what what the SNF section was. Any other changes to the target file stay in place.
DoneReadingArchiveFile: ; By this point, either $collectedArchiveData has a bunch of stuff or it doesn't......
FileClose $archivedGLOBALcfgFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $lineDataHandle "" ; Clear line data.
################################################### END HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #################################
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData $collectedArchiveData
## Data is now collected and ready for insertion, whether its new, old, or empty.
;MessageBox MB_OK "$PresetPluginsFileData, $healFromOldFile, ::::::: $collectedArchiveData "
IfFileExists "$localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat" filedoesexist 0 ; Skip to second instruction if it doesn't exist.
;filedoesNotExist: MessageBox MB_OK "No Plugins.dat file in the (expected) directory. Creating fresh file."
; If the file is gone, it could have been deleted manually. So just because its gone dosn't mean you wouldn't put back the rollback data
; into a new file. Since this is already defined for new and rollback, (above) we are clear for a new file in either case.
## IF no file exists, then we open file, write new file, and be done.
FileOpen $TargetPluginsFileHandle "$localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat" w
FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle $PresetPluginsFileData ; dump the file....
FileClose $TargetPluginsFileHandle
IfErrors FailedRepair ; otherwise clear for attempting to recreate.
;MessageBox MB_OK "Installer successfully inserted new Plugins.dat file."
Goto done
; So open the file that we're going to write INTO....
FileOpen $TargetPluginsFileHandle $localINSTDIR\WorkingPlugins.dat w ; rename and move new to old one
IfErrors FailedWorking
; Now open the file we're going to read from.
FileOpen $SourcePluginsFileHandle $localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat r ; open a new file for reading
;MessageBox MB_OK $SourcePluginsFileHandle
IfErrors FailedEdit
; Here is where we need top copy everything from the first file, until we reach [SNF]
; where we strip that out and will eventually add the new SNF data at the bottom...
; then we copy everything again after we reach another open [
; Ok, so while we read lines until the end of file,
; we compare the line and look for [SNF].
; if We dont' find it. we copy the line to the new file.
; once we find it, we start looking for the next open bracket [
; and we don't write any lines to the new file until we find the next [
; Then we write all lines until the end of the file.
; then we write the [SNF] code to the end of the file,
; and we close the file.
; No while necessary. Goto will loop to GetaLineHere: label if no SNF is identified.
FileRead $SourcePluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; read the next line into our temp var. from the handle $0 ( attached above with FileOpen )
; NOW test for EOF.
IfErrors HandleEnding
; then we have reached the end of the file without finding the SNF file.
; go directly to writing the SNF information to the output file.
; Now handle for being in the section where we have alredy detected the SNF flag.
; The function jumps from this section to the Handle end flag, after it has finished copying the file.
StrCmp $insideSNFSectionFlag "1" 0 Not_In_SNF_Tagged_Section ; test to find new open '[' char and when we find it
; take us out of SNF skip line mode.
${WordFind2X} $tempVariableReadLine "[" "]" "E+1" $9
IfErrors 0 noerrors ; Drop through if errors, ( No delimiter found ) If we have zero errors we've found
; a new section goto noerrors label.
FindNextTag: ; Since where INSIDE the SNF tag, we're NOT copying it to the temp file.
ClearErrors ; clear condition.
FileRead $SourcePluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; read next line.
IfErrors HandleEnding
${WordFind2X} $tempVariableReadLine "[" "]" "E+1" $9 ; Look for tag to kick us out of SNF/SNIFFER section.
IfErrors FindNextTag noerrors ; Go back if-errors, ( No delimiter found )
;If we have zero errors we've found new section head.so goto noerrors label.
noerrors: ; then ( since we were IN the snf section ) and we found a DIFFERENT identified tag in the file... dump rest of file in a tight loop.
ClearErrors ; clear error flag if exists from the above string compare.
copyRestOfFile: FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; Dump temp string into new file.
FileRead $SourcePluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; read line.
IfErrors HandleEnding copyRestOfFile
; An error will indicate end of file. loop of not EOF otherwise proceed to ending.
; we've stripped out the old SNF section and copied the existing contents of the file.
; we should never proceed directly from the above section to the next below.
; if we enter the above section it only can exit into the HandleEnding area.
; So if we're entering here. its because we read a line, and we need to test it because
; we have not yet detected the SNF section.
; Now we test to find the SNF
${WordFind2X} $tempVariableReadLine "[" "]" "E+1" $9 ; stuff what we find in register nine.
IfErrors 0 +3 ; no errors means it found a string, so skip over and test
FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; Dump nonflagged string into new file.
Goto GetaLineHere ; get new line
; if errors we move get the next line to test.
StrCmp $9 "SNF" TagOK TestTagForOld ; check nine for SNF or SNIFFER Now.
TestTagForOld: StrCmp $9 "SNIFFER" TagOK TagNotSniffer
StrCpy $insideSNFSectionFlag "1"
Goto GetaLineHere ; This forces us into the top looping section where we srip it all out.
FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; Dump temp string into new file.
Goto GetaLinehere ; Go back for more.
; you should not just progress from this line to the Handle Ending. The condition to move to handle ending
; will always be predicated on reaching the end of the file.
HandleEnding: ; We will always get to the end of the file.
; Now we must output our SNF information, because
; either we cut it out,
; or we didn't find it at all and in either case we must add it now.
FileClose $SourcePluginsFileHandle ; Close this because we read it all.
FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle "$\r$\n"
# It doesn't matter at this point, if we're doing a rollback or a new.
# We've handled loading what should be in PresetFileData at the beginning
# of this sub, based on the flags, the old file, etc. If this $PresetPluginsFileData
# is empty here, then its supposed to be. Write and Close.
FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle $PresetPluginsFileData ; dump the file....
FileClose $TargetPluginsFileHandle ; Close MDaemon Plugins file.
ifFileExists "$localSERVDIR\App\OLDPluginsDAT_PreSNFInstall.dat" 0 +2
Delete $localSERVDIR\App\OLDPluginsDAT_PreSNFInstall.dat ;
Rename $localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat $localSERVDIR\App\OLDPluginsDAT_PreSNFInstall.dat ; store the old version.
Rename $localINSTDIR\WorkingPlugins.dat $localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat ; move the working version.
Goto done
; poorly simulated catch section.
MessageBox MB_OK "Installer seemed unable to create a new Plugins.dat file. Perhaps the file is locked. Please attempt to create/move this file manually into the MDaemon\App folder using the Plugins.dat file in the MDaemon\SNF directory according to the manual instructions: "
FileClose $TargetPluginsFileHandle ; Close MDaemon Plugins file.
FileClose $SourcePluginsFileHandle
ExecShell open notepad.exe $localINSTDIR\InstallInstructions_MDaemon.txt SW_SHOWNORMAL
Goto done
MessageBox MB_OK "Installer seemed unable to create a working file. Perhaps the folders permissions are not enabling file creation. "
FileClose $TargetPluginsFileHandle ; Close MDaemon Plugins file.
FileClose $SourcePluginsFileHandle
ExecShell open notepad.exe $localINSTDIR\InstallInstructions_MDaemon.txt SW_SHOWNORMAL
Goto done
FileClose $TargetPluginsFileHandle ; Close MDaemon Plugins file.
FileClose $SourcePluginsFileHandle
MessageBox MB_OK "Installer seemed unable to edit the $localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat file. Perhaps the file is locked. This installation is incomplete. "
Function un.editMDPluginsFile
;Var /GLOBAL ShortPathTempVar ; Defined earlier ... use this to hold the Short Windows Progr~1 path references...
${un.handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR
${un.handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir
## ADDING sensitivity to the functions being called to enable them to look up the proper path values in the event that the
## rollback sequence is not in the current INSTDIR and $SNFServerInstallDir locations. i.e. Those parsing functions need to be able
## to find the correct file to be editing. If its rolling back an older version cross platform, then it needs to redefine the file its
## targeting, not just assume that its in the INSTDIR or the $SNFServerInstallDir. I added two registry keys to the EndRollbackSequence
## subroutine called SRS_INSTDIR and SRS_SERVDIR to cover the lookup during rollback....since by this point INSTDIR is defined,
## just having SRS_INSTDIR different from INSTDIR should be enough key to use the SRS_INSTDIR.... and if the SRS_INSTDIR doesnt' exist,
## ( because it wouldn't be entered until the end of the rollback sequence, then the functions will know they are in the new install, and
## will use the current INSTDIR as their paths.....
ReadRegStr $registryTempData HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_INSTDIR"
iferrors 0 handleReset
goto doneCheckingRollbackVars ; the keys didn't exist so don't hijack.
; they exist so hijack. i.e. Anytime a rollback file exists, ITS local pointers to the relevant INSTDIR and SERVDIR will be valid.
; because when you're done running the rollback, the markers are gone. And a fresh install will replace relevent markers. Even if its
; in the same spot.
StrCpy $localINSTDIR $registryTempData
ReadRegStr $registryTempData HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_SERVDIR"
StrCpy $localSERVDIR $registryTempData
## Handle the proper shortpaths if they need to be handled.
${un.handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $localSERVDIR
${un.handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $localINSTDIR
## Ok, so we know what file we're editing, or un-editing.
;Var /GLOBAL lineDataHandle ; these are the vars that will hold the line of text from the file.
;Var /GLOBAL tempVariableReadLine
;Var /GLOBAL SourcePluginsFileHandle ; File handles.
;Var /GLOBAL TargetPluginsFileHandle
;Var /GLOBAL insideSNFSectionFlag ; Loop/Section Flag.
StrCpy $insideSNFSectionFlag ""
;Var /GLOBAL PresetPluginsFileData ; Blank Plugins file / snf section looks like this:
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "" ; clear this or else it builds up.
StrCpy $collectedArchiveData "" ; clear this or else it builds up.
## GET / FORMAT DATA FOR INSERTION INTO THE PLUGINS.DAT FILE This will either come from the rolledback version, or the
## fresh formulation as depicted here, based on the healFromOldFile flag:
StrCmp $healFromOldFile "1" GetSourceFromRollbackFile 0
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData "" ; this is either a call back to restore, or to remove... but its not putting it in.
Goto DataIsReady ; Don't do Read-From-Rollback... not relevant.
GetSourceFromRollbackFile: ## Ok, so its a callback then. Get the data from the rollback file.
## Open File, strip out the SNF section into a variable, and store it. If none exists, leave empty.
################################################## HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #######################################
StrCmp $healFromOldFile "1" 0 NoDataMining
## Then you need to strip the stuff to put back.
IfFileExists $archivedMDPluginsDatPath 0 DoneReadingArchiveFile ; if the file is valid.
FileOpen $archivedMDPluginsDatFileHandle $archivedMDPluginsDatPath r ; open file.
iferrors 0 +3
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to restructure MDaemons Plugins.dat file from the rollback."
Goto DoneReadingArchiveFile
FileRead $archivedMDPluginsDatFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; Master loop until we find our [SNF] marker in the Plugins.dat file.
ifErrors DoneReadingArchiveFile 0 ; If we get to end with no lines... ok...
; Primary test is that this a live sniffer line.
${un.WordFind2X} $lineDataHandle "[" "]" "E+1" $9
IfErrors 0 +2 ; no errors means it found a string, so skip over and test
Goto ReadArchiveLine ; if errors then get new line
StrCmp $9 "SNF" FoundLiveArchiveSnifferLine TestTagForOldSniffer ; Test for SNF tag...
TestTagForOldSniffer: StrCmp $9 "SNIFFER" FoundLiveArchiveSnifferLine ReadArchiveLine ; if not, then besure it isn't SNIFFER tag...
; go back and get a newline to test.
## IF here, then we broke out of the loop.
FoundLiveArchiveSnifferLine: ; we found the open tag for the SNF. So we read until we get another [] tag.
StrCpy $collectedArchiveData "$collectedArchiveData$lineDataHandle" ; If here the line is of interest, collect it.
GetanInsideLine: ; as long as were inside the sniffer section, get lines here.
FileRead $archivedMDPluginsDatFileHandle $lineDataHandle
IfErrors DoneReadingArchiveFile
${un.WordFind2X} $lineDataHandle "[" "]" "E+1" $9
IfErrors 0 FoundNewBracketMarker ; Drop through if errors, ( No delimiter found ) If we have zero errors we've found
; a new section so then you should goto FoundNewBracketMarker label.
; If errors, then we keep going with more string compares..
ClearErrors ; must clear the error condition returned from the WordFind before next line...
StrCpy $collectedArchiveData "$collectedArchiveData$lineDataHandle" ; If here the line is still of interest, collect it.
Goto GetanInsideLine ; Go get more.
FoundNewBracketMarker: ; Break.
; So we're done here then. Cause we don't care about the rest. We only what what the SNF section was. Any other changes to the target file stay in place.
DoneReadingArchiveFile: ; By this point, either $collectedArchiveData has a bunch of stuff or it doesn't......
FileClose $archivedGLOBALcfgFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $lineDataHandle "" ; Clear line data.
################################################### END HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #################################
StrCpy $PresetPluginsFileData $collectedArchiveData
## Data is now collected and ready for insertion, whether its new, old, or empty.
;MessageBox MB_OK "$PresetPluginsFileData, $healFromOldFile, ::::::: $collectedArchiveData "
IfFileExists "$localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat" filedoesexist 0 ; Skip to second instruction if it doesn't exist.
;filedoesNotExist: MessageBox MB_OK "No Plugins.dat file in the (expected) directory. Creating fresh file."
; If the file is gone, it could have been deleted manually. So just because its gone dosn't mean you wouldn't put back the rollback data
; into a new file. Since this is already defined for new and rollback, (above) we are clear for a new file in either case.
## IF no file exists, then we open file, write new file, and be done.
FileOpen $TargetPluginsFileHandle "$localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat" w
FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle $PresetPluginsFileData ; dump the file....
FileClose $TargetPluginsFileHandle
IfErrors FailedRepair ; otherwise clear for attempting to recreate.
;MessageBox MB_OK "Installer successfully inserted new Plugins.dat file."
Goto done
; So open the file that we're going to write INTO....
FileOpen $TargetPluginsFileHandle $localINSTDIR\WorkingPlugins.dat w ; rename and move new to old one
IfErrors FailedWorking
; Now open the file we're going to read from.
FileOpen $SourcePluginsFileHandle $localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat r ; open a new file for reading
;MessageBox MB_OK $SourcePluginsFileHandle
IfErrors FailedEdit
; Here is where we need top copy everything from the first file, until we reach [SNF]
; where we strip that out and will eventually add the new SNF data at the bottom...
; then we copy everything again after we reach another open [
; Ok, so while we read lines until the end of file,
; we compare the line and look for [SNF].
; if We dont' find it. we copy the line to the new file.
; once we find it, we start looking for the next open bracket [
; and we don't write any lines to the new file until we find the next [
; Then we write all lines until the end of the file.
; then we write the [SNF] code to the end of the file,
; and we close the file.
; No while necessary. Goto will loop to GetaLineHere: label if no SNF is identified.
FileRead $SourcePluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; read the next line into our temp var. from the handle $0 ( attached above with FileOpen )
; NOW test for EOF.
IfErrors HandleEnding
; then we have reached the end of the file without finding the SNF file.
; go directly to writing the SNF information to the output file.
; Now handle for being in the section where we have alredy detected the SNF flag.
; The function jumps from this section to the Handle end flag, after it has finished copying the file.
StrCmp $insideSNFSectionFlag "1" 0 Not_In_SNF_Tagged_Section ; test to find new open '[' char and when we find it
; take us out of SNF skip line mode.
${un.WordFind2X} $tempVariableReadLine "[" "]" "E+1" $9
IfErrors 0 noerrors ; Drop through if errors, ( No delimiter found ) If we have zero errors we've found
; a new section goto noerrors label.
FindNextTag: ; Since where INSIDE the SNF tag, we're NOT copying it to the temp file.
ClearErrors ; clear condition.
FileRead $SourcePluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; read next line.
IfErrors HandleEnding
${un.WordFind2X} $tempVariableReadLine "[" "]" "E+1" $9 ; Look for tag to kick us out of SNF/SNIFFER section.
IfErrors FindNextTag noerrors ; Go back if-errors, ( No delimiter found )
;If we have zero errors we've found new section head.so goto noerrors label.
noerrors: ; then ( since we were IN the snf section ) and we found a DIFFERENT identified tag in the file... dump rest of file in a tight loop.
ClearErrors ; clear error flag if exists from the above string compare.
copyRestOfFile: FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; Dump temp string into new file.
FileRead $SourcePluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; read line.
IfErrors HandleEnding copyRestOfFile
; An error will indicate end of file. loop of not EOF otherwise proceed to ending.
; we've stripped out the old SNF section and copied the existing contents of the file.
; we should never proceed directly from the above section to the next below.
; if we enter the above section it only can exit into the HandleEnding area.
; So if we're entering here. its because we read a line, and we need to test it because
; we have not yet detected the SNF section.
; Now we test to find the SNF
${un.WordFind2X} $tempVariableReadLine "[" "]" "E+1" $9 ; stuff what we find in register nine.
IfErrors 0 +3 ; no errors means it found a string, so skip over and test
FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; Dump nonflagged string into new file.
Goto GetaLineHere ; get new line
; if errors we move get the next line to test.
StrCmp $9 "SNF" TagOK TestTagForOld ; check nine for SNF or SNIFFER Now.
TestTagForOld: StrCmp $9 "SNIFFER" TagOK TagNotSniffer
StrCpy $insideSNFSectionFlag "1"
Goto GetaLineHere ; This forces us into the top looping section where we srip it all out.
FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle $tempVariableReadLine ; Dump temp string into new file.
Goto GetaLinehere ; Go back for more.
; you should not just progress from this line to the Handle Ending. The condition to move to handle ending
; will always be predicated on reaching the end of the file.
HandleEnding: ; We will always get to the end of the file.
; Now we must output our SNF information, because
; either we cut it out,
; or we didn't find it at all and in either case we must add it now.
FileClose $SourcePluginsFileHandle ; Close this because we read it all.
FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle "$\r$\n"
# It doesn't matter at this point, if we're doing a rollback or a new.
# We've handled loading what should be in PresetFileData at the beginning
# of this sub, based on the flags, the old file, etc. If this $PresetPluginsFileData
# is empty here, then its supposed to be. Write and Close.
FileWrite $TargetPluginsFileHandle $PresetPluginsFileData ; dump the file....
FileClose $TargetPluginsFileHandle ; Close MDaemon Plugins file.
ifFileExists "$localSERVDIR\App\OLDPluginsDAT_PreSNFInstall.dat" 0 +2
Delete $localSERVDIR\App\OLDPluginsDAT_PreSNFInstall.dat ;
Rename $localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat $localSERVDIR\App\OLDPluginsDAT_PreSNFInstall.dat ; store the old version.
Rename $localINSTDIR\WorkingPlugins.dat $localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat ; move the working version.
Goto done
; poorly simulated catch section.
