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<HTML> | |||||
<HEAD> | |||||
<TITLE>CommuniGate Pro: ARM Research Labs Sniffer Antispam Plugin</TITLE> | |||||
<link rel="stylesheet" href="GuideStyle.css" type="text/css" /> | |||||
<link rel="stylesheet" href="AdminStyle.css" type="text/css" /> | |||||
</HEAD> | |||||
<BODY BGCOLOR=white> | |||||
<TABLE border=0 cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0 width="100%"> | |||||
<td><img src="CGPLogo.gif" alt="CommuniGate Pro" /></td> | |||||
<tr><td class="tabBodyOuter"> | |||||
<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tabBody"><tr><td> | |||||
<h1>ARM Research Labs Sniffer Plugin for CommuniGate Pro</h1> | |||||
<div class="guideTOC"><ul> | |||||
<TABLE width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="tabBody" > | |||||
<LI><A href="#Download">Download the Sniffer Plugin</A> | |||||
<LI><A href="#Install">Installation</A> | |||||
<UL> | |||||
<LI><A href="#WIN32">Installing on a MS Windows 200x/NT/XP/9x System</A> | |||||
<LI><A href="#Linux">Installing on a Linux System</A> | |||||
<LI><A href="#FreeBSD">Installing on a FreeBSD or OpenBSD System</A> | |||||
</UL> | |||||
<LI><A href="#Upgrading">Upgrading to a newer version</A> | |||||
<LI><A href="#Config">Configuring the Sniffer Plugin</A> | |||||
<LI><A href="#Test">Testing the Sniffer Plugin</A> | |||||
<LI><A href="#Options">Command line options</A> | |||||
<LI><A href="#Integrate">Integrating the Sniffer Plugin with CommuniGate Pro</A> | |||||
<LI><A href="#Update">Updating the spam definitions database</A> | |||||
</ul></div> | |||||
</TD></TR></TABLE> | |||||
</table> | |||||
</TABLE> | |||||
<P><B>Note:</B> The ARM Research Labs Sniffer Plugin is available only | |||||
for <I>some</I> platforms supported with the CommuniGate Pro server | |||||
software. Before you order the Sniffer Plugin License, make sure that | |||||
the available versions of the Sniffer Plugin software run on your | |||||
CommuniGate Pro Server platform. | |||||
<P><B>Note:</B> The ARM Research Labs Sniffer Plugin requires | |||||
CommuniGatePro version 5.2.3 or later. | |||||
<H2><HR><A NAME="Download"></A>Download the ARM Research Labs Sniffer Plugins</H2> | |||||
<DL><DD> | |||||
<P>ARM Research Labs Sniffer antispam plugins are available for certain platforms only. | |||||
<TABLE class="guideTable" BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1> | |||||
<TR BGCOLOR="#cccccc"> | |||||
<TH NOWRAP rowspan=2 width=50%>Operating System</TH> | |||||
<TH NOWRAP rowspan=2>CPU</TH> | |||||
<TH NOWRAP colspan=2>Download</TH> | |||||
</TR> | |||||
<TR BGCOLOR="#cccccc"> | |||||
<TH NOWRAP>via<BR>http</TH> | |||||
<TH NOWRAP>via<BR>ftp</TH> | |||||
</TR> | |||||
<TR> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP<BR>Microsoft Windows 95/98</TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>x86</TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="http://www.armresearch.com/pub/plugins/SNF4CGP-Win32-Intel.zip"> | |||||
<IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="ftp://ftp.armresearch.com/pub/plugins/SNF4CGP-Win32-Intel.zip"> | |||||
<IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD> | |||||
</TR> | |||||
<TR> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>Linux<BR>Kernel 2.6 (stdc++ library version = 6.0)</TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>x86</TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="http://www.armresearch.com/pub/plugins/SNF4CGP-Linux-Intel.tar.gz"> | |||||
<IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="ftp://ftp.armresearch.com/pub/plugins/SNF4CGP-Linux-Intel.tar.gz"> | |||||
<IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD> | |||||
</TR> | |||||
<TR> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>FreeBSD 7.x</TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>x86</TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="http://www.armresearch.com/pub/plugins/SNF4CGP-FreeBSD7-Intel.tar.gz"> | |||||
<IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="ftp://ftp.armresearch.com/pub/plugins/SNF4CGP-FreeBSD7-Intel.tar.gz"> | |||||
<IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD> | |||||
</TR> | |||||
<TR> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>OpenBSD 4.3</TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER>x86</TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="http://www.armresearch.com/pub/plugins/SNF4CGP-OpenBSD4.3-Intel.tar.gz"> | |||||
<IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=CENTER><A HREF="ftp://ftp.armresearch.com/pub/plugins/SNF4CGP-OpenBSD4.3-Intel.tar.gz"> | |||||
<IMG SRC="DownLoad.gif" BORDER=0 WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16></A></TD> | |||||
</TR> | |||||
</TABLE> | |||||
</DL> | |||||
<P>The current version of the Plugin is 0.1.0. | |||||
<P>The current version of the ARM Research Labs Sniffer Engine is 3.0.11. | |||||
<H3><HR><A name=Upgrading></A>Upgrading to a newer version.</H3> | |||||
<P>When upgrading the Plugin to a newer version, do the following steps: | |||||
<UL> | |||||
<LI>Stop the current copy of the plugin application via CommuniGate Pro WebAdmin interface. | |||||
<LI>Install and configure the new version of the Plugin as described above in this document. | |||||
</UL> | |||||
<H3><HR><A name="WIN32"></A>Installing on a MS Windows 200x/NT/XP/9x System.</H3> | |||||
<UL> | |||||
<LI>Open the command-line interface window and | |||||
change the current directory to the CommuniGate Pro <I>base directory</I>. | |||||
<LI>Use any "unzip"-type tool to unpack the | |||||
<TT>SNF4CGP-Win32-Intel.zip</TT> file. The <TT>SNF4CGP</TT> directory will be created inside the <I>base directory</I>. | |||||
<LI>Proceed with <A HREF="#Config">Configuring the Sniffer Plugin</A>. | |||||
</UL> | |||||
<H3><HR><A name=Linux></A>Installing on a Linux System.</H3> | |||||
<UL> | |||||
<LI>Log in as a super-user (root). | |||||
<LI>Change the current directory to the CommuniGate Pro <I>base directory</I>. | |||||
<LI>Unpack the Plugin archive with the <TT>gtar</TT> command (or | |||||
with the <TT>gunzip</TT> and <TT>tar</TT> commands):<TT><BR> | |||||
gunzip SNF4CGP-Linux-Intel.tar.gz<BR> | |||||
tar -xf SNF4CGP-Linux-Intel.tar</TT><BR> | |||||
The <TT>SNF4CGP</TT> directory will be created inside the <I>base directory</I>. | |||||
<LI>Proceed with <A HREF="#Config">Configuring the Sniffer Plugin</A>. | |||||
</UL> | |||||
<H3><HR><A name=FreeBSD></A>Installing on a FreeBSD or OpenBSD System.</H3> | |||||
<UL> | |||||
<LI>Log in as a super-user (root). | |||||
<LI>Change the current directory to the CommuniGate Pro <I>base directory</I>. | |||||
<LI>Unpack the Plugin archive with the <TT>gtar</TT> command (or | |||||
with the <TT>gunzip</TT> and <TT>tar</TT> commands):<TT><BR> | |||||
gunzip SNF4CGP-FreeBSD-Intel.tar.gz<BR> | |||||
tar -xf SNF4CGP-FreeBSD-Intel.tar</TT><BR> | |||||
The <TT>SNF4CGP</TT> directory will be created inside the <I>base directory</I>. | |||||
<LI>Proceed with <A HREF="#Config">Configuring the Sniffer Plugin</A>. | |||||
</UL> | |||||
<H3><HR><A name=Config></A>Configuring the Sniffer Plugin.</H3> | |||||
<P>In the module directory (<TT>/var/CommuniGate/SNF4CGP</TT> on a | |||||
Linux or Linux-like system): | |||||
<UL> | |||||
<LI>Copy the configuration file <TT><BR> | |||||
snf_engine.xml.sample</TT><BR> to <TT><BR> | |||||
snf_engine.xml</TT><BR> and customize as | |||||
needed. Please see the <A href="http://www.armresearch.com">ARM | |||||
Research Labs web site</A> for documentation on | |||||
the <TT>snf_engine.xml</TT> configuration file.<BR> | |||||
<LI>Copy <TT><BR> | |||||
identity.xml.sample</TT><BR> to <TT><BR> | |||||
identity.xml</TT><BR> and edit to include the | |||||
license ID and authentication attributes of | |||||
