12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970 |
- REM ----- Edit This Section --------
- SET AUTHENTICATION=authenticationxx
- SET LICENSE_ID=licenseid
- REM --------------------------------
- echo Running SNF getRulebase.cmd > getRulebase.txt
- if not exist UpdateReady.txt echo No UpdateReady.txt >> getRulebase.txt
- if not exist UpdateReady.txt goto DONE
- REM The next line may cause trouble if your system stops while this
- REM script is running. It is not needed when this script is run
- REM from SNF's <update-script/> feature since only one copy will run
- REM at a time. However, if you are going to run a version of this
- REM script as a scheduled task you will want to uncomment the next
- REM line to make sure only one copy runs at a time-- just be sure to
- REM clean out any stale .lck files after a restart.
- REM if exist UpdateReady.lck echo getRulebase.cmd locked/running >> getRulebase.txt
- REM if exist UpdateReady.lck goto DONE
- copy UpdateReady.txt UpdateReady.lck > nul
- if exist %LICENSE_ID%.new del %LICENSE_ID%.new
- echo.
- curl -v "http://www.sortmonster.net/Sniffer/Updates/%LICENSE_ID%.snf" -o %LICENSE_ID%.new -S -R -z %LICENSE_ID%.snf -H "Accept-Encoding:gzip" --compressed -u sniffer:ki11sp8m 2>> getRulebase.txt
- if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 del %LICENSE_ID%.new 2> nul
- if not exist %LICENSE_ID%.new echo New rulebase file NOT downloaded >> getRulebase.txt
- if not exist %LICENSE_ID%.new goto CLEANUP
- snf2check.exe %LICENSE_ID%.new %AUTHENTICATION% 2>> getRulebase.txt
- if errorlevel 1 goto CLEANUP
- echo New rulebase file tested OK >> getRulebase.txt
- if exist %LICENSE_ID%.old del %LICENSE_ID%.old
- if exist %LICENSE_ID%.snf rename %LICENSE_ID%.snf %LICENSE_ID%.old
- rename %LICENSE_ID%.new %LICENSE_ID%.snf
- if exist UpdateReady.txt del UpdateReady.txt
- if exist UpdateReady.lck del UpdateReady.lck
- if exist %LICENSE_ID%.new del %LICENSE_ID%.new
- if exist UpdateReady.lck del UpdateReady.lck
- echo Done >> getRulebase.txt
- REM This is a good place to add a line that will email getrulebase.txt to
- REM yourself so that you know what just happened.