MessageBox MB_OK "Uninstaller seemed unable to create a new Plugins.dat file. Perhaps the file is locked. Please attempt to create/move this file manually into the MDaemon\App folder using the Plugins.dat file in the MDaemon\SNF directory according to the manual instructions: "
FileClose $TargetPluginsFileHandle ; Close MDaemon Plugins file.
FileClose $SourcePluginsFileHandle
ExecShell open notepad.exe $localINSTDIR\InstallInstructions_MDaemon.txt SW_SHOWNORMAL
Goto done
MessageBox MB_OK "Uninstaller seemed unable to create a working file. Perhaps the folders permissions are not enabling file creation. "
FileClose $TargetPluginsFileHandle ; Close MDaemon Plugins file.
FileClose $SourcePluginsFileHandle
ExecShell open notepad.exe $localINSTDIR\InstallInstructions_MDaemon.txt SW_SHOWNORMAL
Goto done
FileClose $TargetPluginsFileHandle ; Close MDaemon Plugins file.
FileClose $SourcePluginsFileHandle
MessageBox MB_OK "Uninstaller seemed unable to edit the $localSERVDIR\App\Plugins.dat file. Perhaps the file is locked. This installation is incomplete. "
## Dont' need this now...
## Rollback handleds this at restore...
Function un.cleanGlobalCFG
;comment out every live line in the global.cfg file.
Var /GLOBAL sourceFileHandle
Var /GLOBAL targetFileHandle
Var /GLOBAL str_line
Var /GLOBAL results
FileOpen $sourceFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg" r
FileOpen $targetFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase1global.cfg" w
FileRead $sourceFileHandle $str_line
iferrors cleanupFiles 0
StrCmp $LicenseID "" LookForBaseEXE 0 ; if for some reason the LicenseID is blank, we don't want to comment every ".exe"
${un.WordFind} $str_line "$LicenseID.exe" "E+1}" $results
ifErrors LookForBaseEXE FoundLiveSnifferLine ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
${un.WordFind} $str_line "SNFClient.exe" "E+1}" $results
ifErrors 0 FoundLiveSnifferLine ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $targetFileHandle $str_line
Goto NextLine
FileWrite $targetFileHandle "#$str_line"
Goto NextLine
FileClose $sourceFileHandle
FileClose $targetFileHandle
#Rename it now...
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\pre_snifferUNINSTALL_global.cfg.log" 0 +2
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\pre_snifferUNINSTALL_global.cfg.log"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg" "$SNFServerInstallDir\pre_snifferUNINSTALL_global.cfg.log"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase1global.cfg" "$SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg"
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase1global.cfg" 0 +2
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase1global.cfg"
Function editglobalCFG
; MessageBox MB_OK "Inside editglobalCFG"
; if we're here it means we checked for a global.cfg file, and it existed at the SNFServerInstallDir level... presumably decludes install pattern.
; so we are going to edit / add / replace the values that we are interested in.
; IF there is a file called cfgstring.xml in the folder, it means we are restoring from a previous archived version and we need to pull that string
; and consume the file.
; Adjustments to the parsing of the DECLUDE global.cfg are as follows:
; Upon uninstall, we comment all sniffer lines.
; Upon a reinstall/new install, we rip through and 'heal' or insert the sniffer directives.....
; the priority will be: Just ahead of the first live sniffer line.
; Just after the EXTERNAL TESTS marker if it exists.
; If none of those apply, we insert them at the top of the file.
; Kicker is as follows, the NAME of the test is inconclusive to being able to identifiy it. i.e. beforeSniffer Sniffer afterSniffer are not
; acceptible names to tag on... because they may be Spam Assasin before, or SA after or whatever....
; The only acceptible tag to hit is the SNFClient.exe tag. And to further complicate it it can be inside quotes or whatever, and we
; need to respect that when we heal the path.
; Process will utilize two temp files. The first temp file is the file we write all non-relevent lines to BEFORE we hit the EXTERNAL TESTS marker.
; The second temp file will hold all lines after that, until we find a live sniffer line. Pending no sniffer lines, we insert after Eternal Tests
; and append the second file and close.
#VAR /GLOBAL healFromOldFile ; used to flag putting stuff back.
#VAR /GLOBAL archivedGLOBALcfgPath ; file to use for putting stuff back.
#VAR /GLOBAL archivedGLOBALcfgFileHandle ; handle for file to read in the stuff to put back....
#VAR /GLOBAL collectedArchiveData ; store these lines, collected from the file.
#VAR /GLOBAL succededAtPlacingArchivedData ; true if we have already written data to the new file.
; Var /GLOBAL ShortPathTempVar ; Defined earlier ... use this to hold the Short Windows Progr~1 path references...
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR
;StrCpy $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; Seed the default values.
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir
;StrCpy $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; Seed with the default values.
## ADDING sensitivity to the functions being called to enable them to look up the proper path values in the event that the
## rollback sequence is not in the current INSTDIR and $SNFServerInstallDir locations. i.e. Those parsing functions need to be able
## to find the correct file to be editing. If its rolling back an older version cross platform, then it needs to redefine the file its
## targeting, not just assume that its in the INSTDIR or the $SNFServerInstallDir. I added two registry keys to the EndRollbackSequence
## subroutine called SRS_INSTDIR and SRS_SERVDIR to cover the lookup during rollback....since by this point INSTDIR is defined,
## just having SRS_INSTDIR different from INSTDIR should be enough key to use the SRS_INSTDIR.... and if the SRS_INSTDIR doesnt' exist,
## ( because it wouldn't be entered until the end of the rollback sequence, then the functions will know they are in the new install, and
## will use the current INSTDIR as their paths.....
ReadRegStr $registryTempData HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_INSTDIR"
iferrors 0 handleReset
goto doneCheckingRollbackVars ; the keys didn't exist so don't hijack.
; they exist so hijack. i.e. Anytime a rollback file exists, ITS local pointers to the relevant INSTDIR and SERVDIR will be valid.
; because when you're done running the rollback, the markers are gone. And a fresh install will replace relevent markers. Even if its
; in the same spot.
StrCpy $localINSTDIR $registryTempData
ReadRegStr $registryTempData HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_SERVDIR"
StrCpy $localSERVDIR $registryTempData
## Handle the proper shortpaths if they need to be handled.
${handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $localSERVDIR
${handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $localINSTDIR
StrCpy $collectedArchiveData "" ; set for default.
StrCpy $succededAtPlacingArchivedData "0"
VAR /GLOBAL decludeConfigFileHandle ; the existing live file....
VAR /GLOBAL phase_FileHandle ; holds the first half up to the External Tests or pending no External Test line... we have the entire file here.
VAR /GLOBAL TargetSnifferString ; could be SNFClient.exe or $LicenseID.exe
StrCpy $phase "1" ; start in phase 1
# Identify live sniffer lines, and heal them if possible.
Var /GLOBAL foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine
StrCpy $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "0" ; defaults to no.....
; Declared same var earlier.
;Var /GLOBAL lineDataHandle
Var /GLOBAL WordFindResults
Var /GLOBAL FirstCharTestVar
Var /GLOBAL tempLineHandle ; holds a manipulated version of the line as we test it....
Var /GLOBAL secondHalfOfLine ; holds the other side to rejoin it after we replace....
Var /GLOBAL firstHalfOfLine ; holds all chars up to the encapsulator.
Var /GLOBAL encapsulator ; holds the type of quote if its quoted...
################################################## HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #######################################
${IF} $healFromOldFile = "1"
## Then you need to strip and make temporary file for the stuff to put back.
IfFileExists $archivedGLOBALcfgPath 0 DoneReadingArchiveFile
FileOpen $archivedGLOBALcfgFileHandle $archivedGLOBALcfgPath r
iferrors 0 +3
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to restructure Decludes global.cfg file from the rollback."
Goto DoneReadingArchiveFile
FileRead $archivedGLOBALcfgFileHandle $lineDataHandle
ifErrors DoneReadingArchiveFile 0
; Primary test is that this a live sniffer line.
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle "SNFClient.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundLiveArchiveSnifferLine ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle "$LicenseID.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundLiveArchiveSnifferLine ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
Goto ReadArchiveLine ; go back and get a newline to test.
StrCpy $collectedArchiveData "$collectedArchiveData$lineDataHandle" ; If here the line is of interest, even if its just a comment. collect it.
Goto ReadArchiveLine
DoneReadingArchiveFile: ; By this point, either $collectedArchiveData has a bunch of stuff or it doesn't......
FileClose $archivedGLOBALcfgFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $lineDataHandle "" ; Clear line data.
################################################### END HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #################################
################################################### BEGIN PHASE 1 of the Main Global.cfg File Read. #################################
FileOpen $decludeConfigFileHandle "$localSERVDIR\global.cfg" r
iferrors 0 OpenOK
MessageBox MB_OK "Error opening $localSERVDIR\global.cfg file. Do you have the file open?"
FileClose $decludeConfigFileHandle
FileOpen $decludeConfigFileHandle "$localSERVDIR\global.cfg" r
FileOpen $phase_FileHandle "$localSERVDIR\phase1global.cfg" w
FileRead $decludeConfigFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; get the first line.
ifErrors DoneReadingFile 0
; Primary test is is this a live sniffer line.
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle "SNFClient.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundLiveSnifferLine ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle "$LicenseID.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundLiveOLDSnifferLine ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle "EXTERNAL TEST" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundExternalTestMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to phase1 file.
Goto KeepReading ; go back and get a newline to test.
FoundLiveSnifferLine: ; ok, set TargetSnifferString to be abstract and work for either the new or the old naming convention.
StrCpy $TargetSnifferString "SNFClient.exe" ; ok, set for regular sniffer....
Goto TestForWhitespace
StrCpy $TargetSnifferString "$LicenseID.exe" ; ok, set for regular sniffer....
; ok, line contains SNFClient.exe or $LicenseID.exe we need to be sure it isn't a comment.
StrCpy $tempLineHandle $lineDataHandle
StrCpy $FirstCharTestVar $tempLineHandle 1 0
StrCmp $FirstCharTestVar " " 0 CheckForCommentMarker
StrCpy $tempLineHandle $tempLineHandle "" 1 ; cut off one char and test again.
goto testNextChar
; Skipped here because not blank space... so check for comment.
StrCmp $FirstCharTestVar "#" 0 HandleValidLine
; Is a comment. Dump to whatever phase is current.
; We don't allow Sniffer commented lines to build up..... so we remove it on this pass.
; FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to phase1 file.
Goto KeepReading ; go back and get a newline to test.
StrCpy $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "1" ; set this to defer the phase change if it exists... and if it doesn't then thats ok.
; NOTE: Special case..... we've found a valid line. But if we're in ROLLBACK mode... then we don't want to copy this line, in, all valid lines
; have been collected from the old file, and will now be deposited. All further valid lines will be skipped. Thus:
StrCmp $succededAtPlacingArchivedData "1" KeepReading 0 ; This aborts any new information from getting into the file. Get next line.
StrCmp $healFromOldFile "1" 0 DealWithNormalConditions ; skip forward and handle data.
; Ok, we're rolling back, but we haven't depositied data yet.
FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $collectedArchiveData ; This puts all the valid lines from the archived section in place at the first found
; live line of the current page. Since the installer obeyd the protocol, its likely that its
; in the correct spot. If not, we'll put it back at the end.
StrCpy $succededAtPlacingArchivedData "1"
Goto KeepReading
; Ok, we're here. We have a good line... and we need to alter the path preceding the tag, and the name of the tag.
; We MAY be in the same folder.... but we may be in an entirely different folder... it doesn't matter.
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle $TargetSnifferString "+1}" $secondHalfOfLine ; load the last bit into the $secondHalfOfLine
; now test if its frst char is a white space. If it is, then you're inside quotes, move forward till you find the quote, and then move back till you find it.
; It would be nice to have the algorithem just juse this as its solution, but it breaks because the old sniffer versions
; encapsulate the authentication inside the quotes.... and you could have 'Program Files' inside the quotes... so you can't trust
; a blank to be the pure encapsulator... whats a hack to do...
; So we suggest that we take a test to see if there is one ', one ", or one ` in the secondHalfOfLine
; if there is we'll take a guess that the encapsulator isn't a blank, but that its a quote.....
;${WordFind} $secondHalfOfLine $TargetSnifferString "+1}" $secondHalfOfLine ; load the last bit into the $secondHalfOfLine
; Now we need to test to see if we have the authentication string in here.....
Var /GLOBAL toTheFarRight
${WordFind} $secondHalfOfLine $Authentication "+1}" $toTheFarRight ; load the last far right bit into the $toTheFarRight
ifErrors 0 usefartherEncapsulator
; ok, just find the one to the right of the targetSnifferString and use that on the left side.
StrCpy $encapsulator $secondHalfOfLine 1 0
Goto GrabLeft
usefartherEncapsulator: ; ok, well, then if the Authentication is there, then we need to use the quote type to the right of that.
StrCpy $encapsulator $toTheFarRight 1 0 ; ok, good to go unless its a space... which I don't think you can do if you're using the Auth....
; Now we have a character in the encapsulator. Its either a quote, or a whitespace. If its whitespace, then the end of the path on
; the other side will be another space..... and if its a quote, it will be a quote... etc....
; So get the PRE-part of the line, and grab everything to the right of the last encapsulator var.....
;MessageBox MB_OK "The encapsulator is:$encapsulator And the Cut is:$secondHalfOfLine"
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle $TargetSnifferString "+1{" $tempLineHandle ; load the first bit into the tempLineHandle.
; So tempLineHandle holds the entire preline....before the Name.exe
${WordFind} $tempLineHandle $encapsulator "+1{" $firstHalfOfLine ; load the first bit into the tempLineHandle.
; Naturally this needs to be rebuilt as..... firsthalf+encapsulator+NEWPATH\NEWEXE+ secondhalf (Which includes the 2nd encapsulator...
StrCpy $tempLineHandle "$firstHalfOfLine$encapsulator$localINSTDIR\SNFClient.exe$secondHalfOfLine"
; Now we replace the previous valid line, with the new path and exe....
FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $tempLineHandle ; dump line to phase file. ; Since we're just fixing the lines... it should be ok....
; MessageBox MB_OK "Inside the valid line: $tempLineHandle phase:$phase"
; and at the end if we're in phase 1 then we never found an External test marker... and it doesn't matter.....
; and if we're in phase two, then we need to append phase1 and phase2.... the only situation we need phase1 and phase2 sepearte
; is if we never get into this part... and have to put in a fresh line somewhere.....
StrCpy $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "1"
Goto KeepReading ; go back and get a newline to test.
; Here we've determined that we have found the end of phase one
; but if we found a live line, that trumps putting lines after the external test marker....
StrCmp $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "1" 0 Well_SplitPhasesThen
FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to phase1 file.
; IF thats the case then we just go back to keep reading and don't move the phase file pointer...
Goto KeepReading
; but with no live sniffer lines yet... its a different story, cause we'll need to come back to this break if we don't
; find ANY.....
; put the external tests marker in phase1 file.
FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to phase1 file.
; Thus close the phase one marker. And use Phase Two.
StrCpy $phase "2"
FileClose $phase_FileHandle
FileOpen $phase_FileHandle "$localSERVDIR\phase2global.cfg" w
Goto KeepReading ; go back and get a newline to test.
FileClose $decludeConfigFileHandle ; ok, now we need to know how to reasemble it....
FileClose $phase_FileHandle
StrCmp $phase "1" 0 handleRejoinPhases
; Ok, well that just means we didn't have a External Test marker... so test if we altered anything.
StrCmp $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "1" 0 AddLineAtStart ; and if we drop in, then we handled live lines....
Rename "$localSERVDIR\phase1global.cfg" "$localSERVDIR\NEWglobal.cfg" ; set this up so its all the same for the RenamePhase.
goto RenamePhase ; ok, if so, then we're done then, handle file renaming.
Var /GLOBAL prependFileHandle
FileOpen $prependFileHandle "$localSERVDIR\NEWglobal.cfg" w
${IF} $healFromOldFile = "1" ; then we dump the archived stuff.....
FileWrite $prependFileHandle "############################### SNIFFER TEST SECTION #################################$\r$\n"
FileWrite $prependFileHandle $collectedArchiveData ; This puts the old valid lines back..... Its the only extra condition
${ELSE} ; then write the new data
FileWrite $prependFileHandle "############################### SNIFFER TEST SECTION #################################$\r$\n"
FileWrite $prependFileHandle 'SNIFFER external nonzero "$localINSTDIR\SNFClient.exe"$\t12$\t0$\r$\n'
${ENDIF} ; if the data existed and a valid line was found, it would have been inserted.
; now dump it all in after....
FileOpen $decludeConfigFileHandle "$localSERVDIR\global.cfg" r ; reopen..
FileRead $decludeConfigFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; get new line..
iferrors closeUpThePrepend 0 ; check for EOF
FileWrite $prependFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; NO? Ok write the line to the new file.
Goto ReadForPrePendNewLine ; go back for more.
closeUpThePrepend: ; time to lock up
FileClose $decludeConfigFileHandle
FileClose $prependFileHandle
Goto RenamePhase ; go and rename on top of the old file.
; Ok, but if we were in a phase 2 read.... it meant
; that we found an external test marker.... but we could have fond live lines....
FileOpen $prependFileHandle "$localSERVDIR\NEWglobal.cfg" w ; open target....
FileOpen $phase_FileHandle "$localSERVDIR\phase1global.cfg" r ; reopen..
FileRead $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; get new line..
iferrors closeUpPhaseOneAppend 0 ; check for EOF
FileWrite $prependFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; NO? Ok write the line to the new file.
Goto ReadForAppendPhaseOneLines ; go back for more.
closeUpPhaseOneAppend: ; time to lock up
FileClose $phase_FileHandle
; ok,If we have a phase one with no sniffer reference, and may or may not have one in the phase2 file....
; or a phase two that HAS the sniffer references.... then we just need to add 2 to 1 and rename.
; So find if we need to INSERT or just append phase2
StrCmp $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "1" FuseThePhaseBreak 0 ; if we jump then no extra is required....
; but if we fall through we need to insert.....and either ROLLBACK or insert fresh....
${IF} $healFromOldFile = "1" ; then we dump the archived stuff.....
FileWrite $prependFileHandle $collectedArchiveData ; This puts the old valid lines back..... Its the only extra condition
${ELSE} ; then write the new data
FileWrite $prependFileHandle 'SNIFFER external nonzero "$localINSTDIR\SNFClient.exe"$\t12$\t0$\r$\n'
${ENDIF} ; if the data existed and a valid line was found, it would have been inserted.
; and drop into appending phase2
FileOpen $phase_FileHandle "$localSERVDIR\phase2global.cfg" r ; reopen..
FileRead $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; get new line..
iferrors closeUpPhaseTwoAppend 0 ; check for EOF
FileWrite $prependFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; NO? Ok write the line to the new file.
Goto ReadForAppendPhaseTwoLines ; go back for more.
closeUpPhaseTwoAppend: ; time to lock up
FileClose $phase_FileHandle
FileClose $prependFileHandle
goto RenamePhase ; ok, if so, then we're done then, handle file renaming.