the <TT><identity> element</TT>.<BR> | |||||
<LI>Copy <TT><BR> | |||||
getRulebase.sample</TT><BR> to <TT><BR> | |||||
getRulebase.xml</TT><BR> and edit to include the | |||||
license ID and authentication: | |||||
<UL> | |||||
<LI>Change the line <TT><BR> | |||||
AUTHENTICATION=authenticationxx</TT><BR> | |||||
to <TT><BR> | |||||
where <TT>YOUR_AUTHENTICATION</TT> is authentication code | |||||
obtained from ARM Research Labs.</LI> | |||||
<LI>Change the line <TT><BR> | |||||
LICENSE_ID=licenseid</TT><BR> to <TT><BR> | |||||
where <TT>YOUR_LICENSE_ID</TT> is license ID obtained from | |||||
ARM Research Labs.</LI> | |||||
</UL> | |||||
<BR> | |||||
<LI>Copy <TT><BR> | |||||
GBUdbIgnoreList.txt.sample</TT><BR> to <TT><BR> | |||||
GBUdbIgnoreList.txt</TT><BR> and customize as | |||||
needed. Please see the | |||||
<A href="http://www.armresearch.com">ARM Research Labs web | |||||
site</A> for documentation on the <TT>GBUdbIgnoreList.txt</TT> | |||||
file.<BR> | |||||
<LI>Download the Sniffer database: | |||||
<UL> | |||||
<LI>Create the file <TT>UpdateReady.txt</TT> in the plugin directory:<TT><BR> | |||||
touch UpdateReady.txt</TT><BR> | |||||
</LI> | |||||
<LI>Run the <TT>getRulebase</TT> script in the plugin | |||||
directory:<TT><BR> | |||||
./getRulebase</TT><BR> | |||||
This downloads the Sniffer database to the plugin directory. | |||||
</UL> | |||||
The <B><TT>SNF4CGP</TT></B> program automatically updates the | |||||
Sniffer database as needed. | |||||
<LI>Proceed with <A HREF="#Test">Testing the Sniffer Plugin</A>. | |||||
</UL> | |||||
<H3><HR><A name=Test></A>Testing the Sniffer Plugin.</H3> | |||||
<P>On Windows System: | |||||
<!-- | |||||
<UL> | |||||
<LI>Launch the <TT>SNF4CGP.exe</TT> application by typing:<TT><BR> | |||||
SNF4CGP\SNF4CGP.exe SNF4CGP\snf_engine.xml</TT><BR> | |||||
It will report the Plugin version number and build date.<BR> | |||||
<LI>Type:<TT><BR> | |||||
1 FILE SNF4CGP\junkmsg.msg</TT><BR> | |||||
The plugin should report that the file is spam. | |||||
<LI>Quit <TT>SNF4CGP.exe</TT> by typing Ctrl-Z. | |||||
</UL> | |||||
--> | |||||
<P>On a Unix System: | |||||
<UL> | |||||
<LI> Change to the module directory:<TT><BR> | |||||
cd /var/CommuniGate/SNF4CGP</TT><BR> | |||||
<LI>Launch the <TT>SNF4CGP</TT> application by typing:<TT><BR> | |||||
./SNF4CGP snf_engine.xml</TT><BR> | |||||
It will report the Plugin version number and build date.<BR> | |||||
<LI>Type:<TT><BR> | |||||
1 FILE junkmsg.txt</TT><BR> | |||||
the plugin should report that the file is spam. | |||||
<LI>Quit <TT>SNF4CGP</TT> by typing Ctrl-D. | |||||
</UL> | |||||
<H3><HR><A NAME="Options"></A>Command Line Options</H3> | |||||
<DL><DD> | |||||
The Sniffer Plugin supports the following command-line option (parameters):<DL> | |||||
<P><DT><TT>snf_engine.xml</TT> | |||||
<DD>This option tells the Plugin to read the <TT>snf_engine.xml</TT> | |||||
configuration file. | |||||
</DL> | |||||
</DL> | |||||
<H3><HR><A name=Integrate></A>Integrating the Sniffer Plugin with CommuniGate Pro.</H3> | |||||
Please check the <A | |||||
HREF="http://www.communigate.com/CommuniGatePro/VirusScan.html#Launch">External | |||||
Filters</A> section of the CommuniGate Pro manual. | |||||
<P>Open the General page in the Settings section of the WebAdmin Interface and click the Helpers link. | |||||
Create the Helper as follows: | |||||
<center class="WebAdmin"><form action="Null.html"> | |||||
<TABLE class="settingsBox" cellpadding="3" width="90%"> | |||||
<caption>Content Filtering</caption> | |||||
<TR><TD BGCOLOR="#EEEEEE"> | |||||
<TABLE class="settingsBox" WIDTH="100%" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=0> | |||||
<TR> | |||||
<td align="right"><select name="U3"><option value="0">Disabled</option><option value="1" selected="selected">Enabled</option></select></td> | |||||
