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Created new SDK, version 3.2. Procedure:

  1) In MinGW-32/MinGW-64:  compileSNFMultiDLL.cmd, buildSNFMultiDLL.cmd,
     buildSNFMultiTestDLL.cmd, buildvs2008SNFMultiImportLib.cmd (vs2008
     prompt), run SNFMultiTest.exe, installSNFMultiLibrary.cmd.

  2) Built/ran VS2008CPPSample, x32 and x64.

  3) Built/ran VS2008CSSample, any, x32 and x64.

  4) Built/ran VS2008VBSample, any, x32 and x64.

  5) Ran BuildDistribution.cmd.  This created the .zip file.

git-svn-id: 7d91e7c8-5a61-404e-b06a-95855fde9112
adeniz 9 years ago

32bitDll/snfmulti.dll View File

32bitDll/vs2008_snfmulti.exp View File

32bitDll/vs2008_snfmulti.lib View File

64bitDll/snfmulti.dll View File

64bitDll/vs2008_snfmulti.exp View File

64bitDll/vs2008_snfmulti.lib View File

+ 4
- 4
CSSample/main.cs View File

#region DLL Imports #region DLL Imports
// Location of SNFMulti.dll. // Location of SNFMulti.dll.
const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\64bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "Any CPU"
//const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\64bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "Any CPU"
//const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\..\\64bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "x64 //const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\..\\64bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "x64
//const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\..\\32bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "x86"
const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\..\\32bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "x86"
// int setThrottle(int Threads); /* Set scan thread limit. */ // int setThrottle(int Threads); /* Set scan thread limit. */
[DllImport(SNFMULTI_DLL, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, EntryPoint = "setThrottle", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)] [DllImport(SNFMULTI_DLL, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, EntryPoint = "setThrottle", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
// const string LicenseID = "licensid"; // SNF License ID can be passed // const string LicenseID = "licensid"; // SNF License ID can be passed
// const string Authentication = "authenticationxx"; // directly or read from the // const string Authentication = "authenticationxx"; // directly or read from the
// configuration. OEMs go direct! // configuration. OEMs go direct!
const string ConfigurationPath = "..\\..\\snf_engine.xml"; // For "Any CPU" platform.
//const string ConfigurationPath = "..\\..\\..\\snf_engine.xml"; // For "x86" or "x64" platforms.
//const string ConfigurationPath = "..\\..\\snf_engine.xml"; // For "Any CPU" platform.
const string ConfigurationPath = "..\\..\\..\\snf_engine.xml"; // For "x86" or "x64" platforms.
const uint IPToTest = 0x0c22384e; // Same as IP const uint IPToTest = 0x0c22384e; // Same as IP

BIN View File

SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.2/32bitDll/snfmulti.dll View File

SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.2/32bitDll/vs2008_snfmulti.exp View File

SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.2/32bitDll/vs2008_snfmulti.lib View File

SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.2/64bitDll/snfmulti.dll View File

SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.2/64bitDll/vs2008_snfmulti.exp View File

SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.2/64bitDll/vs2008_snfmulti.lib View File

+ 4
- 4
SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.2/CSSample/main.cs View File