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; set this so that it doesn't try on the next call to this function.
ifFileExists "$localSERVDIR\pre_snifferinstall_global.cfg.log" 0 +2
Delete "$localSERVDIR\pre_snifferinstall_global.cfg.log"
Rename "$localSERVDIR\global.cfg" "$localSERVDIR\pre_snifferinstall_global.cfg.log"
Rename "$localSERVDIR\NEWglobal.cfg" "$localSERVDIR\global.cfg"
ifFileExists "$localSERVDIR\phase1global.cfg" 0 +2
Delete "$localSERVDIR\phase1global.cfg"
ifFileExists "$localSERVDIR\phase2global.cfg" 0 +2
Delete "$localSERVDIR\phase2global.cfg"
ifFileExists "$localSERVDIR\NEWglobal.cfg" 0 +2
Delete "$localSERVDIR\NEWglobal.cfg"
# See editglobalCFG for documentation and explanation... this is the same but with a un. prepended.....
Function un.editglobalCFG
StrCpy $collectedArchiveData "" ; set for default.
StrCpy $succededAtPlacingArchivedData "0"
;VAR /GLOBAL decludeConfigFileHandle ; the existing live file....
;VAR /GLOBAL phase_FileHandle ; holds the first half up to the External Tests or pending no External Test line... we have the entire file here.
;VAR /GLOBAL phase
;VAR /GLOBAL TargetSnifferString ; could be SNFClient.exe or $LicenseID.exe
StrCpy $phase "1" ; start in phase 1
# Identify live sniffer lines, and heal them if possible.
;Var /GLOBAL foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine
StrCpy $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "0" ; defaults to no.....
; Var /GLOBAL ShortPathTempVar ; Defined earlier ... use this to hold the Short Windows Progr~1 path references...
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${un.handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR
;StrCpy $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; Seed the default values.
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${un.handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir
;StrCpy $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; Seed with the default values.
;Var /GLOBAL lineDataHandle
;Var /GLOBAL WordFindResults
;Var /GLOBAL FirstCharTestVar
;Var /GLOBAL tempLineHandle ; holds a manipulated version of the line as we test it....
;Var /GLOBAL secondHalfOfLine ; holds the other side to rejoin it after we replace....
;Var /GLOBAL firstHalfOfLine ; holds all chars up to the encapsulator.
;Var /GLOBAL encapsulator ; holds the type of quote if its quoted...
################################################## HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #######################################
${IF} $healFromOldFile = "1"
## Then you need to strip and make temporary file for the stuff to put back.
IfFileExists $archivedGLOBALcfgPath 0 DoneReadingArchiveFile
FileOpen $archivedGLOBALcfgFileHandle $archivedGLOBALcfgPath r
iferrors 0 +3
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to restructure Decludes global.cfg file from the rollback archive."
Goto DoneReadingArchiveFile
FileRead $archivedGLOBALcfgFileHandle $lineDataHandle
ifErrors DoneReadingArchiveFile 0
; Primary test is that this a live sniffer line.
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle "SNFClient.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundLiveArchiveSnifferLine ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle "$LicenseID.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundLiveArchiveSnifferLine ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
Goto ReadArchiveLine ; go back and get a newline to test.
StrCpy $collectedArchiveData "$collectedArchiveData$lineDataHandle" ; If here the line is of interest, even if its just a comment. collect it.
Goto ReadArchiveLine
DoneReadingArchiveFile: ; By this point, either $collectedArchiveData has a bunch of stuff or it doesn't......
FileClose $archivedGLOBALcfgFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $lineDataHandle "" ; Clear line data.
################################################### END HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #################################
################################################### BEGIN PHASE 1 of the Main Global.cfg File Read. #################################
FileOpen $decludeConfigFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg" r
iferrors 0 OpenOK
MessageBox MB_OK "Error opening $SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg file. Do you have the file open?"
FileClose $decludeConfigFileHandle
FileOpen $decludeConfigFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg" r
FileOpen $phase_FileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase1global.cfg" w
FileRead $decludeConfigFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; get the first line.
ifErrors DoneReadingFile 0
; Primary test is is this a live sniffer line?
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle "SNFClient.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundLiveSnifferLine ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle "$LicenseID.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundLiveOLDSnifferLine ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle "EXTERNAL TEST" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundExternalTestMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to phase1 file.
Goto KeepReading ; go back and get a newline to test.
FoundLiveSnifferLine: ; ok, set TargetSnifferString to be abstract and work for either the new or the old naming convention.
StrCpy $TargetSnifferString "SNFClient.exe" ; ok, set for regular sniffer....
Goto TestForWhitespace
StrCpy $TargetSnifferString "$LicenseID.exe" ; ok, set for regular sniffer....
; ok, line contains SNFClient.exe or $LicenseID.exe we need to be sure it isn't a comment.
StrCpy $tempLineHandle $lineDataHandle
StrCpy $FirstCharTestVar $tempLineHandle 1 0
StrCmp $FirstCharTestVar " " 0 CheckForCommentMarker
StrCpy $tempLineHandle $tempLineHandle "" 1 ; cut off one char and test again.
goto testNextChar
; Skipped here because not blank space... so check for comment.
StrCmp $FirstCharTestVar "#" 0 HandleValidLine
; Is a comment. Dump to whatever phase is current.
; We don't allow Sniffer commented lines to build up..... so we remove it on this pass.
; FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to phase1 file.
Goto KeepReading ; go back and get a newline to test.
StrCpy $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "1" ; set this to defer the phase change if it exists... and if it doesn't then thats ok.
; NOTE: Special case..... we've found a valid line. But if we're in ROLLBACK mode... then we don't want to copy this line, in, all valid lines
; have been collected from the old file, and will now be deposited. All further valid lines will be skipped. Thus:
StrCmp $succededAtPlacingArchivedData "1" KeepReading 0 ; This aborts any new information from getting into the file. Get next line.
StrCmp $healFromOldFile "1" 0 DealWithNormalConditions ; skip forward and handle data.
; Ok, we're rolling back, but we haven't depositied data yet.
FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $collectedArchiveData ; This puts all the valid lines from the archived section in place at the first found
; live line of the current page. Since the installer obeyd the protocol, its likely that its
; in the correct spot. If not, we'll put it back at the end.
StrCpy $succededAtPlacingArchivedData "1"
Goto KeepReading
; Ok, we're here. We have a good line... and we need to alter the path preceding the tag, and the name of the tag.
; We MAY be in the same folder.... but we may be in an entirely different folder... it doesn't matter.
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle $TargetSnifferString "+1}" $secondHalfOfLine ; load the last bit into the $secondHalfOfLine
; now test if its frst char is a white space. If it is, then you're inside quotes, move forward till you find the quote, and then move back till you find it.
; It would be nice to have the algorithem just juse this as its solution, but it breaks because the old sniffer versions
; encapsulate the authentication inside the quotes.... and you could have 'Program Files' inside the quotes... so you can't trust
; a blank to be the pure encapsulator... whats a hack to do...
; So we suggest that we take a test to see if there is one ', one ", or one ` in the secondHalfOfLine
; if there is we'll take a guess that the encapsulator isn't a blank, but that its a quote.....
;${WordFind} $secondHalfOfLine $TargetSnifferString "+1}" $secondHalfOfLine ; load the last bit into the $secondHalfOfLine
; Now we need to test to see if we have the authentication string in here.....
; Var /GLOBAL toTheFarRight
${un.WordFind} $secondHalfOfLine $Authentication "+1}" $toTheFarRight ; load the last far right bit into the $toTheFarRight
ifErrors 0 usefartherEncapsulator
; ok, just find the one to the right of the targetSnifferString and use that on the left side.
StrCpy $encapsulator $secondHalfOfLine 1 0
Goto GrabLeft
usefartherEncapsulator: ; ok, well, then if the Authentication is there, then we need to use the quote type to the right of that.
StrCpy $encapsulator $toTheFarRight 1 0 ; ok, good to go unless its a space... which I don't think you can do if you're using the Auth....
; Now we have a character in the encapsulator. Its either a quote, or a whitespace. If its whitespace, then the end of the path on
; the other side will be another space..... and if its a quote, it will be a quote... etc....
; So get the PRE-part of the line, and grab everything to the right of the last encapsulator var.....
;MessageBox MB_OK "The encapsulator is:$encapsulator And the Cut is:$secondHalfOfLine"
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle $TargetSnifferString "+1{" $tempLineHandle ; load the first bit into the tempLineHandle.
; So tempLineHandle holds the entire preline....before the Name.exe
${un.WordFind} $tempLineHandle $encapsulator "+1{" $firstHalfOfLine ; load the first bit into the tempLineHandle.
; Naturally this needs to be rebuilt as..... firsthalf+encapsulator+NEWPATH\NEWEXE+ secondhalf (Which includes the 2nd encapsulator...
StrCpy $tempLineHandle "$firstHalfOfLine$encapsulator$localINSTDIR\SNFClient.exe$secondHalfOfLine"
; Now we replace the previous valid line, with the new path and exe....
FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $tempLineHandle ; dump line to phase file. ; Since we're just fixing the lines... it should be ok....
;MessageBox MB_OK "Inside the valid line: $tempLineHandle phase:$phase"
; and at the end if we're in phase 1 then we never found an External test marker... and it doesn't matter.....
; and if we're in phase two, then we need to append phase1 and phase2.... the only situation we need phase1 and phase2 sepearte
; is if we never get into this part... and have to put in a fresh line somewhere.....
StrCpy $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "1"
Goto KeepReading ; go back and get a newline to test.
; Here we've determined that we have found the end of phase one
; but if we found a live line, that trumps putting lines after the external test marker....
StrCmp $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "1" 0 Well_SplitPhasesThen
FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to phase1 file.
; IF thats the case then we just go back to keep reading and don't move the phase file pointer...
Goto KeepReading
; but with no live sniffer lines yet... its a different story, cause we'll need to come back to this break if we don't
; find ANY.....
; put the external tests marker in phase1 file.
FileWrite $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to phase1 file.
; Thus close the phase one marker. And use Phase Two.
StrCpy $phase "2"
FileClose $phase_FileHandle
FileOpen $phase_FileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase2global.cfg" w
Goto KeepReading ; go back and get a newline to test.
FileClose $decludeConfigFileHandle ; ok, now we need to know how to reasemble it....
FileClose $phase_FileHandle
StrCmp $phase "1" 0 handleRejoinPhases
; Ok, well that just means we didn't have a External Test marker... so test if we altered anything.
StrCmp $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "1" 0 AddLineAtStart ; and if we drop in, then we handled live lines....
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase1global.cfg" "$SNFServerInstallDir\NEWglobal.cfg" ; set this up so its all the same for the RenamePhase.
goto RenamePhase ; ok, if so, then we're done then, handle file renaming.
; Var /GLOBAL prependFileHandle
FileOpen $prependFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\NEWglobal.cfg" w
${IF} $healFromOldFile = "1" ; then we dump the archived stuff.....
FileWrite $prependFileHandle "############################### SNIFFER TEST SECTION #################################$\r$\n"
FileWrite $prependFileHandle $collectedArchiveData ; This puts the old valid lines back..... Its the only extra condition
${ELSE} ; then write the new data
FileWrite $prependFileHandle "############################### SNIFFER TEST SECTION #################################$\r$\n"
FileWrite $prependFileHandle 'SNIFFER external nonzero "$INSTDIR\SNFClient.exe"$\t12$\t0$\r$\n'
${ENDIF} ; if the data existed and a valid line was found, it would have been inserted.
; now dump it all in after....
FileOpen $decludeConfigFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg" r ; reopen..
FileRead $decludeConfigFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; get new line..
iferrors closeUpThePrepend 0 ; check for EOF
FileWrite $prependFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; NO? Ok write the line to the new file.
Goto ReadForPrePendNewLine ; go back for more.
closeUpThePrepend: ; time to lock up
FileClose $decludeConfigFileHandle
FileClose $prependFileHandle
Goto RenamePhase ; go and rename on top of the old file.
; Ok, but if we were in a phase 2 read.... it meant
; that we found an external test marker.... but we could have fond live lines....
FileOpen $prependFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\NEWglobal.cfg" w ; open target....
FileOpen $phase_FileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase1global.cfg" r ; reopen..
FileRead $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; get new line..
iferrors closeUpPhaseOneAppend 0 ; check for EOF
FileWrite $prependFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; NO? Ok write the line to the new file.
Goto ReadForAppendPhaseOneLines ; go back for more.
closeUpPhaseOneAppend: ; time to lock up
FileClose $phase_FileHandle
; ok,If we have a phase one with no sniffer reference, and may or may not have one in the phase2 file....
; or a phase two that HAS the sniffer references.... then we just need to add 2 to 1 and rename.
; So find if we need to INSERT or just append phase2
StrCmp $foundAtLeastOneLiveSnifferLine "1" FuseThePhaseBreak 0 ; if we jump then no extra is required....
; but if we fall through we need to insert.....and either ROLLBACK or insert fresh....
${IF} $healFromOldFile = "1" ; then we dump the archived stuff.....
FileWrite $prependFileHandle $collectedArchiveData ; This puts the old valid lines back..... Its the only extra condition
${ELSE} ; then write the new data
FileWrite $prependFileHandle 'SNIFFER external nonzero "$localINSTDIR\SNFClient.exe"$\t12$\t0$\r$\n'
${ENDIF} ; if the data existed and a valid line was found, it would have been inserted.
; and drop into appending phase2
FileOpen $phase_FileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase2global.cfg" r ; reopen..
FileRead $phase_FileHandle $lineDataHandle ; get new line..
iferrors closeUpPhaseTwoAppend 0 ; check for EOF
FileWrite $prependFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; NO? Ok write the line to the new file.
Goto ReadForAppendPhaseTwoLines ; go back for more.
closeUpPhaseTwoAppend: ; time to lock up
FileClose $phase_FileHandle
FileClose $prependFileHandle
goto RenamePhase ; ok, if so, then we're done then, handle file renaming.
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; set this so that it doesn't try on the next call to this function.
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\pre_snifferinstall_global.cfg.log" 0 +2
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\pre_snifferinstall_global.cfg.log"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg" "$SNFServerInstallDir\pre_snifferinstall_global.cfg.log"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\NEWglobal.cfg" "$SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg"
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase1global.cfg" 0 +2
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase1global.cfg"
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase2global.cfg" 0 +2
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\phase2global.cfg"
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\NEWglobal.cfg" 0 +2
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\NEWglobal.cfg"
Function editMXGuardINI
; Ok we must have detected MXGuard's ini file. Therefore we are going to run a strip and fix on the MXGuard.ini file.
VAR /GLOBAL newMXGuardINIFileHandle
VAR /GLOBAL InsertAuthenticationString ; format this initially, and stop it with the restore value if we execute that paragraph.
VAR /GLOBAL InsertPathString ; format this initially, and stop it with the restore value if we execute that paragraph.
; declared in the global.cfg editor that uses the same construct
;Var /GLOBAL registryTempData
;Var /GLOBAL lineDataHandle
;Var /GLOBAL WordFindResults
;Var /Global FirstCharTestVar
;StrCpy $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; Seed the default values.
;StrCpy $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; Seed with the default values.
; Var /GLOBAL ShortPathTempVar ; Defined earlier ... use this to hold the Short Windows Progr~1 path references...
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR
;StrCpy $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; Seed the default values.
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir
;StrCpy $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; Seed with the default values.
## ADDING sensitivity to the functions being called to enable them to look up the proper path values in the event that the
## rollback sequence is not in the current INSTDIR and $SNFServerInstallDir locations. i.e. Those parsing functions need to be able
## to find the correct file to be editing. If its rolling back an older version cross platform, then it needs to redefine the file its
## targeting, not just assume that its in the INSTDIR or the $SNFServerInstallDir. I added two registry keys to the EndRollbackSequence
## subroutine called SRS_INSTDIR and SRS_SERVDIR to cover the lookup during rollback....since by this point INSTDIR is defined,
## just having SRS_INSTDIR different from INSTDIR should be enough key to use the SRS_INSTDIR.... and if the SRS_INSTDIR doesnt' exist,
## ( because it wouldn't be entered until the end of the rollback sequence, then the functions will know they are in the new install, and
## will use the current INSTDIR as their paths.....
ReadRegStr $registryTempData HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_INSTDIR"
iferrors 0 handleReset
goto doneCheckingRollbackVars ; the keys didn't exist so don't hijack.
; they exist so hijack. i.e. Anytime a rollback file exists, ITS local pointers to the relevant INSTDIR and SERVDIR will be valid.
; because when you're done running the rollback, the markers are gone. And a fresh install will replace relevent markers. Even if its
; in the same spot.
StrCpy $localINSTDIR $registryTempData
ReadRegStr $registryTempData HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_SERVDIR"
StrCpy $localSERVDIR $registryTempData
${handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $localINSTDIR
${handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $localSERVDIR
# Initialize these to the normal values as if this was an install....
StrCpy $InsertAuthenticationString "$Authentication$\r$\n"
StrCpy $InsertPathString "$localINSTDIR\SNFClient.exe$\r$\n"
## But if its a restore, then this will execute and overwrite the above two vars......
## The strip and fix will either put the new values that are necessary for the .exe's to function, or it will
## datamine the old file and insert into the existing file, the new values for the three editable line items pertaining
## to sniffer.
################################################## HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #######################################
${IF} $healFromOldFile = "1"
## Then you need to strip and make temporary file for the stuff to put back.
IfFileExists $archivedMXGUARDiniPath 0 DoneReadingArchiveFile
FileOpen $archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle $archivedMXGUARDiniPath r
iferrors 0 ReadArchiveLine
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to read MXGuard's MXGuard.ini file from the rollback archive: $archivedMXGUARDiniPath"
Goto DoneReadingArchiveFile
FileRead $archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle $lineDataHandle
ifErrors DoneReadingArchiveFile 0
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle "[Sniffer]" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundArchivedTestMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
Goto ReadArchiveLine ; go back and get a newline to test.
; Ok, we're here and we need to read until we get the old AuthCode..... and store it...
FileRead $archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle $lineDataHandle
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle "AuthCode=" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors LookForAuth 0 ; errors meant not in line...go back and look for Auth If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
StrCpy $InsertAuthenticationString $WordFindResults ; Save the insertable Authentication String.
FileRead $archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle $lineDataHandle
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle "PathToEXE=" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors LookForPath 0 ; errors meant not in line...go back and look for Auth If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
StrCpy $InsertPathString $WordFindResults ; Save the insertable Authentication String.
DoneReadingArchiveFile: ; By this point, either $collectedArchiveData has a bunch of stuff or it doesn't......
FileClose $archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $lineDataHandle "" ; Clear line data.
################################################### END HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #################################
# Open the current files.....
FileOpen $MXGuardINIFileHandle "$localSERVDIR\mxGuard.ini" r
;MessageBox MB_OK "Opening $SNFServerInstallDir\mxGuard.ini"
# The soon to be edited file...
FileOpen $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "$localSERVDIR\NEWmxGuard.ini" w
;MessageBox MB_OK "Opening $SNFServerInstallDir\NEWmxGuard.ini"
FileRead $MXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle
ifErrors DoneReadingFile 0
${WordFind} $lineDataHandle "[Sniffer]" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundExternalTestMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to new file.