<td><input name="N3" value="ARM Sniffer" size="15" maxlength="200" type="text" /></td> | |||||
<TD colspan=2 ALIGN=center></TD> | |||||
</TR><TR> | |||||
<td align="right" width="25%">Log Level:</td><td><select name="L3"><option value="0">Crashes Only</option><option value="1">Failures</option><option value="2">Major & Failures</option><option value="3">Problems</option><option value="4" selected="selected">Low Level</option><option value="5">All Info</option></select></td> | |||||
<td align="right" width="25%">Program Path:</td><td><input name="P3" | |||||
value="SNF4CGP/SNF4CGP /var/CommuniGate/SNF4CGP/snf_engine.xml" size="30" maxlength="255" type="text" /></td> | |||||
</TR><TR> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Time-out:</TD><TD><SELECT NAME="T0"><OPTION VALUE=0>disabled<OPTION VALUE="15">15 seconds<OPTION VALUE="30">30 seconds<OPTION VALUE="60">minute<OPTION VALUE="120">2 minutes<OPTION VALUE="180">3 minutes<OPTION VALUE="300" SELECTED>5 minutes<OPTION VALUE="600">10 minutes<OPTION VALUE="900">15 minutes<OPTION VALUE="1800">30 minutes<OPTION VALUE="3600">hour</SELECT></TD> | |||||
<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Auto-Restart:</TD><TD><SELECT NAME="A0"><OPTION VALUE=0>disabled<OPTION VALUE="5">5 seconds<OPTION VALUE="7">7 seconds<OPTION VALUE="10">10 seconds<OPTION VALUE="15">15 seconds<OPTION VALUE="30">30 seconds<OPTION VALUE="60" SELECTED>minute<OPTION VALUE="120">2 minutes<OPTION VALUE="180">3 minutes<OPTION VALUE="300">5 minutes<OPTION VALUE="600">10 minutes<OPTION VALUE="900">15 minutes<OPTION VALUE="1800">30 minutes<OPTION VALUE="3600">hour<OPTION VALUE="7200">2 hours<OPTION VALUE="10800">3 hours<OPTION VALUE="21600">6 hours</SELECT></TD> | |||||
</TR> | |||||
</TABLE></TD></TR> | |||||
</TABLE></FORM></center> | |||||
<B>Note:</B> For Windows system the Program Path shold be | |||||
<TT>SNF4CGP\SNF4CGP.exe SNF4CGP\snf_engine.xml</TT><BR> | |||||
<B>Note:</B> On some versions of FreeBSD system you may need to | |||||
specify the full path to the program, | |||||
i.e. <tt>/var/CommuniGate/SNF4CGP/SNF4CGP /var/CommuniGate/SNF4CGP/snf_engine.xml</tt> | |||||
<P>The recommended Scanning Rule is as follows:</P> | |||||
<center class="WebAdmin"><form action="Null.html"> | |||||
<TABLE class="settingsBox" cellpadding="3" width="90%"> | |||||
<tr align="left"> | |||||
<th>Data</th> | |||||
<th>Operation</th> | |||||
<th>Parameter</th> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<TR> | |||||
<TD> | |||||
<SELECT NAME="c2"><OPTION VALUE="0" SELECTED>---<OPTION VALUE="12">Message Size</SELECT> | |||||
</TD><TD> | |||||
<SELECT NAME="o2"><OPTION VALUE="0" SELECTED>is<OPTION VALUE="4">greater than</SELECT> | |||||
</TD><TD> | |||||
<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="p2" VALUE="" SIZE="20" MAXLENGTH="1024"> | |||||
</TD> | |||||
</TR> | |||||
<tr align="left"> | |||||
<th>Action</th> | |||||
<th colspan="2">Parameter</th> | |||||
</tr> | |||||
<TR VALIGN=TOP> | |||||
<TD><SELECT NAME="a0"><OPTION VALUE="0">---<OPTION VALUE="6">Stop Processing<OPTION VALUE="17" SELECTED>ExternalFilter</SELECT> | |||||
</TD><TD><TEXTAREA NAME="r0" ROWS="4" COLS="40">ARM Sniffer</TEXTAREA> | |||||
</TD> | |||||
</TR> | |||||
<TR VALIGN=TOP> | |||||
<TD><SELECT NAME="a1"><OPTION VALUE="0" SELECTED>---<OPTION VALUE="7">Stop Processing</SELECT></TD> | |||||
<TD colspan="2"><TEXTAREA NAME="r1" ROWS="4" COLS="40"></TEXTAREA></TD> | |||||
</TR> | |||||
</TABLE></FORM></center> | |||||
<hr/><div align="right" class="guideCopyright">CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2009, Stalker Software, Inc.</div> | |||||
</BODY> | |||||
</HTML> |
