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  1. <HTML>
  2. <HEAD>
  3. <TITLE>CommuniGate Pro: ARM Research Labs Sniffer Antispam Plugin</TITLE>
  4. <link rel="stylesheet" href="GuideStyle.css" type="text/css" />
  5. <link rel="stylesheet" href="AdminStyle.css" type="text/css" />
  6. </HEAD>
  7. <BODY BGCOLOR=white>
  8. <TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="100%">
  9. <td><img src="CGPLogo.gif" alt="CommuniGate Pro" /></td>
  10. <tr><td class="tabBodyOuter">
  11. <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tabBody"><tr><td>
  12. <h1>ARM Research Labs Sniffer Plugin for CommuniGate Pro</h1>
  13. <div class="guideTOC"><ul>
  14. <TABLE width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tabBody" >
  15. <LI><A href="#Download">Download the Sniffer Plugin</A>
  16. <LI><A href="#Install">Installation</A>
  17. <UL>
  18. <LI><A href="#WIN32">Installing on a MS Windows 200x/NT/XP/9x System</A>
  19. <LI><A href="#Linux">Installing on a Linux System</A>
  20. <LI><A href="#FreeBSD">Installing on a FreeBSD or OpenBSD System</A>
  21. </UL>
  22. <LI><A href="#Upgrading">Upgrading to a newer version</A>
  23. <LI><A href="#Config">Configuring the Sniffer Plugin</A>
  24. <LI><A href="#Test">Testing the Sniffer Plugin</A>
  25. <LI><A href="#Options">Command line options</A>
  26. <LI><A href="#Integrate">Integrating the Sniffer Plugin with CommuniGate Pro</A>
  27. <LI><A href="#Update">Updating the spam definitions database</A>
  28. </ul></div>
  29. </TD></TR></TABLE>
  30. </table>
  31. </TABLE>
  32. <P><B>Note:</B> The ARM Research Labs Sniffer Plugin is available only
  33. for <I>some</I> platforms supported with the CommuniGate Pro server
  34. software. Before you order the Sniffer Plugin License, make sure that
  35. the available versions of the Sniffer Plugin software run on your
  36. CommuniGate Pro Server platform.
  37. <P><B>Note:</B> The ARM Research Labs Sniffer Plugin requires
  38. CommuniGatePro version 5.2.3 or later.
  39. <H2><HR><A NAME="Download"></A>Download the ARM Research Labs Sniffer Plugins</H2>
  40. <DL><DD>
  41. <P>ARM Research Labs Sniffer antispam plugins are available for certain platforms only.
  42. <TABLE class="guideTable" BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1>
  43. <TR BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
  44. <TH NOWRAP rowspan=2 width=50%>Operating System</TH>
  45. <TH NOWRAP rowspan=2>CPU</TH>
  46. <TH NOWRAP colspan=2>Download</TH>
  47. </TR>
  48. <TR BGCOLOR="#cccccc">
  49. <TH NOWRAP>via<BR>http</TH>
  50. <TH NOWRAP>via<BR>ftp</TH>
  51. </TR>
  52. <TR>
  53. <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP<BR>Microsoft Windows 95/98</TD>
  54. <TD ALIGN=CENTER>x86</TD>
  56. <IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD>
  58. <IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD>
  59. </TR>
  60. <TR>
  61. <TD ALIGN=CENTER>Linux<BR>Kernel 2.6 (stdc++ library version = 6.0)</TD>
  62. <TD ALIGN=CENTER>x86</TD>
  64. <IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD>
  66. <IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD>
  67. </TR>
  68. <TR>
  69. <TD ALIGN=CENTER>FreeBSD 7.x</TD>
  70. <TD ALIGN=CENTER>x86</TD>
  72. <IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD>
  74. <IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD>
  75. </TR>
  76. <TR>
  77. <TD ALIGN=CENTER>OpenBSD 4.3</TD>
  78. <TD ALIGN=CENTER>x86</TD>
  80. <IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD>
  82. <IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD>
  83. </TR>
  84. </TABLE>
  85. </DL>
  86. <P>The current version of the Plugin is 0.1.0.
  87. <P>The current version of the ARM Research Labs Sniffer Engine is 3.0.11.
  88. <H3><HR><A name=Upgrading></A>Upgrading to a newer version.</H3>
  89. <P>When upgrading the Plugin to a newer version, do the following steps:
  90. <UL>
  91. <LI>Stop the current copy of the plugin application via CommuniGate Pro WebAdmin interface.