Goto KeepReading ; go back and get a newline to test.
; First put the marker line. "[Sniffer]"
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to new file.
; Then write teh Auth line.
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "AuthCode=$InsertAuthenticationString"
; Read the line off the file, but don't write it.....
FileRead $MXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle
; Then write the Path line.
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "PathToEXE=$InsertPathString"
; Read the line off the file, but don't write it.....
FileRead $MXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle
; DoneWritingEntry:
; now dump the rest of the file.
FileRead $MXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle
ifErrors DoneDumping 0
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to new file.
Goto KeepDumping ; go back and get a newline to test.
; this should be id. Go home.
FileClose $MXGuardINIFileHandle
FileClose $newMXGuardINIFileHandle
ifFileExists "$localSERVDIR\old_mxGuard.ini" 0 +2
Delete "$localSERVDIR\old_mxGuard.ini"
Rename "$localSERVDIR\mxGuard.ini" "$localSERVDIR\old_mxGuard.ini"
Rename "$localSERVDIR\NEWmxGuard.ini" "$localSERVDIR\mxGuard.ini"
Delete "$localSERVDIR\old_mxGuard.ini"
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; Clear flag
; this would be an error because no external SNIFFER marker was found. Add marker but notify.
MessageBox MB_OK "MXGuards INI file seems to be missing the [SNIFFER] section. Adding [SNIFFER] section. "
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "$\r$\n[SNIFFER]$\r$\n"
; Then write teh Auth line.
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "AuthCode=$InsertAuthenticationString\r$\n"
; Then write the Path line.
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "PathToEXE=$InsertPathString$\r$\n"
FileClose $newMXGuardINIFileHandle
FileClose $MXGuardINIFileHandle
ifFileExists "$localSERVDIR\old_mxGuard.ini" 0 +2
Delete "$localSERVDIR\old_mxGuard.ini"
Rename "$localSERVDIR\mxGuard.ini" "$localSERVDIR\old_mxGuard.ini"
Rename "$localSERVDIR\NEWmxGuard.ini" "$localSERVDIR\mxGuard.ini"
Delete "$localSERVDIR\old_mxGuard.ini"
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; Clear flag
# Same as above but needs to re-declared for the uninstaller.
Function un.editMXGuardINI
; Ok we must have detected MXGuard's ini file. Therefore we are going to run a strip and fix on the MXGuard.ini file.
; VAR /GLOBAL newMXGuardINIFileHandle
; VAR /GLOBAL MXGuardINIFileHandle
; VAR /GLOBAL InsertAuthenticationString ; format this initially, and stop it with the restore value if we execute that paragraph.
; VAR /GLOBAL InsertPathString ; format this initially, and stop it with the restore value if we execute that paragraph.
; declared in the global.cfg editor that uses the same construct
;Var /GLOBAL lineDataHandle
;Var /GLOBAL WordFindResults
;Var /Global FirstCharTestVar
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${un.handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR
;StrCpy $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; Seed the default values.
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${un.handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir
;StrCpy $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; Seed with the default values.
# Initialize these to the normal values as if this was an install....
StrCpy $InsertAuthenticationString "$Authentication$\r$\n"
StrCpy $InsertPathString "$localINSTDIR\SNFClient.exe$\r$\n"
## But if its a restore, then this will execute and overwrite the above two vars......
## The strip and fix will either put the new values that are necessary for the .exe's to function, or it will
## datamine the old file and insert into the existing file, the new values for the three editable line items pertaining
## to sniffer.
################################################## HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #######################################
${IF} $healFromOldFile = "1"
## Then you need to strip and make temporary file for the stuff to put back.
IfFileExists $archivedMXGUARDiniPath 0 DoneReadingArchiveFile
FileOpen $archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle $archivedMXGUARDiniPath r
iferrors 0 ReadArchiveLine
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to read MXGuard's MXGuard.ini file from the rollback archive: $archivedMXGUARDiniPath"
Goto DoneReadingArchiveFile
FileRead $archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle $lineDataHandle
ifErrors DoneReadingArchiveFile 0
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle "[Sniffer]" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundArchivedTestMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
Goto ReadArchiveLine ; go back and get a newline to test.
; Ok, we're here and we need to read until we get the old AuthCode..... and store it...
FileRead $archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle $lineDataHandle
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle "AuthCode=" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors LookForAuth 0 ; errors meant not in line...go back and look for Auth If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
StrCpy $InsertAuthenticationString $WordFindResults ; Save the insertable Authentication String.
FileRead $archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle $lineDataHandle
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle "PathToEXE=" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors LookForPath 0 ; errors meant not in line...go back and look for Auth If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
StrCpy $InsertPathString $WordFindResults ; Save the insertable Authentication String.
DoneReadingArchiveFile: ; By this point, either $collectedArchiveData has a bunch of stuff or it doesn't......
FileClose $archivedMXGUARDiniFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $lineDataHandle "" ; Clear line data.
################################################### END HEAL FROM ARCHIVE DATA COLLECTION PHASE #################################
# Open the current files.....
FileOpen $MXGuardINIFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\mxGuard.ini" r
;MessageBox MB_OK "Opening $SNFServerInstallDir\mxGuard.ini"
# The soon to be edited file...
FileOpen $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\NEWmxGuard.ini" w
;MessageBox MB_OK "Opening $SNFServerInstallDir\NEWmxGuard.ini"
FileRead $MXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle
ifErrors DoneReadingFile 0
${un.WordFind} $lineDataHandle "[Sniffer]" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundExternalTestMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to new file.
Goto KeepReading ; go back and get a newline to test.
; First put the marker line. "[Sniffer]"
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to new file.
; Then write teh Auth line.
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "AuthCode=$InsertAuthenticationString"
; Read the line off the file, but don't write it.....
FileRead $MXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle
; Then write the Path line.
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "PathToEXE=$InsertPathString"
; Read the line off the file, but don't write it.....
FileRead $MXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle
; DoneWritingEntry:
; now dump the rest of the file.
FileRead $MXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle
ifErrors DoneDumping 0
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle $lineDataHandle ; dump line to new file.
Goto KeepDumping ; go back and get a newline to test.
; this should be id. Go home.
FileClose $MXGuardINIFileHandle
FileClose $newMXGuardINIFileHandle
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\old_mxGuard.ini" 0 +2
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\old_mxGuard.ini"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\mxGuard.ini" "$SNFServerInstallDir\old_mxGuard.ini"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\NEWmxGuard.ini" "$SNFServerInstallDir\mxGuard.ini"
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\old_mxGuard.ini"
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; Clear flag
; this would be an error because no external SNIFFER marker was found. Add marker but notify.
MessageBox MB_OK "MXGuards INI file seems to be missing the [SNIFFER] section. Adding [SNIFFER] section. "
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "$\r$\n[SNIFFER]$\r$\n"
; Then write teh Auth line.
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "AuthCode=$InsertAuthenticationString\r$\n"
; Then write the Path line.
FileWrite $newMXGuardINIFileHandle "PathToEXE=$InsertPathString$\r$\n"
FileClose $newMXGuardINIFileHandle
FileClose $MXGuardINIFileHandle
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\old_mxGuard.ini" 0 +2
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\old_mxGuard.ini"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\mxGuard.ini" "$SNFServerInstallDir\old_mxGuard.ini"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\NEWmxGuard.ini" "$SNFServerInstallDir\mxGuard.ini"
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\old_mxGuard.ini"
StrCpy $healFromOldFile "0" ; Clear flag
Function un.editContentXML
; Subroutine that REMOVES the XML to tie in Sniffer to the IceWarp merak\config\content.xml
; There are three situations. First the file is empty, Second it doesn't have a sniffer tag, but there are other filters, third it has a sniffer tag.
; if Sniffer was installed as an AV filter... then call stripScanDAT will remove that.
Call un.stripScanXML
; and now hande if we're inside the content.xml file.
Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentFileHandle ; handle to hold open read file.
Var /GLOBAL IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; new file.
Var /GLOBAL IceWarpSnifferXMLExists
Var /GLOBAL TempFilterXML ; this hold a filter paragraph until we're sure we want to commit it....
Var /GLOBAL didWeOutput ; flag for if we exited normally with output of XML or if we ended file strangely and terminated with no output.
StrCpy $didWeOutput "0"
StrCpy $IceWarpSnifferXMLExists "0" ; default flag to false.
Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; read data, line by line.
FileOpen $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml" w
IfFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" 0 UnableToFindContentFileXML
FileOpen $IceWarpContentFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" r
iferrors 0 ReadContentLine
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to read IceWarps Content.XML file from: $SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml"
Goto DoneReadingContentFile
; You can have an empty file. With no headers... so first we either spin through without finding a valid header opener... and then
; open and enter our own filter at the end... or we'll find one, and enter into the valid filter sections.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingEmptyFile 0
${un.WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 ProperlyHeaderedFile ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
; if were here and we're reading lines, then we're not in a SNIFFER FILTER... so we write the line to the new file.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
Goto ReadForProperyHeaderedFilterFile ; go back and get a newline to test.
; dump header line.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
;Ok, Next line SHOULD be FILTER object.... spin till we get one...
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${un.WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
; if were here and we're reading lines, then we're not in a SNIFFER FILTER... so we write the line to the new file.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
Goto ReadContentLine ; go back and get a newline to test.
; Ok, we're here at a filter header, so its either the SNIFFER FILTER, or its not... so we write to a temp var till we read the title...
; because the filter section has a couple lines ahead of the title tag... active y/n etc.... so we need to trap that till we get to
; something distinctive.
StrCpy $TempFilterXML $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${un.WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundTitleMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "$TempFilterXML$IceWarpContentXMLlinedata" ; not in line, add to temp buffer.
Goto LookForTitle ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok, if we popped out and were here, then if we find the title and it IS sniffer.... then we dont' write, and we loop to the next
; but if we're NOT sniffer.... then we write the temp string and pop out and continue looping at the top.
${un.WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "SNIFFER" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundSnifferSection ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to found-handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $TempFilterXML ; Ok, we're not in a sniffer section, so dump the buffer
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "" ; clear the buffer.
Goto ReadContentLine ; pop out and look for the next filter tag.
; if this is the case, we loop till we find the and then we insert the new sniffer code.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFileWithErrors 0 ; if we exit here output is NOT done... and it probably means an error.
${un.WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundCloseFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
Goto LookForCloseFilter ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok, we stripped it.
; From here on, we dump it all to the file.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ;Grap new line.
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0 ; if not EOF then exit with output true. We're good and done.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
Goto ContinueDumpingFileLines ; and go back for more.
; If were here then we called from the first loop section where we were checking for
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml"
Return ; fall through and close files up.
; we could jump to here from anywere indicating EOF.... so if if thats the game. We store and swap.
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" ; Clear line data.
; Now swap out the files.
Var /GLOBAL var1
Var /GLOBAL var2
Var /GLOBAL var3
Var /GLOBAL var4
Var /GLOBAL var5
Var /GLOBAL var6
Var /GLOBAL var7
${un.GetTime} "" "L" $var1 $var2 $var3 $var4 $var5 $var6 $var7
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content_UnInstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml"
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml"
Function stripContentXML
; Subroutine that REMOVES the XML to tie in Sniffer to the IceWarp merak\config\content.xml when installing as AV.. ( and it was pre-instaled )
; as a Content Filter.
; There are three situations. First the file is empty, Second it doesn't have a sniffer tag, but there are other filters, third it has a sniffer tag.
; and now hande if we're inside the content.xml file.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentFileHandle ; handle to hold open read file.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; new file.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpSnifferXMLExists
;Var /GLOBAL TempFilterXML ; this hold a filter paragraph until we're sure we want to commit it....
;Var /GLOBAL didWeOutput ; flag for if we exited normally with output of XML or if we ended file strangely and terminated with no output.
StrCpy $didWeOutput "0"
StrCpy $IceWarpSnifferXMLExists "0" ; default flag to false.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; read data, line by line.
FileOpen $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml" w
IfFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" 0 UnableToFindContentFileXML
FileOpen $IceWarpContentFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" r
iferrors 0 ReadContentLine
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to read IceWarps Content.XML file from: $SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml"
Goto DoneReadingContentFile
; You can have an empty file. With no headers... so first we either spin through without finding a valid header opener... and then
; open and enter our own filter at the end... or we'll find one, and enter into the valid filter sections.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingEmptyFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 ProperlyHeaderedFile ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
; if were here and we're reading lines, then we're not in a SNIFFER FILTER... so we write the line to the new file.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
Goto ReadForProperyHeaderedFilterFile ; go back and get a newline to test.
; dump header line.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
;Ok, Next line SHOULD be FILTER object.... spin till we get one...
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
; if were here and we're reading lines, then we're not in a SNIFFER FILTER... so we write the line to the new file.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
Goto ReadContentLine ; go back and get a newline to test.
; Ok, we're here at a filter header, so its either the SNIFFER FILTER, or its not... so we write to a temp var till we read the title...
; because the filter section has a couple lines ahead of the title tag... active y/n etc.... so we need to trap that till we get to
; something distinctive.
StrCpy $TempFilterXML $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundTitleMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "$TempFilterXML$IceWarpContentXMLlinedata" ; not in line, add to temp buffer.
Goto LookForTitle ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok, if we popped out and were here, then if we find the title and it IS sniffer.... then we dont' write, and we loop to the next
; but if we're NOT sniffer.... then we write the temp string and pop out and continue looping at the top.
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "SNIFFER" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundSnifferSection ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to found-handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $TempFilterXML ; Ok, we're not in a sniffer section, so dump the buffer
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "" ; clear the buffer.
Goto ReadContentLine ; pop out and look for the next filter tag.
; if this is the case, we loop till we find the and then we insert the new sniffer code.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFileWithErrors 0 ; if we exit here output is NOT done... and it probably means an error.
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundCloseFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
Goto LookForCloseFilter ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok, we stripped it.
; From here on, we dump it all to the file.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ;Grap new line.
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0 ; if not EOF then exit with output true. We're good and done.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
Goto ContinueDumpingFileLines ; and go back for more.
; If were here then we called from the first loop section where we were checking for
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml"
Return ; fall through and close files up.
; we could jump to here from anywere indicating EOF.... so if if thats the game. We store and swap.
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" ; Clear line data.
; Now swap out the files.
;Var /GLOBAL var1
;Var /GLOBAL var2
;Var /GLOBAL var3
;Var /GLOBAL var4
;Var /GLOBAL var5
;Var /GLOBAL var6
;Var /GLOBAL var7
${GetTime} "" "L" $var1 $var2 $var3 $var4 $var5 $var6 $var7
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content_UnInstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml"
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml"
Function editContentXML
; Subroutine that inserts the XML to tie in Sniffer to the IceWarp merak\config\content.xml
; There are three situations. First the file is empty, Second it doesn't have a sniffer tag, but there are other filters, third it has a sniffer tag.
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR
;StrCpy $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; Seed the default values.
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${handleShortPath} $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir
;StrCpy $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; Seed with the default values.
Var /GLOBAL IceWarpType
ReadRegStr $IceWarpType HKLM "SOFTWARE\MessageSniffer" "IceWarpType"
; possible types are AV, CF and SS
StrCmp $IceWarpType "AV" 0 useContentFilters
Call editScanXML ; not using ContentFilter tie in. Using Scan.dat file tie in. Very similar, but slightly different.
; Ok, not inserting into AV position. So we'll do the contentfilter stuff.
; but if we WE'RE installed there before... we need to strip it out from the AV tiein..
Call stripScanXML
Var /GLOBAL ContentXMLHeader
Var /GLOBAL ContentXMLFooter
Var /GLOBAL SnifferXMLContent
Var /GLOBAL SnifferXMLContent2
StrCpy $ContentXMLHeader '$\r$\n$\r$\n' ; If nothing in file, when we need to write header and
StrCpy $ContentXMLFooter "" ; footer.
StrCmp $IceWarpType "CF" 0 SetForSS ; Only other setting is SS
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "" ; Clear buffer.
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 1$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent SNIFFER$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 1$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 6$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 8$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 1$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 1$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 4$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 8$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent $localINSTDIR\SNFClient.exe$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 2$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 " 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 500$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 1$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 1$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0X-SNIFFER-FLAG: Yes $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2$\r$\n"
Goto FilterTextReady
; ok, not using the CF, we're using the spam score insertion method.
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 1$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent SNIFFER$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 1$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 6$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 8$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 1$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 1$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 4$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 8$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent $localINSTDIR\SNFClient.exe$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 2$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent "$SnifferXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 " 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 500$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferXMLContent2 "$SnifferXMLContent2$\r$\n"
#Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentFileHandle ; handle to hold open read file. ALREADY DECLARED in un. function.
#Var /GLOBAL IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; new file.
#Var /GLOBAL IceWarpSnifferXMLExists
#Var /GLOBAL TempFilterXML ; this hold a filter paragraph until we're sure we want to commit it....
#Var /GLOBAL didWeOutput ; flag for if we exited normally with output of XML or if we ended file strangely and terminated with no output.
#Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; read data, line by line.
StrCpy $didWeOutput "0"
StrCpy $IceWarpSnifferXMLExists "0" ; default flag to false.
FileOpen $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml" w
IfFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" 0 UnableToFindContentFileXML
FileOpen $IceWarpContentFileHandle "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" r
iferrors 0 ReadContentLine
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to read IceWarps Content.XML file from: $SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml"
Goto DoneReadingContentFile
; You can have an empty file. With no headers... so first we either spin through without finding a valid header opener... and then
; open and enter our own filter at the end... or we'll find one, and enter into the valid filter sections.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingEmptyFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 ProperlyHeaderedFile ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
; if were here and we're reading lines, then we're not in a SNIFFER FILTER... so we write the line to the new file.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
Goto ReadForProperyHeaderedFilterFile ; go back and get a newline to test.
; dump header line.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
;Ok, Next line SHOULD be FILTER object.... spin till we get one...
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
; if were here and we're reading lines, then we're not in a SNIFFER FILTER... so we write the line to the new file.
; BUT we could be reading the last line, in which case, we need to output before we close the content filter tag...
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors NotEndingYet 0 ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then drop through and handle trivial ending. Otherwise drop through
; Ok here is where we put the new Sniffer... since we're about to end without finding one.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferXMLContent ; and because this is a properly wrapped file, and there may be more filters after us.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferXMLContent2
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; we continue through and write the rest till EOF.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; close the XML validily.
Goto DoneReadingContentFile
NotEndingYet: ; ok if its not the trivial ending, then output line, and go back for more.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
Goto ReadContentLine ; go back and get a newline to test.
; Ok, we're here at a filter header, so its either the SNIFFER FILTER, or its not... so we write to a temp var till we read the title...
; because the filter section has a couple lines ahead of the title tag... active y/n etc.... so we need to trap that till we get to
; something distinctive.
StrCpy $TempFilterXML $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundTitleMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "$TempFilterXML$IceWarpContentXMLlinedata" ; not in line, add to temp buffer.