# List of IPs to Ignore on startup | |||||
# Each IP in this list is set to Ignore in GBUdb when | |||||
# The configuration is loaded. | |||||
# Hash mark on the beginning of a line indicates a comment. | |||||
# Comments after an IP are also ignored. | |||||
# One line per IP. Sorry, no CIDR yet. | |||||
# Note that you can also use Drilldown directives to achieve CIDR like results automatically. | |||||
# Be sure to list ALL of your gateways :-) | ||||| # ignore localhost, of course. |
<snf><identity licenseid='licensid' authentication='authenticationxx'/></snf> | |||||
<!-- SNFMulti V3.0 Configuration File, Setup: Typical of SNF4CGP --> | |||||
<!-- http://www.armresearch.com/support/articles/software/snfServer/config/snfEngine.jsp --> | |||||
<snf> | |||||
<node identity='C:\CommuniGate Files\CGPSNF\identity.xml'> | |||||
<paths> | |||||
<log path='C:\CommuniGate Files\CGPSNF\'/> | |||||
<rulebase path='C:\CommuniGate Files\CGPSNF\'/> | |||||
<workspace path='C:\CommuniGate Files\CGPSNF\'/> | |||||
</paths> | |||||
<logs> | |||||
<rotation localtime='no'/> | |||||
<status> | |||||
<second log='yes' append='no'/> | |||||
<minute log='yes' append='no'/> | |||||
<hour log='no' append='no'/> | |||||
</status> | |||||
<scan> | |||||
<identifier force-message-id='no'/> | |||||
<classic mode='api' rotate='yes' matches='unique'/> | |||||
<xml mode='file' rotate='yes' matches='all' performance='yes' gbudb='yes'/> | |||||
<xheaders> | |||||
<output mode='api'/> | |||||
<version on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-Version</version> | |||||
<license on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-License</license> | |||||
<rulebase on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-RulebaseUTC</rulebase> | |||||
<identifier on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-Identifier</identifier> | |||||
<gbudb on-off='on'>X-GBUdb-Analysis</gbudb> | |||||
<result on-off='on'>X-MessageSniffer-Scan-Result</result> | |||||
<matches on-off='on'>X-MessageSniffer-Rules</matches> | |||||
<black on-off='on'>X-MessageSniffer-Spam: Yes</black> | |||||
<white on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-White: Yes</white> | |||||
<clean on-off='off'>X-MessageSniffer-Clean: Yes</clean> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='0'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: OK</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='20'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Truncated</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='40'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Caution</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='63'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Black</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='62'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Obfuscation</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='61'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Abstract</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='60'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: General</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='59'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Casinos-Gambling</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='58'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Debt-Credit</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='57'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Get-Rich</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='56'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Ink-Toner</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='55'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Malware</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='54'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Porn-Dating-Adult</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='53'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Scam-Phishing</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='52'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Snake-Oil</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='51'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Spamware</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='50'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Media-Theft</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='49'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: AV-Push</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='48'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Insurance</symbol> | |||||
