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BuildDistribution.cmd 787B

  1. REM This script updates and builds the Windows SDK
  2. REM Before moving to a new version this script must be updated.
  3. REM When properly configured this script does:
  4. REM
  5. REM 1. Update the source and project directories in SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y
  6. REM from the same directories in ../SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y
  7. REM
  8. REM 2. Copy SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y to SDKBuild/SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y
  9. REM
  10. REM 3. Remove the .svn files from all subdirectories in Build/SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y
  11. REM
  12. REM 4. Create the zip file SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y.zip
  13. REM
  14. REM 5. Copy the SNFMultiSDK_Windows_X.Y.zip file to .. (back to the PKG-SNF-SDK-WIN root)
  15. REM
  16. REM 6. Empty the SDKBuild directory.
  17. REM
  18. REM 7. Pause to let the developer view the success and remind them to commit the revision to SVN.