Goto LookForTitle ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok, if we popped out and were here, then if we find the title and it IS sniffer.... then we dont' write, and we loop to the next
; but if we're NOT sniffer.... then we write the temp string and pop out and continue looping at the top.
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "SNIFFER" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundSnifferSection ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to found-handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $TempFilterXML ; Ok, we're not in a sniffer section, so dump the buffer
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "" ; clear the buffer.
Goto ReadContentLine ; pop out and look for the next filter tag.
; if this is the case, we loop till we find the and then we insert the new sniffer code.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFileWithErrors 0 ; if we exit here output is NOT done... and it probably means an error.
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundCloseFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
Goto LookForCloseFilter ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok here is where we put the new Sniffer... since we just cut out the old sniffer.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferXMLContent ; and because this is a properly wrapped file, and there may be more filters after us.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferXMLContent2
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; we continue through and write the rest till EOF.
; Ok from here on, we dump it all to the file.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ;Grap new line.
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0 ; if not EOF then exit with output true. We're good and done.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
Goto ContinueDumpingFileLines ; and go back for more.
; If were here then we called from the first loop section where we were checking for
DoneReadingEmptyFile: ; this means we head, fill and footer the file ourselves.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $ContentXMLHeader ; If nothing in file, when we need to write header and
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferXMLContent
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferXMLContent2
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $ContentXMLFooter ; and footer
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; footer.
; fall through and close files up.
; we could jump to here from anywere. If we needed to write it out in the middle, we would have done it.
DoneReadingContentFile: ; only the trivial EOF early would trip with no output.... so if thats the case
StrCmp $didWeOutput "0" 0 SkipOutputThisTime ; we need to dump it all in, headers and footers too, and then close.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $ContentXMLHeader ; If nothing in file, when we need to write header and
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferXMLContent
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferXMLContent2
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $ContentXMLFooter ; and footer ; if we didn't have a chance, then we output here.
; potential for corrupted file if file ended with errors....
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" ; Clear line data.
; Now swap out the files.
#Var /GLOBAL var1
#Var /GLOBAL var2
#Var /GLOBAL var3
#Var /GLOBAL var4
#Var /GLOBAL var5
#Var /GLOBAL var6
#Var /GLOBAL var7
${GetTime} "" "L" $var1 $var2 $var3 $var4 $var5 $var6 $var7
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml"
Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml"
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\contentNEW.xml"
MessageBox MB_OK "Attempting to edit XML in: $SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml resulted in finding a corrupted construction. Please check the new file, content.xml, manually."
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to find IceWarps Content.XML file from: $SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml You will have to tie-in manually with IceWarp."
Function un.stripScanXML
; Subroutine that removes the XML to tie in Sniffer to the IceWarp merak\config\scan.dat file. ( As an AV filter )
; There are three situations. First the file is empty, Second it doesn't have a SNFClient tag, but there are other filters, third it has a ClamAV tag.
;Var /GLOBAL WordFindResults
;Var /GLOBAL ContentXMLHeader
;Var /GLOBAL ContentXMLFooter
; Used for gettime functions.
;Var /GLOBAL var1
;Var /GLOBAL var2
;Var /GLOBAL var3
;Var /GLOBAL var4
;Var /GLOBAL var5
;Var /GLOBAL var6
;Var /GLOBAL var7
Var /GLOBAL IceWarpInstallFolder
StrCpy $IceWarpInstallFolder $SNFServerInstallDir ; set as source for file.... ( filter code was ported from the ClamAid Script )
StrCpy $ContentXMLHeader '$\r$\n' ; If nothing in file, when we need to write header and
StrCpy $ContentXMLFooter "$\r$\n"
; footer.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentFileHandle ; handle to hold open read file. ALREADY DECLARED in un. function.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; new file.
;Var /GLOBAL TempFilterXML ; this hold a filter paragraph until we're sure we want to commit it....
;Var /GLOBAL didWeOutput ; flag for if we exited normally with output of XML or if we ended file strangely and terminated with no output.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; read data, line by line.
StrCpy $didWeOutput "0"
FileOpen $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scanNEW.dat" w
IfFileExists "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat" 0 UnableToFindContentFileXML
FileOpen $IceWarpContentFileHandle "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat" r
iferrors 0 ReadContentLine
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to read IceWarps scan.dat file from: $IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat"
Goto DoneReadingContentFile
;Ok, Next line SHOULD be FILTER object.... spin till we get one...
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${un.WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
; if were here and we're reading lines, then we're not in a SNIFFER FILTER... so we write the line to the new file.
; BUT we could be reading the last line, in which case, we need to output before we close the content filter tag...
${un.WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors NotEndingYet 0 ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then drop through and handle trivial ending. Otherwise drop through
; this is the strip, so we're done now
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; we continue through and write the rest till EOF.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; close the XML validily.
Goto DoneReadingContentFile
NotEndingYet: ; ok if its not the trivial ending, then output line, and go back for more.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
Goto ReadContentLine ; go back and get a newline to test.
; Ok, we're here at a filter header, so its either the SNIFFER FILTER, or its not... so we write to a temp var till we read the title...
; because the filter section has a couple lines ahead of the title tag... active y/n etc.... so we need to trap that till we get to
; something distinctive.
StrCpy $TempFilterXML $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${un.WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundTitleMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "$TempFilterXML$IceWarpContentXMLlinedata" ; not in line, add to temp buffer.
Goto LookForTitle ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok, if we popped out and we're here, then if we find the title and it IS clamdscan then we dont' write, and we loop to the next
; but if we're NOT sniffer.... then we write the temp string and pop out and continue looping at the top.
${un.WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "SNFCLient.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundClamSection ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to found-handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $TempFilterXML ; Ok, we're not in a sniffer section, so dump the buffer
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "" ; clear the buffer.
Goto ReadContentLine ; pop out and look for the next filter tag.
; if this is the case, we loop till we find the and then we insert the new sniffer code.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFileWithErrors 0 ; if we exit here output is NOT done... and it probably means an error.
${un.WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundCloseFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
Goto LookForCloseFilter ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok here is where we remove the Filter reference
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; Now we continue through and write the rest till EOF.
; Ok from here on, we dump it all to the file.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ;Grap new line.
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0 ; if not EOF then exit with output true. We're good and done.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
Goto ContinueDumpingFileLines ; and go back for more.
; If were here then we called from the first loop section where we were checking for
DoneReadingEmptyFile: ; this means we don't need a header footer or anything.
; In this case, since we're stripping, $didWeOutput merely means have we satisified our conditions to end.
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; footer.
; fall through and close files up.
; we could jump to here from anywere. If we needed to write it out in the middle, we would have done it.
DoneReadingContentFile: ; only the trivial EOF early would trip with no output.... so if thats the case
StrCmp $didWeOutput "0" 0 SkipOutputThisTime ; we need to dump it all in, headers and footers too, and then close.
; potential for corrupted file if file ended with errors....
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" ; Clear line data.
; Now swap out the files.
#Var /GLOBAL var1
#Var /GLOBAL var2
#Var /GLOBAL var3
#Var /GLOBAL var4
#Var /GLOBAL var5
#Var /GLOBAL var6
#Var /GLOBAL var7
${un.GetTime} "" "L" $var1 $var2 $var3 $var4 $var5 $var6 $var7
ifFileExists "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scandat_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scandat_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml"
Rename "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat" "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scandat_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml"
Rename "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scanNEW.dat" "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat"
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
Delete "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scanNew.dat"
MessageBox MB_OK "Attempting to edit XML in: $IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat resulted in finding a corrupted construction. Please check the new file, scan.dat, manually."
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to find IceWarps scan.dat file from: $IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat You will have to tie-in manually with IceWarp."
Function stripScanXML
; Subroutine that removes the XML to tie in Sniffer to the IceWarp merak\config\scan.dat file. ( As an AV filter )
; There are three situations. First the file is empty, Second it doesn't have a SNFClient tag, but there are other filters, third it has a ClamAV tag.
;Var /GLOBAL WordFindResults
;Var /GLOBAL ContentXMLHeader
;Var /GLOBAL ContentXMLFooter
; Used for gettime functions.
;Var /GLOBAL var1
;Var /GLOBAL var2
;Var /GLOBAL var3
;Var /GLOBAL var4
;Var /GLOBAL var5
;Var /GLOBAL var6
;Var /GLOBAL var7
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpInstallFolder
StrCpy $IceWarpInstallFolder $SNFServerInstallDir ; set as source for file.... ( filter code was ported from the ClamAid Script )
StrCpy $ContentXMLHeader '$\r$\n' ; If nothing in file, when we need to write header and
StrCpy $ContentXMLFooter "$\r$\n"
; footer.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentFileHandle ; handle to hold open read file. ALREADY DECLARED in un. function.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; new file.
;Var /GLOBAL TempFilterXML ; this hold a filter paragraph until we're sure we want to commit it....
;Var /GLOBAL didWeOutput ; flag for if we exited normally with output of XML or if we ended file strangely and terminated with no output.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; read data, line by line.
StrCpy $didWeOutput "0"
FileOpen $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scanNEW.dat" w
IfFileExists "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat" 0 UnableToFindContentFileXML
FileOpen $IceWarpContentFileHandle "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat" r
iferrors 0 ReadContentLine
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to read IceWarps scan.dat file from: $IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat"
Goto DoneReadingContentFile
;Ok, Next line SHOULD be FILTER object.... spin till we get one...
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
; if were here and we're reading lines, then we're not in a SNIFFER FILTER... so we write the line to the new file.
; BUT we could be reading the last line, in which case, we need to output before we close the content filter tag...
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors NotEndingYet 0 ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then drop through and handle trivial ending. Otherwise drop through
; this is the strip, so we're done now
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; we continue through and write the rest till EOF.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; close the XML validily.
Goto DoneReadingContentFile
NotEndingYet: ; ok if its not the trivial ending, then output line, and go back for more.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
Goto ReadContentLine ; go back and get a newline to test.
; Ok, we're here at a filter header, so its either the SNIFFER FILTER, or its not... so we write to a temp var till we read the title...
; because the filter section has a couple lines ahead of the title tag... active y/n etc.... so we need to trap that till we get to
; something distinctive.
StrCpy $TempFilterXML $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundTitleMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "$TempFilterXML$IceWarpContentXMLlinedata" ; not in line, add to temp buffer.
Goto LookForTitle ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok, if we popped out and we're here, then if we find the title and it IS clamdscan then we dont' write, and we loop to the next
; but if we're NOT sniffer.... then we write the temp string and pop out and continue looping at the top.
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "SNFCLient.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundSnifferSection ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to found-handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $TempFilterXML ; Ok, we're not in a sniffer section, so dump the buffer
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "" ; clear the buffer.
Goto ReadContentLine ; pop out and look for the next filter tag.
; if this is the case, we loop till we find the and then we insert the new sniffer code.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFileWithErrors 0 ; if we exit here output is NOT done... and it probably means an error.
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundCloseFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
Goto LookForCloseFilter ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok here is where we remove the Filter reference
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; Now we continue through and write the rest till EOF.
; Ok from here on, we dump it all to the file.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ;Grap new line.
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0 ; if not EOF then exit with output true. We're good and done.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
Goto ContinueDumpingFileLines ; and go back for more.
; If were here then we called from the first loop section where we were checking for
DoneReadingEmptyFile: ; this means we don't need a header footer or anything.
; In this case, since we're stripping, $didWeOutput merely means have we satisified our conditions to end.
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; footer.
; fall through and close files up.
; we could jump to here from anywere. If we needed to write it out in the middle, we would have done it.
DoneReadingContentFile: ; only the trivial EOF early would trip with no output.... so if thats the case
StrCmp $didWeOutput "0" 0 SkipOutputThisTime ; we need to dump it all in, headers and footers too, and then close.
; potential for corrupted file if file ended with errors....
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" ; Clear line data.
; Now swap out the files.
#Var /GLOBAL var1
#Var /GLOBAL var2
#Var /GLOBAL var3
#Var /GLOBAL var4
#Var /GLOBAL var5
#Var /GLOBAL var6
#Var /GLOBAL var7
${GetTime} "" "L" $var1 $var2 $var3 $var4 $var5 $var6 $var7
ifFileExists "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scandat_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scandat_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml"
Rename "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat" "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scandat_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml"
Rename "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scanNEW.dat" "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat"
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
Delete "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scanNew.dat"
MessageBox MB_OK "Attempting to edit XML in: $IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat resulted in finding a corrupted construction. Please check the new file, scan.dat, manually."
#MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to find IceWarps scan.dat file from: $IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat You will have to tie-in manually with IceWarp."
Function editScanXML
; Subroutine that inserts the XML to tie in IceWarp to the IceWarp merak\config\scan.dat file as well as adjusting a couple line items in the ClamAV
; config file.
; We only want it installed in Icewarp one way at a time.
call stripContentXML ; Remove the installation XML if it was put in place as a Content Filter.
; These are declared in the .UN version of the sub... globals cross the UN barrier.... functions don't... sigh.
; There are three situations. First the file is empty, Second it doesn't have a ClamAV tag, but there are other filters, third it has a ClamAV tag.
;Var /GLOBAL WordFindResults
;Var /GLOBAL ContentXMLHeader
;Var /GLOBAL ContentXMLFooter
Var /GLOBAL SnifferAVXMLContent
; Used for gettime functions.
;Var /GLOBAL var1
;Var /GLOBAL var2
;Var /GLOBAL var3
;Var /GLOBAL var4
;Var /GLOBAL var5
;Var /GLOBAL var6
;Var /GLOBAL var7
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpInstallFolder
StrCpy $IceWarpInstallFolder $SNFServerInstallDir ; set as source for file.... ( filter code was ported from the ClamAid Script )
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${handleShortPath} $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR
;StrCpy $localINSTDIR $INSTDIR ; Seed the default values.
; GetFullPathName /SHORT $IceWarpInstallFolder $SNFServerInstallDir ; for windows greeking. ; Seed with the default values.
${handleShortPath} $IceWarpInstallFolder $SNFServerInstallDir
;StrCpy $localSERVDIR $SNFServerInstallDir ; Seed with the default values.
StrCpy $ContentXMLHeader '$\r$\n' ; If nothing in file, when we need to write header and
StrCpy $ContentXMLFooter "$\r$\n"
; footer.
; Filter looks like this:
; "C:/Program Files/clamAV/clamdscan.exe"
; -l "C:/Program Files/clamAv/log/mylog.log"
; 1
; 0
; 0
StrCpy $SnifferAVXMLContent "" ; Clear buffer.
StrCpy $SnifferAVXMLContent "$SnifferAVXMLContent$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferAVXMLContent "$SnifferAVXMLContent "$localINSTDIR\SNFClient.exe"$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferAVXMLContent "$SnifferAVXMLContent $\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferAVXMLContent "$SnifferAVXMLContent 20,21,22,23,2,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferAVXMLContent "$SnifferAVXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferAVXMLContent "$SnifferAVXMLContent 0$\r$\n"
StrCpy $SnifferAVXMLContent "$SnifferAVXMLContent$\r$\n"
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentFileHandle ; handle to hold open read file. ALREADY DECLARED in un. function.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; new file.
;Var /GLOBAL TempFilterXML ; this hold a filter paragraph until we're sure we want to commit it....
;Var /GLOBAL didWeOutput ; flag for if we exited normally with output of XML or if we ended file strangely and terminated with no output.
;Var /GLOBAL IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; read data, line by line.
StrCpy $didWeOutput "0"
FileOpen $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scanNEW.dat" w
IfFileExists "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat" 0 DoneReadingContentFile
#MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to find IceWarps scan.dat file from: $IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat Creating New File."
FileOpen $IceWarpContentFileHandle "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat" r
iferrors 0 ReadForProperyHeaderedFilterFile
#MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to read IceWarps scan.dat file from: $IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat"
Goto DoneReadingContentFile
; You can have an empty file. With no headers... so first we either spin through without finding a valid header opener... and then
; open and enter our own filter at the end... or we'll find one, and enter into the valid filter sections.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingEmptyFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 ProperlyHeaderedFile ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
; if were here and we're reading lines, then we're not in a CLAMAV FILTER... so we write the line to the new file.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
Goto ReadForProperyHeaderedFilterFile ; go back and get a newline to test.
; dump header line.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
; Sniffer goes in front of the AV filters.... for speed.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferAVXMLContent ; and because this is a properly wrapped file, and there may be more filters after us.
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; we continue through and write the rest till EOF.
;Ok, Next line SHOULD be FILTER object.... spin till we get one...
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
; if were here and we're reading lines, then we're not in a SNIFFER FILTER... so we write the line to the new file.
; BUT we could be reading the last line, in which case, we need to output before we close the content filter tag...
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors NotEndingYet 0 ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then drop through and handle trivial ending. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; close the XML validily.
Goto DoneReadingContentFile
NotEndingYet: ; ok if its not the trivial ending, then output line, and go back for more.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump line to the new file.
Goto ReadContentLine ; go back and get a newline to test.
; Ok, we're here at a filter header, so its either the SNIFFER FILTER, or its not... so we write to a temp var till we read the title...
; because the filter section has a couple lines ahead of the title tag... active y/n etc.... so we need to trap that till we get to
; something distinctive.
StrCpy $TempFilterXML $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundTitleMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "$TempFilterXML$IceWarpContentXMLlinedata" ; not in line, add to temp buffer.
Goto LookForTitle ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Ok, if we popped out and we're here, then if we find the title and it IS clamdscan then we dont' write, and we loop to the next
; but if we're NOT sniffer.... then we write the temp string and pop out and continue looping at the top.
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "SNFClient.exe" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundSnifferSection ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to found-handle. Otherwise drop through
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $TempFilterXML ; Ok, we're not in a sniffer section, so dump the buffer
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
StrCpy $TempFilterXML "" ; clear the buffer.
Goto ReadContentLine ; pop out and look for the next filter tag.
FoundSnifferSection: ; consume an existing sniffer section.
; if this is the case, we loop till we find the and then we insert the new sniffer code.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFileWithErrors 0 ; if we exit here output is NOT done... and it probably means an error.
${WordFind} $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" "E+1}" $WordFindResults
ifErrors 0 FoundCloseFilterMarker ; errors meant not in line... If we found it, then go to handle. Otherwise drop through
Goto LookForCloseFilter ; go back and get a newline to that might hold the title.
; Dont output here cause we put it in front.
; Ok from here on, we dump it all to the file.
FileRead $IceWarpContentFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ;Grap new line.
ifErrors DoneReadingContentFile 0 ; if not EOF then exit with output true. We're good and done.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata ; dump the current line...
Goto ContinueDumpingFileLines ; and go back for more.
; If were here then we called from the first loop section where we were checking for
DoneReadingEmptyFile: ; this means we head, fill and footer the file ourselves.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $ContentXMLHeader ; If nothing in file, when we need to write header and
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferAVXMLContent
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $ContentXMLFooter ; and footer
StrCpy $didWeOutput "1" ; footer.
; fall through and close files up.
; we could jump to here from anywere. If we needed to write it out in the middle, we would have done it.