<symbol on-off='off' n='47'>X-MessageSniffer-SNF-Group: Travel</symbol> | |||||
</xheaders> | |||||
</scan> | |||||
</logs> | |||||
<network> | |||||
<sync secs='30' host='sync.messagesniffer.net' port='25'/> | |||||
<update-script on-off='on' call='C:\CommuniGate Files\CGPSNF\getRulebase.cmd' guard-time='180'/> | |||||
</network> | |||||
<xci on-off='on' port='9001'/> | |||||
<gbudb> | |||||
<database> | |||||
<condense minimum-seconds-between='600'> | |||||
<time-trigger on-off='on' seconds='86400'/> | |||||
<posts-trigger on-off='off' posts='1200000'/> | |||||
<records-trigger on-off='off' records='600000'/> | |||||
<size-trigger on-off='on' megabytes='150'/> | |||||
</condense> | |||||
<checkpoint on-off='on' secs='3600'/> | |||||
</database> | |||||
<regions> | |||||
<white on-off='on' symbol='0'> | |||||
<edge probability='-1.0' confidence='0.4'/> | |||||
<edge probability='-0.8' confidence='1.0'/> | |||||
<panic on-off='on' rule-range='1000'/> | |||||
</white> | |||||
<caution on-off='on' symbol='40'> | |||||
<edge probability='0.4' confidence='0.0'/> | |||||
<edge probability='0.8' confidence='0.5'/> | |||||
</caution> | |||||
<black on-off='on' symbol='63'> | |||||
<edge probability='0.8' confidence='0.2'/> | |||||
<edge probability='0.8' confidence='1.0'/> | |||||
<truncate on-off='on' probability='0.9' peek-one-in='5' symbol='20'/> | |||||
<sample on-off='on' probability='0.8' grab-one-in='5' passthrough='no' passthrough-symbol='0'/> | |||||
</black> | |||||
</regions> | |||||
<training on-off='on'> | |||||
<bypass> | |||||
<!-- <header name='To:' find='spam@example.com'/> --> | |||||
<!-- <header name='Received:' ordinal='1' find='friendlyhost.com'/> --> | |||||
</bypass> | |||||
<drilldown> | |||||
<!-- <received ordinal='0' find='[12.34.56.'/> where we want to ignore --> | |||||
<!-- <received ordinal='0' find='mixed-source.com'/> --> | |||||
<!-- <received ordinal='1' find='mixed-source-internal.com'/> --> | |||||
</drilldown> | |||||
<source> | |||||
<!-- <header name='X-Use-This-Source:' received='mixedsource.com [' ordinal='0' /> --> | |||||
<!-- <header name='X-Originating-IP:' received='hotmail.com [' ordinal='0' /> --> | |||||
</source> | |||||
<white> | |||||
<result code='1'/> | |||||
<!-- <header name='Received:' ordinal='0' find='.friendlyhost.com'/> --> | |||||
</white> | |||||
</training> | |||||
</gbudb> | |||||
<rule-panics> | |||||
<!-- | |||||
<rule id='123456'/> | |||||
<rule id='123457'/> | |||||
--> | |||||
</rule-panics> | |||||
<platform> | |||||
<snf4cgp> | |||||
<ham action='Allow' reason='Message OK' comment='Message OK' headers='yes' xml='yes'> | |||||
<result code='0' comment='(0) Not Spam/Malware' /> | |||||
<result code='1' comment='(1) White Rule/IP-Range' /> | |||||
</ham> | |||||
<spam action='Allow' reason='Spam/Malware' comment='Spam/Malware' headers='yes' classic='no' xml='no' hold-path='quarantine'> | |||||
<result code='40' comment='(40) Caution' /> | |||||
<result code='63' action='Reject' reason='Source IP black listed (GBUdb/black)' comment='(63) Black' /> | |||||
<result code='20' action='Reject' reason='Source IP black listed (GBUdb/truncate)' comment='(20) Truncate' /> | |||||
</spam> | |||||
</snf4cgp> | |||||
</platform> | |||||
<msg-file type='cgp'/> | |||||
</node> | |||||
</snf> | |||||
20090324_M First stab at describing the structures and dev rules | |||||
we will employ on our SVN server. I'm sure this will evolve ;-) | |||||