#region DLL Imports #region DLL Imports
// Location of SNFMulti.dll. // Location of SNFMulti.dll.
const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\64bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "Any CPU"
//const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\64bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "Any CPU"
//const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\..\\64bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "x64 //const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\..\\64bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "x64
//const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\..\\32bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "x86"
const string SNFMULTI_DLL = "..\\..\\..\\..\\32bitDll\\SNFMulti.dll"; // Set CPU type to "x86"
// int setThrottle(int Threads); /* Set scan thread limit. */ // int setThrottle(int Threads); /* Set scan thread limit. */
[DllImport(SNFMULTI_DLL, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, EntryPoint = "setThrottle", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)] [DllImport(SNFMULTI_DLL, CharSet = CharSet.Auto, EntryPoint = "setThrottle", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Winapi)]
// const string LicenseID = "licensid"; // SNF License ID can be passed // const string LicenseID = "licensid"; // SNF License ID can be passed
// const string Authentication = "authenticationxx"; // directly or read from the // const string Authentication = "authenticationxx"; // directly or read from the
// configuration. OEMs go direct! // configuration. OEMs go direct!
const string ConfigurationPath = "..\\..\\snf_engine.xml"; // For "Any CPU" platform.
//const string ConfigurationPath = "..\\..\\..\\snf_engine.xml"; // For "x86" or "x64" platforms.
//const string ConfigurationPath = "..\\..\\snf_engine.xml"; // For "Any CPU" platform.
const string ConfigurationPath = "..\\..\\..\\snf_engine.xml"; // For "x86" or "x64" platforms.
const uint IPToTest = 0x0c22384e; // Same as IP const uint IPToTest = 0x0c22384e; // Same as IP

+ 11
- 3
SNFMultiSDK_Windows_3.2/CodeDweller/configuration.cpp View File

//// Configuratino Data //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// Configuratino Data ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

char* newCStringBuffer(size_t requestedSize) {
const char NullTerminator = 0;
size_t safeSize = requestedSize + 1;
char* theBufferPointer = new char[safeSize];
theBufferPointer[requestedSize] = NullTerminator;
return theBufferPointer;

ConfigurationData::ConfigurationData(const char* Data, int Length) : // Raw constructor from buffer. ConfigurationData::ConfigurationData(const char* Data, int Length) : // Raw constructor from buffer.
myBufferSize(Length), // and it's length. myBufferSize(Length), // and it's length.
myIndex(0), // Our Index is zero myIndex(0), // Our Index is zero
myLine(1) { // We start on line 1 myLine(1) { // We start on line 1
myDataBuffer = new char[myBufferSize]; // Allocate a buffer.
myDataBuffer = newCStringBuffer(myBufferSize); // Allocate a buffer.
memcpy(myDataBuffer, Data, myBufferSize); // Copy the data. memcpy(myDataBuffer, Data, myBufferSize); // Copy the data.
} }

ifstream CFGFile(FileName); // Open the file. ifstream CFGFile(FileName); // Open the file.
CFGFile.seekg(0,ios::end); // Seek to the end CFGFile.seekg(0,ios::end); // Seek to the end
myBufferSize = CFGFile.tellg(); // to find out what size it is. myBufferSize = CFGFile.tellg(); // to find out what size it is.
myDataBuffer = new char[myBufferSize]; // Make a new buffer the right size.
myDataBuffer = newCStringBuffer(myBufferSize); // Make a new buffer the right size.
CFGFile.seekg(0,ios::beg); // Seek to the beginning and CFGFile.seekg(0,ios::beg); // Seek to the beginning and, myBufferSize); // read the file into the buffer., myBufferSize); // read the file into the buffer.
if(CFGFile.bad()) { // If the read failed, we're unusable! if(CFGFile.bad()) { // If the read failed, we're unusable!
ifstream CFGFile(FileName.c_str()); // Open the file. ifstream CFGFile(FileName.c_str()); // Open the file.
CFGFile.seekg(0,ios::end); // Seek to the end CFGFile.seekg(0,ios::end); // Seek to the end
myBufferSize = CFGFile.tellg(); // to find out what size it is. myBufferSize = CFGFile.tellg(); // to find out what size it is.
myDataBuffer = new char[myBufferSize]; // Make a new buffer the right size.
myDataBuffer = newCStringBuffer(myBufferSize); // Make a new buffer the right size.
CFGFile.seekg(0,ios::beg); // Seek to the beginning and CFGFile.seekg(0,ios::beg); // Seek to the beginning and, myBufferSize); // read the file into the buffer., myBufferSize); // read the file into the buffer.
if(CFGFile.bad()) { // If the read failed, we're unusable! if(CFGFile.bad()) { // If the read failed, we're unusable!