  92. <LI>Install and configure the new version of the Plugin as described above in this document.
  93. </UL>
  94. <H3><HR><A name="WIN32"></A>Installing on a MS Windows 200x/NT/XP/9x System.</H3>
  95. <UL>
  96. <LI>Open the command-line interface window and
  97. change the current directory to the CommuniGate Pro <I>base directory</I>.
  98. <LI>Use any &quot;unzip&quot;-type tool to unpack the
  99. <TT></TT> file. The <TT>SNF4CGP</TT> directory will be created inside the <I>base directory</I>.
  100. <LI>Proceed with <A HREF="#Config">Configuring the Sniffer Plugin</A>.
  101. </UL>
  102. <H3><HR><A name=Linux></A>Installing on a Linux System.</H3>
  103. <UL>
  104. <LI>Log in as a super-user (root).
  105. <LI>Change the current directory to the CommuniGate Pro <I>base directory</I>.
  106. <LI>Unpack the Plugin archive with the <TT>gtar</TT> command (or
  107. with the <TT>gunzip</TT> and <TT>tar</TT> commands):<TT><BR>
  108. &nbsp;&nbsp;gunzip SNF4CGP-FreeBSD-Intel.tar.gz<BR>
  109. &nbsp;&nbsp;tar -xf SNF4CGP-FreeBSD-Intel.tar</TT><BR>
  110. The <TT>SNF4CGP</TT> directory will be created inside the <I>base directory</I>.
  111. <LI>Proceed with <A HREF="#Config">Configuring the Sniffer Plugin</A>.
  112. </UL>
  113. <H3><HR><A name=FreeBSD></A>Installing on a FreeBSD or OpenBSD System.</H3>
  114. <UL>
  115. <LI>Log in as a super-user (root).
  116. <LI>Change the current directory to the CommuniGate Pro <I>base directory</I>.
  117. <LI>Unpack the Plugin archive with the <TT>gtar</TT> command (or
  118. with the <TT>gunzip</TT> and <TT>tar</TT> commands):<TT><BR>
  119. &nbsp;&nbsp;gunzip SNF4CGP-FreeBSD-Intel.tar.gz<BR>
  120. &nbsp;&nbsp;tar -xf SNF4CGP-FreeBSD-Intel.tar</TT><BR>
  121. The <TT>SNF4CGP</TT> directory will be created inside the <I>base directory</I>.
  122. <LI>Proceed with <A HREF="#Config">Configuring the Sniffer Plugin</A>.
  123. </UL>
  124. <H3><HR><A name=Config></A>Configuring the Sniffer Plugin.</H3>
  125. <P>In the module directory (<TT>/var/CommuniGate/SNF4CGP</TT> on a
  126. Linux or Linux-like system):
  127. <UL>
  128. <LI>Copy the configuration file <TT><BR>
  129. &nbsp;&nbsp;snf_engine.xml.sample</TT><BR> to <TT><BR>
  130. &nbsp;&nbsp;snf_engine.xml</TT><BR> and customize as
  131. needed. Please see the <A href="">ARM
  132. Research Labs web site</A> for documentation on
  133. the <TT>snf_engine.xml</TT> configuration file.<BR>
  134. <LI>Copy <TT><BR>
  135. &nbsp;&nbsp;identity.xml.sample</TT><BR> to <TT><BR>
  136. &nbsp;&nbsp;identity.xml</TT><BR> and edit to include the
  137. license ID and authentication attributes of
  138. the <TT>&lt;identity&gt; element</TT>.<BR>
  139. <LI>Copy <TT><BR>
  140. &nbsp;&nbsp;getRulebase.sample</TT><BR> to <TT><BR>
  141. &nbsp;&nbsp;getRulebase.xml</TT><BR> and edit to include the
  142. license ID and authentication:
  143. <UL>
  144. <LI>Change the line <TT><BR>
  145. &nbsp;&nbsp;AUTHENTICATION=authenticationxx</TT><BR>
  146. to <TT><BR>
  148. where <TT>YOUR_AUTHENTICATION</TT> is authentication code
  149. obtained from ARM Research Labs.</LI>
  150. <LI>Change the line <TT><BR>
  151. &nbsp;&nbsp;LICENSE_ID=licenseid</TT><BR> to <TT><BR>
  152. &nbsp;&nbsp;LICENSE_ID=YOUR_LICENSE_ID</TT><BR>
  153. where <TT>YOUR_LICENSE_ID</TT> is license ID obtained from
  154. ARM Research Labs.</LI>
  155. </UL>
  156. <BR>
  157. <LI>Copy <TT><BR>
  158. &nbsp;&nbsp;GBUdbIgnoreList.sample</TT><BR> to <TT><BR>
  159. &nbsp;&nbsp;GBUdbIgnoreList</TT><BR> and customize as
  160. needed. Please see the
  161. <A href="">ARM Research Labs web
  162. site</A> for documentation on the <TT>GBUdbIgnoreList</TT>
  163. file.<BR>
  164. <LI>Download the Sniffer database:
  165. <UL>
  166. <LI>Create the file <TT>UpdateReady.txt</TT> in the plugin directory:<TT><BR>
