How to swap out SNFServer.exe in the Windows Installer.txt 4.0KB

  1. Written by Linda Pagillo 12-9-2015
  2. Step 1 - Download and install NSIS 2.47 to your local machine (
  3. Step 2 - Download and install TortoiseSNV to your local machine (
  4. Step 3 - Create a folder on your local Desktop called SNFServerSwap.
  5. Step 4 - Right click on the SNFServerSwap folder and choose SVN Checkout. In the URL of Repository line, add the following: In the Checkout area, add the following: C:\Users\yourWindowsusernamehere\Desktop\SNFServerSwap. Leave all other options as is on the screen. Click Ok. This process will download everything you need to complete the task of swapping out the old SNFServer.exe to a new version of SNFServer.exe.
  6. Step 5 - Once the download of all of the files is complete, click the SNFServerSwap folder on your local Desktop.Click Trunk. Click Build. Click NSIS Extras. Find execdos.dll and newadvsplash.dll and save them to your C:\Program Files(x86)\NSIS\Plugins directory. Next, find the rollback.nsh and save it to your C:\Program Files(x86)\NSIS\Includes directory.
  7. Step 6 - Obtain the new SNF Server executable from Pete. It will be called something other than SNFServer.exe. For example, it may be called something like this: SNFServerV3.1.2-E3.1.5.
  8. Step 7 - Go to your SNFServerSwap\Truck\Build\ directory. Find and delete the SNFServer.exe that is there. Copy the new SNF Server executable (SNFServerV3.1.2-E3.1.5) to your SNFServerSwap\Truck\Build\ folder. Next, make a copy of the SNFServerV3.1.2-E3.1.5 and name it SNFServer.exe. So now you will have a SNFServerV3.1.2-E3.1.4 and a SNFServer.exe in the Build directory
  9. Step 8 - In your SNFServerSwap folder you will find an NSIS Script file called MessageSnifferRestorer2_1. Right-click the file and open/edit it with a text editor of your choice (Notepad, Textpad, Notepad ++).Find the line that says something similar to this following (the version number may be different):
  10. !define SNIFFER_SERVER_SPECIFIER "V3.1.2-E3.1.4". Next, remove the "V3.1.2-E3.1.4" and add the new Sniffer Server version number. For example, in the case of SNFServerV3.1.2-E3.1.5, the version number would be "V3.1.2-E3.1.5". Close and save the file.
  11. Step 9 - Next you need to compile the MessageSnifferRestorer2_1. Right click on it and choose "Compile NSIS Script". The script will compile and you may see some errors which you can ignore. Click Close.
  12. Step 10 - Next, still in the Build directory, you will see a file called MessageSnifferInstaller2_1. You need to compile this script as well. Right click on it and choose "Compile NSIS Script". The script will compile and you may see some errors which you can ignore. DO NOT CLICK CLOSE.
  13. Step 11 - Now you need to test the installer to see if the new SNFServer.exe version was applied correctly. click the Test Installer button. This will launch the new installer file that you have created.
  14. Step 12 - When the installer launches, choose Other (custom/unknown combination) and click Next. Specify
  15. C:\SNF as the install directory. Click Next. Select New Install. Click Next. You will see the install start and then another box will pop. Click "I Agree". The next screen will ask for a License and Authentication Code. Use testmode as the license and setuptestingonly as the authentication code. Click Next. Click Next again. The rulebase will start to download. Wait for it to finish and then click Next. Now click Install. Once completed, click Next. Click Close.
  16. Step 13 - Now you need to check to see if the new SNFServer.exe version was installed. Open a command prompt and CD to C:\SNF. At the prompt, type SNFServer.exe - V and hit enter. You will see something like this:
  17. SNF Server Version 3.1.2 Build: Dec 3 2015 02:01:15. If you still see the old version of SNFServer.exe, that means that your scripts did not work to add the new SNFServer.exe to the installer. Contact Linda Pagillo at or for assistance.