DoneReadingContentFile: ; only the trivial EOF early would trip with no output.... so if thats the case
StrCmp $didWeOutput "0" 0 SkipOutputThisTime ; we need to dump it all in, headers and footers too, and then close.
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $ContentXMLHeader ; If nothing in file, when we need to write header and
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $SnifferAVXMLContent
FileWrite $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle $ContentXMLFooter ; and footer ; if we didn't have a chance, then we output here.
; potential for corrupted file if file ended with errors....
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
StrCpy $IceWarpContentXMLlinedata "" ; Clear line data.
; Now swap out the files.
#Var /GLOBAL var1
#Var /GLOBAL var2
#Var /GLOBAL var3
#Var /GLOBAL var4
#Var /GLOBAL var5
#Var /GLOBAL var6
#Var /GLOBAL var7
${GetTime} "" "L" $var1 $var2 $var3 $var4 $var5 $var6 $var7
ifFileExists "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scandat_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scandat_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml"
Rename "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat" "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scandat_InstallLOG_$var1-$var2-$var4.xml"
Rename "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scanNEW.dat" "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat"
FileClose $IceWarpContentFileHandle ; Close file.
FileClose $IceWarpAdjustedFileHandle ; Close file.
Delete "$IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scanNew.dat"
MessageBox MB_OK "Attempting to edit XML in: $IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat resulted in finding a corrupted construction. Please check the new file, scan.dat, manually."
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to find IceWarps scan.dat file from: $IceWarpInstallFolder\config\scan.dat You will have to tie-in manually with IceWarp."
FunctionEND ; end IceWarp scan.dat file edit.
## SNIFFER's Config file. ######################################################################################################
## This function doubles as an editor for the MDaemon's config file editor as well. Since this editor doesn't concern itself ##
## with most of the other features.
Function editXMLConfig
; Var /GLOBAL ShortPathTempVar ; Defined earier. ; use this to hold the Short Windows Progr~1 path references...
;GetFullPathName /SHORT $ShortPathTempVar $INSTDIR
${handleShortPath} $ShortPathTempVar $INSTDIR
## MDaemon patch adjustment. The snfmdplugin.xml file is the same file, except for some initial settings. We can use the same edit code
## for both files. Use the filename switch here.
Var /GLOBAL ConfigFileName ; We're using a switch to double the snfengine edit code to handle the snfmdplugin.xml code as well.
StrCpy $ConfigFileName "snf_engine.xml"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\snfmdplugin.xml" 0 +2
StrCpy $ConfigFileName "snfmdplugin.xml"
## End MDaemon filename switch.
${GetBetween} "" "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" "$R0" ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value. i.e. It would
!insertmacro ReplaceInFile "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" "" ""
${GetBetween} "" "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" "$R0" ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value.
!insertmacro ReplaceInFile "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" "" ""
${GetBetween} "" "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" "$R0" ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value.
!insertmacro ReplaceInFile "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" "" ""
${GetBetween} "" "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" "$R0" ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value.
!insertmacro ReplaceInFile "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" "" ""
; Now we gotta cut this out to work with it in order to have referential integrity. ( there are other tags named the same thing.... above the network block)
${GetBetween} "" "" "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" "$R0" ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value.
FileOpen $R1 "tempNetworkFile.txt" w
FileWrite $R1 $R0
FileClose $R1
${GetBetween} "" "$INSTDIR\tempNetworkFile.txt" "$R0" ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value.
StrCmp $R0 "" OutputEntireString 0 ; If $R0 returns empty in this instance, it means that the feature wasn't there in
; this file version. So jump to the default and write the line.
StrCpy $R6 "" ; R6 holds the new PUT value....
; Typical update script looks like:
!insertmacro ReplaceInFile "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" "" "$R6"
Delete "$INSTDIR\tempNetworkFile.txt"
OutputEntireString: ; This handles if there was an empty search returned from searching for updateScript.
StrCpy $R6 ""
; Typical update script looks like:
; !insertmacro ReplaceInFile "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\snfmdplugin.xml" "" "$R6$\r$\n"
; ClearErrors
Push "" #text to be replaced
Push "$R6$\r$\n" #replace with
Push 0 #replace command
Push 1 #replace but only one occurance.. not all close network references....
Push "$INSTDIR\$ConfigFileName" #file to replace in
Call AdvReplaceInFile ;; it reads the pushed variables as parameters.... ( Hey... I didn't design that interface... its confusing. )
Delete "$INSTDIR\tempNetworkFile.txt"
Function .onInit
############################ Semifor Code ###################
# Ensure we only run one instance.
System::Call 'kernel32::CreateMutexA(i 0, i 0, t "Message Sniffer") i .r1 ?e'
Pop $R0
StrCmp $R0 0 +3
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "The Message Sniffer installer is already running."
############################ Semifor Code ###################
; The master installer .exe should create a LocalRoot.txt file that indicates where the localroot of the mailserver is located.
; To save us the trouble of finding it again.
; Now identify the folder that we're in and get the local root.....
IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\LocalRoot.txt" 0 EndGracefully
${GetBetween} '' '' "$EXEDIR\LocalRoot.txt" $SNFServerInstallDir ; if it was unpacked by the Installer than the file is there
${GetBetween} '' '' "$EXEDIR\LocalRoot.txt" $INSTDIR ; if it was unpacked by the Installer than the file is there
Goto ContinueInstall
MessageBox MB_OK "Unable to resolve the local root installation directory for the mail server. Ending Installer."
################################################ Variable Initialization Phase ########################################################
; If possible, retrieve the license info from an this folder, the rollback folder or an old archived path. Not essential, but nice if we can.
; Read the most recent archived snapshot path
IfFileExists "$INSTDIR\identity.xml" 0 TryAgain2
${GetBetween} "licenseid='" "'" "$INSTDIR\identity.xml" $LicenseID
${GetBetween} "authentication='" "'" "$INSTDIR\identity.xml" $Authentication
Goto MakeNew
IfFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\identity.xml" 0 MakeNew
${GetBetween} "licenseid='" "'" "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\identity.xml" $LicenseID
${GetBetween} "authentication='" "'" "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\identity.xml" $Authentication
MakeNew: ; The system did not detect an older install or we've moved the existing one or we've chosen to install in an entirely differnt place..
; So we will proceed with fresh folder creation.
## Variable initilization for some flags.
StrCpy $UnpackedCURLStuff "0" ; set for first time.
StrCpy $InstallerCompletedRestore "0" ; Initialize variables to default false.
StrCpy $DownloadFailed "0" ; $DownloadFailed This Variable declared in ONinit and defaulted to "0" for use in the RulebaseDownload screens.
################# Some Pre-Rollback housekeeping. #################################
## Grabbing copy of current settings, before forced rollback occurs.
## Remember, that if we CAN rollback, we must rollback to ground zero. Hence the need to grab a copy of the existing files
## before rollback.
; This paragraph determines if we passed the FreshInstall flag (/F) to the installer to confirm
; the desire to ignore the existing configuration.
${GetOptions} $CommandLineParameters "-F" $R0
IfErrors RetainExistingConfig IgnoreExistingConfig
StrCpy $RetainExistingSettings "1"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\snfmdplugin.xml" 0 +2 ; Both MDaemons xml, and SNFServer's xml files need to
CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\snfmdplugin.xml" "$TEMP\snfmdplugin.xml" ; be captured before we stomp them with an older install
; if a previous install existed.
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\snf_engine.xml" 0 Defaults ; If we need to do this, swap a copy over to temp
CopyFiles /SILENT "$INSTDIR\snf_engine.xml" "$TEMP\snf_engine.xml" ; before we rollback, so we can restore it....
;MessageBox MB_OK "Retaining"
Goto Defaults
StrCpy $RetainExistingSettings "0"
;MessageBox MB_OK "Retaining settings:$RetainExistingSettings"
## We're installing. Therefore if there is an existing rollback file, run it.
## BlockFullUninstall is the flag for determining if there was an existing manual install
## If we have this flag, then the uninstaller will never be allowed to
## remove the install completely.
Var /GLOBAL localSRS_RollbackPath
ReadRegStr $localSRS_RollbackPath HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_RollbackPath"
ifErrors 0 SkipBlocking ; So only on teh condition that an installer hasn't run, do we consider blocking.
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\snf2check.exe" 0 +2
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "BlockFullUninstall" "1"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\mingwm10.dll" 0 +2
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "BlockFullUninstall" "1"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\SNFClient.exe" 0 +2
WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "BlockFullUninstall" "1" ; FULL Uninstall Prempted.
; We decided that we will always run an available rollback.
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_LogName"
# If none of these trip, we'll presume safe.
StrCmp $localSRS_RollbackPath "" NoPreRoll 0 ; so exit if no rollback file.
StrCmp $1 "" NoPreRoll 0 ; and no log.....
## IF there are ANY valid rollback scenarios we are going to execute them prior to running a new install.
## Before we let the rollback put things back... presuming we have a service installed, we'll need to stop it....
Call stopSNFServer ; if it there it will stop it.
Call stopXYNTService ; if its there, stop it.
## IN the possible scenarior that we are uninstalling and rolling back a previous install when we are installing a seperate platform..
## Pull in the reg key from the old system:
Var /GLOBAL OLD_INSTALL_DIR ; possible old , but if its the same (current) install folder, its ok.... it will still be functional.
ReadRegStr $OLD_INSTALL_DIR HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "Install_Dir"
## Use that folder to trip the uninstall of XYNTService to enable the rollback.... ( The reason for this is that the NEW InstallDIR could be
## different because of the LocalRoot.txt file coming from the users selection of a different platform... i.e. The $INSTDIR is where its GOING
## not where the registry said it WAS......
IfFileExists "$OLD_INSTALL_DIR\XYNTService.exe" 0 +2
nsExec::Exec "$OLD_INSTALL_DIR\XYNTService -u" "" SH_HIDE ; uninstall it if it exists....
## Now we should be ready to fire... even if its over the bow, to an older platform...
## ADDING sensitivity to the functions being called to enable them to look up the proper path values in the event that the
## rollback sequence is not in the current INSTDIR and $SNFServerInstallDir locations. i.e. Those parsing functions need to be able
## to find the correct file to be editing. If its rolling back an older version cross platform, then it needs to redefine the file its
## targeting, not just assume that its in the INSTDIR or the $SNFServerInstallDir. I added two registry keys to the EndRollbackSequence
## subroutine called SRS_INSTDIR and SRS_SERVDIR to cover the lookup during rollback....since by this point INSTDIR is defined,
## just having SRS_INSTDIR different from INSTDIR should be enough key to use the SRS_INSTDIR.... and if the SRS_INSTDIR doesnt' exist,
## ( because it wouldn't be entered until the end of the rollback sequence, then the functions will know they are in the new install, and
## will use the current INSTDIR as their paths.....
## Get this before its rolled back and gone.
ReadRegStr $localSRS_INSTDIR HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_INSTDIR"
ReadRegStr $localSRS_SERVDIR HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "localSRS_SERVDIR"
${RollBackTo} $localSRS_RollbackPath $1 ; Put all the files back the way they were. ; Both those values come from registry....
RMDir /r $localSRS_RollbackPath
## Finish cleanup.
## IF there is no SNFServer.exe there should be nothing else
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\SNFClient.exe" SkipNow 0 ; otherwise cleanup.
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\Restorer.exe" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_INSTDIR\Restorer.exe"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\oldsnifferversion.txt" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_INSTDIR\oldsnifferversion.txt"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\getRulebase.cmd.old" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_INSTDIR\getRulebase.cmd.old"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\shortcuts.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_INSTDIR\shortcuts.xml" ; if exists ; Find other location
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\cfgstring.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_INSTDIR\cfgstring.xml" ; if exists ; Find other location
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\XYNTService.ini" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_INSTDIR\XYNTService.ini"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\LocalRoot.txt" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_INSTDIR\LocalRoot.txt"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\SNFServer${SNIFFER_SERVER_SPECIFIER}.exe" 0 +2
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\UpdateReady.txt" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_INSTDIR\UpdateReady.txt"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_INSTDIR\mingwm10.dll" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_INSTDIR\mingwm10.dll"
Delete "$localSRS_INSTDIR\uninstall.exe"
; since we couldn't edit the registry, we don't need to worry abou tit. Now Kill attempt:
## For MINMI
ifFileExists "$localSRS_SERVDIR\SNFIMailShimNEW.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_SERVDIR\SNFIMailShimNEW.xml"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_SERVDIR\SNFIMailShim.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_SERVDIR\SNFIMailShim.xml"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_SERVDIR\SNFIMailShim.exe" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_SERVDIR\SNFIMailShim.exe"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_SERVDIR\MIMIMIreadme.txt" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_SERVDIR\MIMIMIreadme.txt"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_SERVDIR\OLD_SNFIMailShim.exe" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_SERVDIR\OLD_SNFIMailShim.exe"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_SERVDIR\OLD_SNFIMailShim.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_SERVDIR\OLD_SNFIMailShim.xml"
## For MDaemon
ifFileExists "$localSRS_SERVDIR\snfmdplugin.dll" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_SERVDIR\snfmdplugin.dll"
ifFileExists "$localSRS_SERVDIR\snfmdplugin.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$localSRS_SERVDIR\snfmdplugin.xml"
;ifFileExists "$localSRS_SERVDIR\OLD_SNFIMailShim.xml" 0 +2 ; if we find the xml file, then we need to do checking...
; Rename "$localSRS_SERVDIR\OLD_SNFIMailShim.xml" "$localSRS_SERVDIR\SNFIMailShim.xml"
;ifFileExists "$localSRS_SERVDIR\OLD_SNFIMailShim.exe" 0 +2 ; if we find the xml file, then we need to do checking...
; Rename "$localSRS_SERVDIR\OLD_SNFIMailShim.exe" "$localSRS_SERVDIR\SNFIMailShim.exe"
;MessageBox MB_OK "Breaking"
Goto NoPreRoll
;MessageBox MB_OK "Starting Rollback Transaction"
################################################ Start Rollback.nsh ###################################################################
## A Install requires a rollback build.
## First define the rollback folder:
!insertmacro StartRollbackSession "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollBack" "Archive_rllbck.log" "HKLM" "Software\MessageSniffer" ; _ArchivePath _LogName
## Registry USAGE: $SetRegistry_with_RollbackControl "HKLM" "Software\MessageSniffer" "RollbackSequence" "0121"
## File USAGE: ${Install_with_RollbackControl} "License.txt" ""
## !insertmacro StartRollbackSession - Starts the rollback session to begin recording file and registry data.
## !insertmacro EndRollbackSession - closes the rollback session
## ${SetRegistry_with_RollbackControl} _RootKey _RegistryKey _SubKey _Value - Records a registry change for rollback.
## ${Install_with_RollbackControl} _someFileName _onFailCommand - Installs a file with archival of old file for rollback.
## ${Copy_with_RollbackControl} _someFile _Path _onFailCommand - Makes a copy of an existing file and records it in log for rollback.
## ${RollBackTo} _rollbackLocalPath _rollbackLogName - Runs the parser through the rollback log and puts everything back.
; Set output path to the installation directory.
; Write the installation path into the registry
; WriteRegStr HKLM Software\MessageSniffer "Install_Dir" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix"
${SetRegistry_with_RollbackControl} "HKLM" "Software\MessageSniffer" "Install_Dir" "$INSTDIR"
${SetRegistry_with_RollbackControl} "HKLM" "Software\MessageSniffer" "SNFMailServer_DIR" "$SNFServerInstallDir"
## Prime doesn't matter anymore because we will ALWAYS run an existing rollback file, thus ensuring that the only way a
## last working install is available is if the user had one installed manually.
;ReadRegStr $2 HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "Prime"
;${IF} $2 = "1"
; ${SetRegistry_with_RollbackControl} "HKLM" "Software\MessageSniffer" "Prime" "0"
; ${SetRegistry_with_RollbackControl} "HKLM" "Software\MessageSniffer" "Prime" "1"
; Also... if the OLD install... ( if there was one.... ) had the shortcuts installed... and they didnt' call for them here....
; then we need to remove them... ( and if they want them, they'll be put back when that section fire.s
; but if they WERE installed... we need to put it back on a rollback....
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\shortcuts.xml" 0 SkipShortCutRollback
${Copy_with_RollbackControl} "shortcuts.xml" "$INSTDIR" "" "" ; Copy the old Server.exe
Call removeShortcuts ; This will be reinstalled with the shortcuts pointing at the newer files, in the Section reguarding shortcuts anyway...
############################################################### ROLLBACK CODE ############################################################
## Handled by th $rollback macro in Rollback.nsh.
;MessageBox MB_OK "Stubbed Code."
; Before we let the rollback put things back... presuming we have a service installed, we'll need to stop it....
Call stopSNFServer ; if it there it will stop it.
Call stopXYNTService ; if its there, stop it.
; Since this is not being executed from the SNF directory, we are not put here by the master utility for a fresh
; install. Instead, we are being called remotely ( or by a click...) from an archived directory. It dosn't really mater
; where the archive is, but it ususally will be in [SomeMailInstalDirectory]\SNFArchive\[WheteverDirName]
; So the first thing is to empty the SNF Directory.
${RollBackTo} "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollBack" "Archive_rllbck.log" ; Put all the files back the way they were.
; This simplified all the following code, because files that were NOT there on install are deleted, files that were are replaced to their original format
; and files that weren't touched remain there.....
## Won't need to do this cause we're not yanking the rulebase....
##; We'll need the LicenseID in order to search and save the rulebase file if it exists.
##${GetBetween} "licenseid='" "'" "$EXEDIR\identity.xml" $LicenseID ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value. i.e. It would
##${GetBetween} "authentication='" "'" "$EXEDIR\identity.xml" $Authentication
## INTENTIONALLY HARD TYPED.... reguardless of the target folder.
##IfFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNF\$LicenseID.snf" 0 +2
## Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNF\$LicenseID.snf" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$LicenseID.snf" ; Move the existing rulebase out of the SNF directory.
##IfFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\Sniffer\$LicenseID.snf" 0 +2
## Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\Sniffer\$LicenseID.snf" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$LicenseID.snf" ; Move the existing rulebase out of the SNF directory.
# Reguardless of $FolderPrefix, kill these existing folders.
##IfFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNF\*.*" 0 DoSniffer
## Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNF\*.*" ; Kill all files in the SNF Dir. INTENTIONALLY HARD TYPED.....
## RMDir "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNF"
## IfFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\Sniffer\*.*" 0 +3
## Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\Sniffer\*" ; Kill all files in the sniffer Dir. INTENTIONALLY HARD TYPED.....
## RMDir "$SNFServerInstallDir\Sniffer"
##CreateDirectory "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix" ;Recreates target folder. Sniffer and SNF safe...
##IfFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\$LicenseID.snf" 0 +2
## Rename "$SNFServerInstallDir\$LicenseID.snf" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\$LicenseID.snf" ; Move the existing rulebase back into the SNF directory.
## This is handled by teh rollback function....
##; Now expressly copy all files to the SNF folder.