  167. &nbsp;&nbsp;touch UpdateReady.txt</TT><BR>
  168. </LI>
  169. <LI>Run the <TT>getRulebase</TT> script in the plugin
  170. directory:<TT><BR>
  171. &nbsp;&nbsp;./getRulebase</TT><BR>
  172. This downloads the Sniffer database to the plugin directory.
  173. </UL>
  174. The <B><TT>SNF4CGP</TT></B> program automatically updates the
  175. Sniffer database as needed.
  176. <LI>Proceed with <A HREF="#Test">Testing the Sniffer Plugin</A>.
  177. </UL>
  178. <H3><HR><A name=Test></A>Testing the Sniffer Plugin.</H3>
  179. <P>On Windows System:
  180. <!--
  181. <UL>
  182. <LI>Launch the <TT>SNF4CGP.exe</TT> application by typing:<TT><BR>
  183. &nbsp;&nbsp;SNF4CGP\SNF4CGP.exe SNF4CGP\snf_engine.xml</TT><BR>
  184. It will report the Plugin version number and build date.<BR>
  185. <LI>Type:<TT><BR>
  186. &nbsp;&nbsp;1 FILE SNF4CGP\junkmsg.msg</TT><BR>
  187. The plugin should report that the file is spam.
  188. <LI>Quit <TT>SNF4CGP.exe</TT> by typing Ctrl-Z.
  189. </UL>
  190. -->
  191. <P>On a Unix System:
  192. <UL>
  193. <LI> Change to the module directory:<TT><BR>
  194. &nbsp;&nbsp;cd /var/CommuniGate/SNF4CGP</TT><BR>
  195. <LI>Launch the <TT>SNF4CGP</TT> application by typing:<TT><BR>
  196. &nbsp;&nbsp;./SNF4CGP snf_engine.xml</TT><BR>
  197. It will report the Plugin version number and build date.<BR>
  198. <LI>Type:<TT><BR>
  199. &nbsp;&nbsp;1 FILE junkmsg.txt</TT><BR>
  200. the plugin should report that the file is spam.
  201. <LI>Quit <TT>SNF4CGP</TT> by typing Ctrl-D.
  202. </UL>
  203. <H3><HR><A NAME="Options"></A>Command Line Options</H3>
  204. <DL><DD>
  205. The Sniffer Plugin supports the following command-line option (parameters):<DL>
  206. <P><DT><TT>snf_engine.xml</TT>
  207. <DD>This option tells the Plugin to read the <TT>snf_engine.xml</TT>
  208. configuration file.
  209. </DL>
  210. </DL>
  211. <H3><HR><A name=Integrate></A>Integrating the Sniffer Plugin with CommuniGate Pro.</H3>
  212. Please check the <A
  213. HREF="">External
  214. Filters</A> section of the CommuniGate Pro manual.
  215. <P>Open the General page in the Settings section of the WebAdmin Interface and click the Helpers link.