This is the repository startup readme. When we create a new SVN | |||||
repository on the svn.microneil.com server we populate it with | |||||
this ReadMe file so there is something useful to check out the | |||||
first time. | |||||
This ReadMe should be replaced when the repository is populated. | |||||
There probably should be a ReadMe file in the root of /trunk/ | |||||
so that folks using the repository understand what is there and | |||||
what rules apply to the project. | |||||
Projects (repositories) should be structured according to the | |||||
following rules: | |||||
** In general the root of /trunk/ for any project should be as | |||||
empty as possible containing at most the ReadMe file and possibly | |||||
the most current "golden version" of the project's goal. | |||||
All rules have exceptions and the exception to this rule is the | |||||
first project type (below) - source libraries. | |||||
__________________________________________ | |||||
For Source Code Modules / Source Libraries: | |||||
The /trunk/ should contain just the source code, data, ReadMe, | |||||
and other parts that are considered part of the module. Modules | |||||
are meant to be re-used and so they will be imported as external | |||||
SVN references in other projects where they are consumed. | |||||
We would expect to see something like: | |||||
/trunk/source.h | |||||
/trunk/source.cpp | |||||
/trunk/ReadMe | |||||
In general, source modules are imported by external reference and | |||||
are never manipulated directly for themselves. For example, while | |||||
developing a source library the repository for that source would be | |||||
externally referenced by a Test module (below). The developer would | |||||
build the test application while exercising the source library and | |||||
making changes to that library (presumably in a branch). When they | |||||
are satisfied that their updates are working correctly according | |||||
to the test application they would commit the Test module project | |||||
and the imported source module project. | |||||
_______________________ | |||||
For Test (DEV-) Modules: | |||||
Test modules are special applications that exercise other modules. | |||||
They are also, essentially, applications so they share the application | |||||
model. The /trunk/ should contain a sub directory that holds the | |||||
source code specific to the test application. Other modules that are | |||||
under testing and development are referenced as svn:external so that | |||||
they reside under /trunk/ as additional source directories. | |||||
We should expect to see something like: | |||||
svn:external /Module/trunk Module | |||||
/trunk/Tester/source.h | |||||
/trunk/Tester/source.cpp | |||||
/trunk/Tester/docs/stuff-to-read | |||||
/trunk/Tester/data/stuff-to-input | |||||
/trunk/tester/data/stuff-to-output | |||||
/trunk/ReadMe | |||||
In the above example interpret Module to be the appropriate name for | |||||
a source library. There can be as many of these re-usable components | |||||
as needed. Note that they don't actually appear in the SVN server but | |||||
since they are a property of the repository they will be checked out | |||||
when this repository is checked out so they will appear in the local | |||||
file system at the same level as Tester. | |||||
______________________________________ | |||||
For Applications or Compiled Libraries: | |||||
Similarly to Test Modules (above) the root of /trunk/ should contain | |||||
ReadMe describing what is there and how it works. ALSO, however the | |||||
final product of the build will be at the root of /trunk/. This will | |||||
represent the current state-of-the-art for the application. It may be | |||||
a .DLL file, a .o, a .a etc. | |||||
Subdirectories under /trunk/ contain the source directories, test | |||||
application sources (in the case of a binary or library type project | |||||