##;MessageBox MB_OK "Restoring"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\About-Wget-and-Gzip.txt" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\About-Wget-and-Gzip.txt"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\AuthenticationProtocol.swf" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\AuthenticationProtocol.swf"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\Archiver.exe" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\Archiver.exe"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\ChangeLog.txt" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\ChangeLog.txt"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\exchndl.dll" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\exchndl.dll"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\GBUdbIgnoreList.txt" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\GBUdbIgnoreList.txt"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\getRulebase.cmd" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\getRulebase.cmd"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\gzip.exe" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\gzip.exe"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\identity.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\identity.xml"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\License.txt" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\License.txt"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\LocalRoot.txt" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\LocalRoot.txt"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\mingwm10.dll" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\mingwm10.dll"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\Restorer.exe" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\Restorer.exe"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\send_shutdown.cmd" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\send_shutdown.cmd"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\snf2check.exe" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\snf2check.exe"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\snf_engine.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\snf_engine.xml"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\snf_xci.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\snf_xci.xml"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\SNFClient.exe" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\SNFClient.exe"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\SNFClient_readme.txt" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\SNFClient_readme.txt"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\SNFServer_readme.txt" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\SNFServer_readme.txt"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\SNFServer${SNIFFER_SERVER_SPECIFIER}.exe" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\SNFServer${SNIFFER_SERVER_SPECIFIER}.exe"
## IFFileExists "$EXEDIR\SNFServer.exe" 0 +2
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\SNFServer.exe" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\SNFServer.exe"
## IFFileExists "$EXEDIR\$LicenseID.exe" 0 +2
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\$LicenseID.exe" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\$LicenseID.exe"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\wget.exe" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\wget.exe"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\XYNTService.exe" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\XYNTService.exe"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\XYNTService.ini" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\XYNTService.ini"
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\XYNTServiceReadMe.txt" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\XYNTServiceReadMe.txt"
## IFFileExists "$EXEDIR\uninstall.bckup" 0 +2
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\uninstall.bckup" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\uninstall.exe"
## IfFileExists "$EXEDIR\cfgstring.xml" 0 +2 ; this is used to restore the global.cfg entry line. it gets consumed as its mined.
## CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\cfgstring.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\cfgstring.xml"
## ; Write the installation path into the registry
## WriteRegStr HKLM Software\MessageSniffer "Install_Dir" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix"
##; Declude Special
##ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg" 0 +2 ; replace line in existing cfg file with line from archived cfg command.
## call editglobalCFG
############################ MxGuard Special #####################
## ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\mxGuard.ini" 0 +2
## call editMXGuardINI
##; MINIMI Special. IF MINIMI was installed with this version then we need to restore from the archive....
##Var /GLOBAL MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle
##ifFileExists "$EXEDIR\OLD_SNFIMailShim.xml" 0 SkipMINIMISpecial
## ; ok, well the file exists, so we need to make sure that the registry entrys are there....
## ClearErrors
## ReadRegStr $MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle HKLM "SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\IMail\Global" "TopDir" ; get IMails value.
## StrCmp $MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle "" SkipMINIMISpecial 0 ; test for valid TopDir for Imail.
## ; so we can presume that Imail should exist, and this setting is ON....
## WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "isMINIMIInstalled" "1" ; Since we have the file in the folder, we're resetting it back...
## WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "MINIMIInstallFolder" "$MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle" ; Since we have the file in the folder, we're resetting it back...
## IfFileExists "$MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle\SNFIMailShim.xml" 0 +2
## Delete "$MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle\SNFIMailShim.xml"
## IfFileExists "$MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle\SNFIMailShim.exe" 0 +2
## Delete "$MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle\SNFIMailShim.exe"
## CopyFiles "$EXEDIR\OLD_SNFIMailShim.xml" "$MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle\SNFIMailShim.xml"
## CopyFiles "$EXEDIR\SNFIMailShim.exe" "$MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle\SNFIMailShim.exe"
# Now you must re-tie-in IMail to the MINIMI Install.....
# If you're restoring an image onto somehting ( say DECLUDE ) that stompted the SendName anyway, then you need a new install of MINIMI....
# not a restored version of MINIMI. If you restore it, it will stomp the Declude.
## WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\IMail\Global" "SendName" "$MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle\SNFIMailShim.exe"
; We can presume its pointing at what it should have been pointing at. If you're restoring a MINIMI install and its target is gone...
; oh well... not my problem....
# Last, verify that the hold folder exists for the installation and create it if it doesn't.
## ${GetBetween} "$\r$\n" "$MINIMISpecial_KeyHandle\SNFIMailShim.xml" "$R0" ; This makes it not brittly dependant on the default value. i.e. It would
## IfFileExists "$R0\*.*" +2 0 ; if it exists then skip, otherwise, recreate the spam target directory
## CreateDirectory "$R0\*.*"
################################################# End MINIMI INSTALL RESTORE ###########################################################
MessageBox MB_OK "Stubbed Code. This should never run."
## Shortcuts only relevant for modern installed verions, not sniffy.....
## Handle shortcut exception.
IfFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\shortcuts.xml" 0 RemoveTheShortcuts
##CopyFiles /SILENT "$EXEDIR\shortcuts.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\$FolderPrefix\shortcuts.xml"
; But if it exists, it means that they were installed so put them back.
SetShellVarContext all ; this makes it backward/forwrad compatible Without it Vista will have problems removing shortcuts.
; Essentially, we said put these shortcuts into the all-users profile of the machine
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\InstallInstructions.lnk" "$INSTDIR\InstallInstructions.txt"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\MessageSniffer.lnk" "http://kb.armresearch.com/index.php?title=Message_Sniffer"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 0
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\GBUdbIgnoreList.lnk" "$INSTDIR\GBUdbIgnoreList.txt"
Goto SkipShortcuts
; if the files exists... and the restore says that they didn't have them for the restored version.... then they need to go away.
Call removeShortCuts
;MessageBox MB_OK "Starting SNFService"
## These would have been handled by the ROllBACK if they existed, and removed if they didn't.
##SetOutPath $INSTDIR
##File "XYNTService.exe" ; Unpack the files.
##File "XYNTService.ini"
MessageBox MB_OK "Stubbed Code. This should never run."
call editXYNTServiceINI ; First properly handle the ini file.
## HERE we say, if the file still exists after the rollback.... THEN... we can reinstall the XYNTService.
nsExec::Exec "XYNTService -u" "" SH_HIDE ; uninstall it if it exists....
; presumes that the .ini file is in the same location.
nsExec::Exec "XYNTService -i" "" SH_HIDE ; install XYNTService
nsExec::Exec "XYNTService -r" "" SH_HIDE ; restart XYNTService
call startSNFServer ;nsExec::Exec "NET START SNFService" "" SH_HIDE
call onRestoreSuccess
Quit ; This will transfer control to the license page, which will determine if a restore was just completed
; prior to displaying the license. If it IS we use the RelGotoPage function to move us to the restore-success screen and end.
; The stuff to install
Section "MessageSniffer (required)"
; MessageBox MB_OK "Entering sniffer reuqired section. "
SectionIN RO ; Required Option express declaration.
; Set output path to the installation directory.
SetOutPath $INSTDIR ; even the rollback scripts depend on having this properly assigned in the installer. They'll put it where this is set.
; presuming we have an existing service installed, we'll need to stop it.... ( doesn't hurt if its not there. )
Call stopSNFServer ; if its there it will stop it.
Call stopXYNTService ; if its there, stop it.
## A lot of conditional branching needs to skip over things if this is an MDaemon install. As opposed to all other installs.
## So its worth defining an MDaemon flag.
Var /GLOBAL isMDaemonInstalled
StrCpy $isMDaemonInstalled 0 ; default to no.
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\App\MDaemon.exe" 0 NoDetectableMDaemon ; Would have to be there for MDaemon.
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SpamAssassin\rules\*.*" 0 NoDetectableMDaemon ; also dependant on the rules plugin.
StrCpy $isMDaemonInstalled 1 ;ok, its here, so use conditional branching on MDaemon flag.
## The following calls to the CopyWithRollbackControl have the file, the location and the callback function name that needs to be defined
## somewere above. Eventually, on restore, if a call back function is defined it will be called in order to trip a restore/strip function call.
## MDaemon Special ## Note the MDaemon snfmdplugins.xml file is handled specially, alongside the snfengine.xml file code further down.
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "InstallInstructions_MDaemon.txt" "" "" ; Install and remove this file on rollback.
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "snfmdplugin.dll" "" "" ; Install and remove this file on rollback.
SetOutPath "$SNFServerInstallDir\SpamAssassin\rules"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "snf-groups.cf" "" "" ; Install and remove this file on rollback.
## Handle the MDaemon Plugins file. If exists, copy old, if gone, insert new, then when done, call edit to validate/correct entries.
SetOutPath "$SNFServerInstallDir\App"
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\App\Plugins.dat" 0 NewPluginsDatFile
;MessageBox MB_OK "MDAEMONDEBUG:Plugins exists. Copying Rollback."
${Copy_with_RollbackControl} "Plugins.dat" "$SNFServerInstallDir\App" "restoreMDaemonDAT" "" ; Copy the old PluginsFile if it exists file.
Goto DoneWithPluginsDatFile
;MessageBox MB_OK "MDAEMONDEBUG: Plugins doesn't exist Install with Rollback."
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "Plugins.dat" "restoreMDaemonDAT" "" ; Install and remove this file on rollback.
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" ; even the rollback scripts depend on having this properly assigned in the installer. They'll put it where this is set.
; If we got to here then we're ok to commit the files.
; Put file there
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "CURLREADME.rtf" "" ""
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "CURLMANUAL.rtf" "" ""
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "AuthenticationProtocol.swf" "" ""
#File /a "AuthenticationProtocol.swf"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "ChangeLog.txt" "" ""
#File /a "ChangeLog.txt"
; File /a "getRulebase.cmd" This is handled during the init of the download rulebase page.
; These files are handled during download of rulebase page also.
#${Install_with_RollbackControl} "gzip.exe" ""
#File /a "gzip.exe"
#${Install_with_RollbackControl} "snf2check.exe" ""
#File /a "snf2check.exe"
#${Install_with_RollbackControl} "curl.exe" ""
# File /a "curl.exe"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "License.txt" "" ""
#File /a "License.txt"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "SNFClient.exe" "" ""
#File /a "SNFClient.exe"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "SNFClient_readme.txt" "" ""
#File /a "SNFClient_readme.txt"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "mingwm10.dll" "" ""
#File /a "mingwm10.dll"
## These files do NOT need to be installed if the MDaemon install is being utilized.
StrCmp $isMDaemonInstalled 0 0 SkipForMDaemon1
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "exchndl.dll" "" ""
#File /a "exchndl.dll"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "send_shutdown.cmd" "" ""
#File /a "send_shutdown.cmd"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "snf_xci.xml" "" ""
#File /a "snf_xci.xml"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "SNFServer_readme.txt" "" ""
#File /a "SNFServer_readme.txt"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "SNFServer${SNIFFER_SERVER_SPECIFIER}.exe" "" "" ; Record and put the file name.
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "SNFServer.exe" "" "" ; Record and put the file name.
## InstallXYNTServiceFile
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "XYNTService.exe" "" ""
#File /a "XYNTService.exe"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "XYNTService.ini" "restoreXYNTini" ""
#File /a "XYNTService.ini"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "XYNTServiceReadMe.txt" "" ""
#File /a "XYNTServiceReadMe.txt"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "InstallInstructions.txt" "" "" ; Install and remove this file on rollback.
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
; THESE files are copied by default and then stomped if we find one in the archive if we are preserving settings.
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "GBUdbIgnoreList.txt" "" ""
#File /a "GBUdbIgnoreList.txt"
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "identity.xml" "" ""
#File /a "identity.xml"
## Because of the rollback its possible that the snf_engine.xml file was removed. But if the user selected UPDATE ( retain settings ),
## Then we will have put a copy in the temp folder: Copy it into the install directory and the new rollback engine will maintain it.
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
StrCmp $RetainExistingSettings "0" FreshSNFEngine HandleRetainingSNFENGINEFILE # ( Or the MDaemonDLL.xml file )....
;MessageBox MB_OK "Not retaining"
; This situation is trivial. Just allow the files to be installed in the rollback log. If an older file exists,
; keep a copy for rollback, but the new file goes in the new install spot.
StrCmp $isMDaemonInstalled 0 DoWinService DoMDaemonFreshInstead
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "snf_engine.xml" "" ""
Goto DoneWithSNFHandling
${Install_with_RollbackControl} "snfmdplugin.xml" "" "" ; Install and remove this file on rollback.
Goto DoneWithSNFHandling
; This is a little trickers. We need to retain all the settings from the older install, but we need to be sure that all the paths are correct
; and that we're referencing the new file. SO... we need to use a Copy _with_Rollback
; But there are issues. First, we rollback EVERY time, if there's a rolback to be had. So you need to look in .onInit BEFORE the rollback
; triggers to find where we copied the snfmdplugin.xml and the snf_engine.xml file, for retrieval. ( TEMP folder ) Then we let teh rollback happen.
; That puts either an old file, or it deletes and removes the only one that was there.
; THEN we look for that file, below, and if we find it, we copy it in, and call the edit function to ensure path-compliance.
; If its not there, then we put jump to the new-install path, and complete.
; Because this behavior needs to be duplicated between the snfEngine file and the mdplugin.xml file... we effectively double it here.
StrCmp $isMDaemonInstalled 0 DoWinServiceRetaining DoMDaemonRetainingInstead
; Ok, so look for it where we stuffed the copy during onInit. ( Before rollback. )
ifFileExists "$TEMP\snf_engine.xml" 0 NotInTempDir ; If its there then we copy it back to the install directory.
;MessageBox MB_OK "Existed"
CopyFiles "$TEMP\snf_engine.xml" "$INSTDIR\snf_engine.xml" ; joy
NotInTempDir: ; If it didn't exist, then somethings wierd, but recoverable.
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\snf_engine.xml" 0 FreshSNFEngine ; Check to see if it exists IN the folder... if it does, then keep copy for rollback.
; Otherwise, jump to fresh install path and put a new copy in place.
${Copy_with_RollbackControl} "snf_engine.xml" $INSTDIR "" "" ; Copy the old snf_engine.xml file.
Delete "$TEMP\snf_engine.xml" ; Remove the temp if it exists.
Goto DoneWithSNFHandling ; Done with the SNF Windows Service retain-settings path.
DoMDaemonRetainingInstead: ; Ok, we're handling the MDaemon version...
ifFileExists "$TEMP\snfmdplugin.xml" 0 NotInTempDir2 ; Look for the MDaemon xml version in the Temp. ( Copied before onInit rolled back. )
CopyFiles "$TEMP\snfmdplugin.xml" "$INSTDIR\snfmdplugin.xml" ; Move file back if found.
NotInTempDir2: ; Nope, not in the temp.. look local just in case.
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\snfmdplugin.xml" 0 FreshSNFEngine ; if Not in local, then call for fresh, and pump out new.
${Copy_with_RollbackControl} "snfmdplugin.xml" $INSTDIR "" "" ; If it does exist, keep the backup in the rollback, who knows where it came from.
Delete "$TEMP\snf_engine.xml" ; Delete temp if exists.
Goto DoneWithSNFHandling ; done.
#File /a "snf_engine.xml"
StrCmp $RetainExistingSettings "1" 0 callEdits
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\snfmdplugin.xml" 0 +2 ; Only if file exists.....
CopyFiles /SILENT "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\snfmdplugin.xml" "$INSTDIR\snfmdplugin.xml"
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\getRulebase.cmd" 0 +2 ; Only if file exists.....
CopyFiles /SILENT "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\getRulebase.cmd" "$INSTDIR\getRulebase.cmd"
; no action fpr the getRulebase.cmd The Edit routine is called when the dialog page executes...
; and if we're restoring the archived version here, then we don't need to call it anyway.
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\GBUdbIgnoreList.txt" 0 +2 ; Only if file exists.....
CopyFiles /SILENT "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\GBUdbIgnoreList.txt" "$INSTDIR\GBUdbIgnoreList.txt"
; no action fro the GBUdbIgnoreList.txt
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\identity.xml" 0 +2 ; If exists... copy.
CopyFiles /SILENT "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\identity.xml" "$INSTDIR\identity.xml"
# snf_engine.xml and snfmdplugin.xml files handled further down; HAS SPECIAL CASE DOWN BELOW BECAUSE OF on-off setting needing to be retained or defaulted.
Call editGetRulebase ; ( Handle the paths )
Call editLicenseFile ; Always call this... Finds, Opens and edits the License.xml File with the License ID and Authentication strings.
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\App\MDaemon.exe" 0 +2
Call editMDPluginsFile
## The following calls to the CopyWithRollbackControl have the file, the location and the callback function name that needs to be defined
## somewere above. Eventually, on restore, if a call back function is defined it will be called in order to trip a restore feature.
; Declude Special
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg" 0 SkipDeclude_Special ; replace line in existing cfg file with line from archived cfg command.
;messageBox MB_OK "Calling the Declude special $SNFServerInstallDir\global.cfg"
${Copy_with_RollbackControl} "global.cfg" $SNFServerInstallDir "restoreGLOBALcfg" "" ; Copy the old Server.exe
call editglobalCFG ; then edit the declude config file.
############################ MxGuard Special #####################
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\mxGuard.ini" 0 SkipMXGuard_Special
;messageBox MB_OK "Calling the MXGuard special $SNFServerInstallDir\mxGuard.ini"
${Copy_with_RollbackControl} "mxGuard.ini" $SNFServerInstallDir "restoreMXGUARDini" "" ; Copy the old MXGuard.ini file.
call editMXGuardINI ; this should put the file pointing at SNF...
############################ Alligate Special #####################
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNF4Alligate.exe" 0 SkipAlligate_Special
; Nothing here right now. The shims are installed at the Installer layer, not the Restorer layer, and hence aren't
; in the control of the rollback.
############################ IceWarp Special #####################
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" 0 SkipIceWarp_Special
#${Copy_with_RollbackControl} "content.xml" "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\" "restoreContentXML" "" ; Copy the old MXGuard.ini file. ; Removed Callback.. redundent.
; Why isn't this copied in rollback? Nothing to change from the customers perspective? Hmmmmmm.... they COULD edit it... this might be an error.
call editContentXML
############################ SNFClient.exe and snfmdaemon.dll Special ############################
# snf_engine.xml and snfmdplugin.xml files
# There is a slight detail.
# If the install parameters were set to overwrite previous files if they existed... vs.. using their settings if they do...
# NOTE: that editXMLConfig is smart enough to know if its editing the snfmddll.xml file, or the snf_engine.xml file. Same rules apply.
StrCmp $RetainExistingSettings "1" 0 JustUseAllNewFiles ; If we have a RETAIN flag set then use existing settings from file...
## Note: If we retained settings, then we copied the old snfengine.xml/snfmddll.xml file to the temp and then back into the
## INSTDIR, as well as storing it in the ROLLBACK. So At this point there is the previous copy's ( manual or installer based ) SNFENGINE.xml file in all places.