  216. Create the Helper as follows:
  217. <center class="WebAdmin"><form action="Null.html">
  218. <TABLE class="settingsBox" cellpadding="3" width="90%">
  219. <caption>Content Filtering</caption>
  221. <TABLE class="settingsBox" WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=0>
  222. <TR>
  223. <td align="right"><select name="U3"><option value="0">Disabled</option><option value="1" selected="selected">Enabled</option></select></td>
  224. <td><input name="N3" value="ARM Sniffer" size="15" maxlength="200" type="text" /></td>
  225. <TD colspan=2 ALIGN=center></TD>
  226. </TR><TR>
  227. <td align="right" width="25%">Log Level:</td><td><select name="L3"><option value="0">Crashes Only</option><option value="1">Failures</option><option value="2">Major &amp; Failures</option><option value="3">Problems</option><option value="4" selected="selected">Low Level</option><option value="5">All Info</option></select></td>
  228. <td align="right" width="25%">Program Path:</td><td><input name="P3"
  229. value="SNF4CGP/SNF4CGP /var/CommuniGate/SNF4CGP/snf_engine.xml" size="30" maxlength="255" type="text" /></td>
  230. </TR><TR>
  231. <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Time-out:</TD><TD><SELECT NAME="T0"><OPTION VALUE=0>disabled<OPTION VALUE="15">15 seconds<OPTION VALUE="30">30 seconds<OPTION VALUE="60">minute<OPTION VALUE="120">2 minutes<OPTION VALUE="180">3 minutes<OPTION VALUE="300" SELECTED>5 minutes<OPTION VALUE="600">10 minutes<OPTION VALUE="900">15 minutes<OPTION VALUE="1800">30 minutes<OPTION VALUE="3600">hour</SELECT></TD>
  232. <TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Auto-Restart:</TD><TD><SELECT NAME="A0"><OPTION VALUE=0>disabled<OPTION VALUE="5">5 seconds<OPTION VALUE="7">7 seconds<OPTION VALUE="10">10 seconds<OPTION VALUE="15">15 seconds<OPTION VALUE="30">30 seconds<OPTION VALUE="60" SELECTED>minute<OPTION VALUE="120">2 minutes<OPTION VALUE="180">3 minutes<OPTION VALUE="300">5 minutes<OPTION VALUE="600">10 minutes<OPTION VALUE="900">15 minutes<OPTION VALUE="1800">30 minutes<OPTION VALUE="3600">hour<OPTION VALUE="7200">2 hours<OPTION VALUE="10800">3 hours<OPTION VALUE="21600">6 hours</SELECT></TD>
  233. </TR>
  234. </TABLE></TD></TR>
  235. </TABLE></FORM></center>
  236. <B>Note:</B> For Windows system the Program Path shold be
  237. <TT>SNF4CGP\SNF4CGP.exe SNF4CGP\snf_engine.xml</TT><BR>
  238. <B>Note:</B> On some versions of FreeBSD system you may need to
  239. specify the full path to the program,
  240. i.e. <tt>/var/CommuniGate/SNF4CGP/SNF4CGP /var/CommuniGate/SNF4CGP/snf_engine.xml</tt>
  241. <P>The recommended Scanning Rule is as follows:</P>
  242. <center class="WebAdmin"><form action="Null.html">
  243. <TABLE class="settingsBox" cellpadding="3" width="90%">
  244. <tr align="left">
  245. <th>Data</th>
  246. <th>Operation</th>
  247. <th>Parameter</th>
  248. </tr>
  249. <TR>
  250. <TD>
  252. </TD><TD>
  253. <SELECT NAME="o2"><OPTION VALUE="0" SELECTED>is<OPTION VALUE="4">greater than</SELECT>
  254. </TD><TD>
  255. <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="p2" VALUE="" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="1024">
  256. </TD>
  257. </TR>
  258. <tr align="left">
  259. <th>Action</th>
  260. <th colspan="2">Parameter</th>
  261. </tr>
  262. <TR VALIGN=TOP>
  263. <TD><SELECT NAME="a0"><OPTION VALUE="0">---<OPTION VALUE="6">Stop Processing<OPTION VALUE="17" SELECTED>ExternalFilter</SELECT>
  264. </TD><TD><TEXTAREA NAME="r0" ROWS="4" COLS="40">ARM Sniffer</TEXTAREA>
  265. </TD>
  266. </TR>
  267. <TR VALIGN=TOP>
  268. <TD><SELECT NAME="a1"><OPTION VALUE="0" SELECTED>---<OPTION VALUE="7">Stop Processing</SELECT></TD>
  269. <TD colspan="2"><TEXTAREA NAME="r1" ROWS="4" COLS="40"></TEXTAREA></TD>
  270. </TR>
  271. </TABLE></FORM></center>
  272. <hr/><div align="right" class="guideCopyright">CommuniGate&reg; Pro Guide. Copyright &copy; 1998-2009, Stalker Software, Inc.</div>
  273. </BODY>
  274. </HTML>