such as a DLL, .o, .a, .exe or other binary). | |||||
Presumably the developer would create a workspace on their local | |||||
file system where they would then import the repository's /trunk/ and | |||||
along with it the associated external references. Then in a different | |||||
directory in their workspace they would build various debug and | |||||
production versions of the final product for testing. When they were | |||||
happy with the results then they would place the new "golden" version | |||||
in their local copy of the repository and commit (repository, and | |||||
externals with any changes, and new golden version). | |||||
Develpers of applications or binary libraries should avoid the urge | |||||
to make direct updates to source libraries. That work should be done | |||||
separately where it can be well focused. | |||||
________________________________ | |||||
For Distribution (PKG-) Pakages: | |||||
Distribution packages are used to build distributions that are released | |||||
to customers. The package includes everything that is needed to build | |||||
the final distribution (tarball, zip) and/or installer (.msi, .exe) | |||||
file that will be delivered to customers. | |||||
Distribution pakages follow a similar methodology to Applications | |||||
except that they most likely reference specific revisions of libraries, | |||||
projects, and documentation, and then combine that with subdirectories | |||||
that contain package specific content such as documentation, build | |||||
scripts, and other "glue". | |||||
In the top directory we expect to find the usual ReadMe for the project | |||||
as well as the latest golden version of the distribution. | |||||
The build process and structure here is much the same as for other | |||||
applications except that what is tested is the ability to deliver and / | |||||
or install the application on the various target platforms with the | |||||
desired results. The applications themselves are always built elsewehere | |||||
in their own projects even though the repositories for those projects | |||||
might be imported in their entirety via external references. | |||||
Developers of distribution packages should avoid the urge to make | |||||
updates to the applications or other imported content directly. That | |||||
work should be handled seperately where it can be focused. | |||||
20091113_M | |||||
This repository contains the root folder and various .zip'd distributions | |||||
of the Message Sniffer for CommuniGate plugin. | |||||
CGPSNF-Win32-Intel | |||||
becomes | |||||
CGPSNF-Win32-Intel.zip | |||||
CGPSNF-Win32-Intel/CGPSNF is modeled after the structure observed in other | |||||
CommuniGate plugins. | |||||
CGPSNF-Win32-Intel/CGPSNF/Doc is copied from PKG-SNF4CGP-NIX from time to | |||||
time as that version is updated. That version should always be considered | |||||
the "master" -- it is to be revised in that project and copied here when | |||||
revisions are made so that those revisions are then "officially" included | |||||
in this distribution. | |||||
Specifically: | |||||
PKG-SNF4CGP-NIX/trunk/SNF4CGP_Developer_Package/Doc | |||||
Presumably the -NIX and -WIN distributions will always be updated together | |||||
when there is any change to the software. | |||||
--- | |||||
The CGPSNF.exe is copied from the most current official release version of | |||||
SNF4CGP built from the SNF4CGP project. | |||||
The remaining configuration files are maintained in this repository as they | |||||
are specific to CGPSNF. | |||||
Borrowing a page from the -NIX distributions the -WIN distibution will | |||||
include configuration files with the .sample extension and instructions | |||||
for modifying them during the installation process. This allows folks to | |||||
upgrade simply by expanding the .zip file in the correct location -- which | |||||
is the paradigm for CommuniGate plugins. | |||||