## and the flag $RetainExistingSettings to determine what we are to do.
## So check the mdaemon version if that exists, or the snfengine.xml if that one exists.
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\snfmdplugin.xml" UseMDaemonXMLFIle UseStdSNFEngineFile
; So if this file exists then we mine it for the auto update flag, before calling the
UseMDaemonXMLFIle: ; editXMLConfig function. ( Because that will set it ON by default unless told not to. )
# So get the current value of whatever file is in place. ( If its old then fine, if its a new install it will be new file with the default set. So no big deal. )
${GetBetween} "1"
FileClose $FileHandle
SetShellVarContext all ; this makes it backward/forwrad compatible Without it Vista will have problems removing shortcuts.
; Essentially, we said put these shortcuts into the all-users profile of the machine
CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer"
ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\snfmdplugin.dll" 0 InstallNormalInstructions
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\InstallInstructions.lnk" "$INSTDIR\InstallInstructions_MDaemon.txt"
Goto AddSiteLink
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\InstallInstructions.lnk" "$INSTDIR\InstallInstructions.txt"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\MessageSniffer.lnk" "http://www.armresearch.com/"
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\Uninstall.lnk" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" "" "$INSTDIR\uninstall.exe" 0
CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\MessageSniffer\GBUdbIgnoreList.lnk" "$INSTDIR\GBUdbIgnoreList.txt"
; Uninstaller
Function un.Restore
!insertmacro BIMAGE "SnifferStop.bmp" "" ; change banner image.
SendMessage $HWNDPARENT ${WM_SETTEXT} 0 "STR:Uninstall Message Sniffer Server 3.0:"
; Page formation
nsDialogs::Create /NOUNLOAD 1018
Pop $0
; now check restore options:
VAR /GLOBAL DeleteArchives ; flag to indicate yes/no
StrCpy $DeleteArchives "0" ; default to no.
${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 10% 100% 40u "You are now going to uninstall the current working version of Message Sniffer. You may use the Message Sniffer Install Utility to Restore from a previous archived version, if you choose to not remove all archived folders. If you choose to remove all archives, this operation cannot be undone."
Pop $0
;${NSD_CreateLabel} 30 50% 100% 20u ""
;Pop $0
${NSD_CreateCheckbox} 0 50% 100% 20 "Check this if you want to remove all archived Message Sniffer folders."
GetFunctionAddress $0 un.ToggleRestore
nsDialogs::OnClick /NOUNLOAD $CHECKBOX $0
Function un.BeSure
StrCpy $5 "This operation will remove the current restore/rollback of Message Sniffer from the Server 3.0 install."
StrCmp $DeleteArchives "1" 0 +2
StrCpy $5 "You have chosen to destroy your rollback files as well THE ROLLBACK ARCHIVE WILL BE DELETED. This operation cannot be undone."
MessageBox MB_YESNO "Are you sure? $5" IDYES true IDNO false
Function un.ToggleRestore
Pop $0 # HWND
StrCmp $DeleteArchives "1" 0 ToggleStuff
StrCpy $DeleteArchives "0";
Push $0
GetTempFileName $0
File /oname=$0 "SnifferStop.bmp"
SetBrandingImage "" $0
Delete $0
Pop $0
StrCpy $DeleteArchives "1";
Push $0
GetTempFileName $0
File /oname=$0 "SnifferStop2.bmp"
SetBrandingImage "" $0
Delete $0
Pop $0
Function un.RemoveSNF4Alligate
######################################################################### SNF4ALLIGATE UNINSTALL SECTION ############################################
; If SNF4Alligate exists then we remove it.
Var /GLOBAL uninstallAlligate
ReadRegStr $uninstallAlligate HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "isSNF4AlligateInstalled" ; read the install folder for MINIMI.
StrCmp $uninstallAlligate "1" 0 NoAlligateHere
; If we DO have SNF4Alligate installed we drop in here....
Var /GLOBAL UninstallAlligateFolder ; holds if and where MINIMI was installed.
Var /GLOBAL AlligateDelivery_Setting
Var /GLOBAL currentAlligateTarget
ReadRegStr $currentAlligateTarget HKLM "Software\SolidOak\Aligate\Settings" "FilterEXE" ; read alligates AGFILTSVC target....
StrCmp $currentAlligateTarget "SNF4Alligate.exe" 0 SkipFilterExeAdustment
; Then we'll clear it, or set it to the next in the chain.
; So we'll need to know if we're the ones in Alligates prime spot... otherwise we don't clear/or clean it.
ReadRegStr $UninstallAlligateFolder HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SNF4AlligateInstallFolder" ; read the install folder for MINIMI.
; Now we know where the files are:
; So read out the delivery program setting:
ifFileExists "$UninstallAlligateFolder\SNF4Alligate.xml" 0 NoXMLFile ; if we find the xml file, then we need to do checking...
; IF this is valid, then we read from OLD....
; and if its anything other than the inert tag values, we put it back in.
${un.GetBetween} "$\r$\n" "$UninstallAlligateFolder\SNF4Alligate.xml" "$AlligateDelivery_Setting"
${Switch} $AlligateDelivery_Setting
${Case} ""
ExecWait 'net stop AGFILTSVC'
ExecWait '$UninstallAlligateFolder\AGFiltSvc.exe /uninstall'
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "FilterEXE" ""
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "DropDir" "\Spool"
goto doneResolvingAlligateDeliverySetting
${Case} "none"
ExecWait 'net stop AGFILTSVC'
ExecWait '$UninstallAlligateFolder\AGFiltSvc.exe /uninstall'
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "FilterEXE" ""
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "DropDir" "\Spool"
goto doneResolvingAlligateDeliverySetting
${Case} "NONE"
ExecWait 'net stop AGFILTSVC'
ExecWait '$UninstallAlligateFolder\AGFiltSvc.exe /uninstall'
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "FilterEXE" ""
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "DropDir" "\Spool"
goto doneResolvingAlligateDeliverySetting
${Case} "None"
ExecWait 'net stop AGFILTSVC'
ExecWait '$UninstallAlligateFolder\AGFiltSvc.exe /uninstall'
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "FilterEXE" ""
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "DropDir" "\Spool"
goto doneResolvingAlligateDeliverySetting
${Case} "SNF4Aligate"
ExecWait 'net stop AGFILTSVC'
ExecWait '$UninstallAlligateFolder\AGFiltSvc.exe /uninstall'
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "FilterEXE" ""
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "DropDir" "Spool\"
goto doneResolvingAlligateDeliverySetting
ExecWait 'net stop AGFILTSVC' ; this will stop it and release the SNF4Alligate.exe file.
MessageBox MB_OK "SNF4Alligate was set to hand messages downstream to $AlligateDelivery_Setting. The Uninstaller will try to restore the FilterEXE registry value to maintain the rest of the filter-call chain. Please confirm and test this before you're done with your settings."
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "FilterEXE" "$AlligateDelivery_Setting."
ExecWait 'net start AGFILTSVC' ; this will stop it and reset the new filter target.
goto doneResolvingAlligateDeliverySetting
;something was wrong here.....
; but if there isn't anything to go buy, then if the FiltEXE is pointing at us, then we clear it.
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings" "FilterEXE" ""
DeleteRegKey HKLM SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings\Addins\MsgSniffer\ProcessDirHint ; this holds the verbage for the Alligate Inteface clue.
DeleteRegKey HKLM SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings\Addins\MsgSniffer\ProcessDir ; This flags the directory.
DeleteRegKey HKLM SOFTWARE\SolidOak\Alligate\Settings\Addins\MsgSniffer\ProcessDirLabel ; This is "Sniffer"
; In either case we need to remove isSNF4AlligateInstalled,SNF4AlligateInstallFolder,SNFMailServer_DIR from the MessageSniffer registry key.
; and
DeleteRegKey HKLM HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MessageSniffer\isSNF4AlligateInstalled
DeleteRegKey HKLM HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MessageSniffer\SNF4AlligateInstallFolder
ifFileExists "$UninstallAlligateFolder\SNF4Alligate.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$UninstallAlligateFolder\SNF4Alligate.xml"
ifFileExists "$UninstallAlligateFolder\SNF4Alligate.exe" 0 +2
Delete "$UninstallAlligateFolder\SNF4Alligate.exe"
ExecWait "net stop AgSMTPSvc" ; Now bounce the Alligate SMTP Server.
ExecWait "net start AgSMTPSvc"
######################################################################### END Alligate UNINSTALL SECTION ############################################
Section "Uninstall"
; Now we have two situations. The first is that this Uninstaller was called legitimately, in which case, this file
; will be being run from the existing Message Sniffer install directory.
; and $EXEDIR will be that directory..... or $EXEDIR will be in a directory inside the SnifferArchive directory, and be
; an illigitimate version running..... SOLVED THIS BY CHANGING THE FILE EXTENSION to bck.. and then back to exe when its appropriate.
; So read the registry key:
Call un.stopSNFServer
Call un.UninstallXYNTService
Var /GLOBAL localFileDirectory
Var /GLOBAL uninstallRollbackPath
Var /GLOBAL uninstallRollbackLogName
Call un.removeShortcuts ; if your uninstalling, then you're taking the installers work out. Shortcuts will always go away.
; only manual installs might be left behind. Manual installs don't have shortcuts.
ReadRegStr $localFileDirectory HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "Install_Dir"
ReadRegStr $uninstallRollbackPath HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_RollbackPath"
ReadRegStr $uninstallRollbackLogName HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SRS_LogName"
ReadRegStr $SNFServerInstallDir HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "SNFMailServer_DIR"
## ROLLBACK WILL ALWAYS OCCUR ON UNINSTALL... mostly it will be on a fresh install... but if it has an existing install.... it will only remove
## Files it inserted.
${un.GetParent} $localFileDirectory $SNFServerInstallDir
## We're un-installing. Therefore if there is an existing rollback file, run it.
StrCmp $uninstallRollbackPath "" NoPreRoll 0
StrCmp $uninstallRollbackLogName "" NoPreRoll 0
StrCmp $uninstallRollbackPath "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollBack" 0 NoPreRoll ; Only roll this back if its the same folder as the source. i.e. Don't rollback an
; Imail install ontop of a smartermail install.
${un.RollBackTo} $uninstallRollbackPath $uninstallRollbackLogName ; Put all the files back the way they were.
# Do we end here?
######################################################################### MINIMI UNINSTALL SECTION ############################################
; If MINIMI exists then we should roll it back, but first we need to replace the IMAIL SendName Registry Key with the target value in
; the MINIMI xml config file.
Var /GLOBAL UninstallMINIMIFolder ; holds if and where MINIMI was installed.
Var /GLOBAL Delivery_Setting
Var /GLOBAL Current_Send_setting ; current IMAIL send target for the mail delivery.
Var /GLOBAL Current_UninstallTopDir ; Imail top directory
ReadRegStr $0 HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "isMINIMIInstalled"
StrCmp $0 "1" 0 ContinueWithRollback ; if it is, then drop in and handle the tests.....
ReadRegStr $UninstallMINIMIFolder HKLM "Software\MessageSniffer" "MINIMIInstallFolder" ; read the install folder for MINIMI.
# EXPLANATION: MINIMI might have been made irrelevant, so we first need to test if it was being used before we roll it back.
# then if this MINIMI was being used, but we'rerolling back to the OLD minimi version, then we're going to
# put the OLD MINIMI's target back as IMAILs send name target. If there is no OLD_SNIFIMailShim.xml, that means
# that the rollback is deleteing MINIMI and we should put the current MINIMI's target back as Imails sendName Target....
# Make sense? Good. All bets are off, if current MINIMI is not tied into IMAIL.
# Test for current xml file. Test for Imail's SendName and TopDir
ifFileExists "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\SNFIMailShim.xml" 0 ContinueWithRollback ; if we find the xml file, then we need to do checking...
; if this file exists, then MINIMI was installed at some point. Check to see what IMAIL is pointing at:
ReadRegStr $Current_Send_setting HKLM "SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\IMail\Global" "SendName" ; this is what it was calling....
ReadRegStr $Current_UninstallTopDir HKLM "SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\IMail\Global" "TopDir" ; this is where MINIMI would be installed.
StrCmp "$Current_UninstallTopDir\SNFIMailShim.exe" $Current_Send_setting 0 IgnoreSendNameRollback
## Dropping into here means that the IMAIL target is the same as the MINIMI executable.
## So we're rolling back. Test to see if there is an OLD_SNIFI.xml file, or not.
ifFileExists "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\OLD_SNFIMailShim.xml" 0 ResetImail_WithCurrentMINIMIVALUE ; if we find the xml file, then we need to do checking...
## IF this is valid, then we read from OLD....
${un.GetBetween} "$\r$\n" "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\OLD_SNFIMailShim.xml" "$Delivery_Setting"
Goto ResetImail
## IF THIS gets executed it means there was no OLD but we're still removing MINIMI from the chain....
${un.GetBetween} "$\r$\n" "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\SNFIMailShim.xml" "$Delivery_Setting"
Goto ResetImail
## Finally, reset the Imail setting to the target of MINIMI and take it out of the chain.
WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Ipswitch\IMail\Global" "SendName" "$Delivery_Setting"
iferrors 0 IgnoreSendNameRollback
MessageBox MB_OK "MINIMI was set to hand cleared messages downstream. The Uninstaller tried to restore the SendName registry value for IMail to: '$Delivery_Setting' but the write was rejected. Please save this value and manually reset the SendName parameter."
# Not changing the target for Imail, but we're rolling back MINIMI's files.... ( theoretically, somethings pointing at it???? )
# Test for xml file. Test for Imail's SendName and TopDir
ifFileExists "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\OLD_SNFIMailShim.xml" 0 ContinueWithRollback ; if we find the xml file, then we need to do checking...
ifFileExists "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\SNFIMailShim.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\SNFIMailShim.xml"
CopyFiles /SILENT "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\OLD_SNFIMailShim.xml" "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\SNFIMailShim.xml"
ifFileExists "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\OLD_SNFIMailShim.exe" 0 ContinueWithRollback ; if we find the xml file, then we need to do checking...
ifFileExists "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\SNFIMailShim.exe" 0 +2
Delete "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\SNFIMailShim.exe"
CopyFiles /SILENT "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\OLD_SNFIMailShim.exe" "$UninstallMINIMIFolder\SNFIMailShim.exe"
######################################################################### END MINIMI UNINSTALL SECTION ############################################
######################################################################### Alligate UNINSTALL SECTION
Call un.RemoveSNF4Alligate ; remove SNF4Alligate if its installed.
######################################################################### IceWarp UNINSTALL SECTION
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\config\content.xml" 0 +2
Call un.editContentXML ; remove IceWarp if its installed.
######################################################################### IceWarp UNINSTALL SECTION
; Don't need this here cause it gets called on the Rollback. Twice will remove the rolled back references if there were any.
; ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\App\Plugins.dat" 0 +2
; Call un.editMDPluginsFile ; remove MDaemon SNF Call if its installed.
## IF there is no SNFClient.exe there should be no uninstaller.exe or anything else.
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\SNFClient.exe" LeaveNow 0 ; otherwise cleanup.
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\Restorer.exe" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\Restorer.exe"
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\oldsnifferversion.txt" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\oldsnifferversion.txt"
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\getRulebase.cmd.old" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\getRulebase.cmd.old"
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\shortcuts.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\shortcuts.xml" ; if exists ; Find other location
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\cfgstring.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\cfgstring.xml" ; if exists ; Find other location
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\XYNTService.ini" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\XYNTService.ini"
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\LocalRoot.txt" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\LocalRoot.txt"
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\SNFServer${SNIFFER_SERVER_SPECIFIER}.exe" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\SNFServer${SNIFFER_SERVER_SPECIFIER}.exe"
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\UpdateReady.txt" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\UpdateReady.txt"
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\mingwm10.dll" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\mingwm10.dll"
Delete "$localFileDirectory\uninstall.exe"
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\snfmdplugin.xml" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\snfmdplugin.xml"
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\snfmdplugin.dll" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\snfmdplugin.dll"
ifFileExists "$localFileDirectory\Plugins.dat" 0 +2
Delete "$localFileDirectory\Plugins.dat"
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SpamAssassin\rules\snf-groups.cf" 0 +2
Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\SpamAssassin\rules\snf-groups.cf"
; Ok, lastly wipe all the registry keys because if the uninstaller has run, it isn't available anmore..
DeleteRegKey HKLM SOFTWARE\MessageSniffer
ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollBack\*.*" 0 +2
RMDir /r "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollBack"
Delete "$uninstallRollbackPath\$uninstallRollbackLogName"
; Remove registry keys
DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\MessageSniffer"
; don't delete the master RegKey Folder until the end. We might need to reference the archive path.
########################################################### PRIME is 1 and No FULLUNNSTALLBLOCKER EXISTS ########################################
## Massive chunk of uninstaller code was removed on Mar 02. Rollback should be handling all of these items. Need full test to confirm that.
;Function that calls a messagebox when installation finished correctly
Function .onInstSuccess
; Modal banner sample: show
File "SuccessInstall.bmp"
newadvsplash::show 5000 100 500 0x04025C "$PLUGINSDIR\SuccessInstall.bmp" ;/NOCANCEL
Delete "$PLUGINSDIR\SuccessInstall.bmp"
;Function that calls a messagebox when installation finished correctly
Function onRestoreSuccess
; Modal banner sample: show
File "SuccessRestore.bmp"
newadvsplash::show 5000 100 500 0x04025C "$PLUGINSDIR\SuccessRestore.bmp" ; /NOCANCEL
Delete "$PLUGINSDIR\SuccessRestore.bmp"
Function un.onUninstSuccess
SetOutPath $SNFServerInstallDir ; To release any holds on folders.
; SetOutPath "C:"
; ifFileExists "C:\MessageSniffer\StandAlone" 0 +2
; RmDir /r "C:\MessageSniffer\StandAlone"
; ifFileExists "C:\MessageSniffer\MXGuard" 0 +2
; RmDir /r "C:\MessageSniffer\MXGuard"
; ifFileExists "C:\MessageSniffer" 0 +2
; RmDir /r "C:\MessageSniffer"
;ifFileExists "$INSTDIR\*.*" 0 +2
; RmDir /r $INSTDIR
;ifFileExists "$SNFServerInstallDir\Sniffer" 0 +2
; RmDir /r "$SNFServerInstallDir\Sniffer"
; And if the user said to delete ALL of the Archive folders, then we kill them all.
;StrCmp $DeleteArchives "1" 0 SkippingDeleteOfArchives
; Delete "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback\*.*"
; RmDir /r "$SNFServerInstallDir\SNFRollback"
;MessageBox MB_OK "You have successfully uninstalled Message Sniffer."
; Modal banner sample: show
File "SuccessUnInstall.bmp"
newadvsplash::show 5000 100 500 0x04025C /NOCANCEL "$PLUGINSDIR\SuccessUnInstall.bmp"
Delete "$PLUGINSDIR\SuccessUnInstall.bmp"
MessageBox MB_OK " Uninstall Complete!$\r$\nThe uninstaller has rolled back any changes made during the last installation.$\r$\nThe uninstaller does not delete files that it did not create (such as log files).$\r$\nIf you want to delete these files you will probably find them in your install$\r$\nfolder located here: $SNFServerInstallDir"
;call un.restartMDaemon