// SNF MDaemon Plugin
// SNF MDaemon Plugin
// Copyright (C) 2007-2008, ARM Research Labs, LLC.
// Copyright (C) 2007-2008, ARM Research Labs, LLC.
#include <wx/app.h>
#include <wx/window.h>
#include <wx/dialog.h>
#include <wx/toplevel.h>
#include "dialogapp.h"
#include "configdialog.h"
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "mdconfiguration.hpp"
#include "mdconfiguration.hpp"
#include "../SNF_Service/SNFMulti.hpp"
#define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#include "SNFMulti/SNFMulti.hpp"
#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE
#ifndef UNICODE
#define UNICODE
#define GX_STANDARD_CALL __attribute__((stdcall))
#define _stdcall __attribute__((stdcall))
// Constants And Tweaks
// Constants And Tweaks
const int MDPLUGIN_MSG = 22000;
const int MDPLUGIN_MSG = 22000;
const int MDPLUGIN_DISPLAY = 22001;
const int MDPLUGIN_DISPLAY = 22001;
const char* PLUGIN_VERSION_INFO = "SNF MDaemon Plugin Version 3.0 Build: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
const char* PLUGIN_VERSION_INFO = "SNF MDaemon Plugin Version 4.0 Build: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
// SNF MDaemon Plugin DLL Interface Setup.
// SNF MDaemon Plugin DLL Interface Setup.
extern "C" { // All of these "C" functions for export.
extern "C" { // All of these "C" functions for export.
BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD wDataSeg, LPVOID lpvReserved ); // The DllMain starup/shutdown function.
DLL_EXPORT void _stdcall Startup(HWND Parent); // Startup Function.
DLL_EXPORT void _stdcall ConfigFunc(HWND Parent); // Configuration function.
DLL_EXPORT void _stdcall MessageFunc(HWND Parent, const char* File); // Message Scan Function.
DLL_EXPORT void _stdcall MessageIPFunc(HWND Parent, const char* File); // IP Scan Function.
DLL_EXPORT void _stdcall Shutdown(HWND Parent); // Shutdown Function.
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain ( HINSTANCE hInst, DWORD wDataSeg, LPVOID lpvReserved ); // The DllMain starup/shutdown function.
void _stdcall StartupFunc(HWND Parent); // Startup Function.
void _stdcall ConfigFunc(HWND Parent); // Configuration function.
void _stdcall PreMessageFunc(HWND Parent, const char* File); // Message Scan Function.
void _stdcall SMTPMessageFunc(HWND Parent, const char* File); // IP Scan Function.
void _stdcall ShutdownFunc(HWND Parent); // Shutdown Function.
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { // Thread attach/detach functions.
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL, DWORD fdwReason, LPVOID lpvReserved) { // Thread attach/detach functions.
switch (fdwReason) { // Switch on the reason for the call.
switch (fdwReason) { // Switch on the reason for the call.
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // Attach to process.
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: // Attach to process.
/*** Startup function moved to API ***/
/*** Startup function moved to API ***/
return true; // Be happy by default.
return true; // Be happy by default.
// SNF MDaemon Plugin Engine Code
// SNF MDaemon Plugin Engine Code
MessageBox ( // Use a message box.
MessageBox ( // Use a message box.
GetFocus(), // Take the user's focus.
GetFocus(), // Take the user's focus.
StuffToSay.c_str(), // This is what to say.
"Message Sniffer Plug-In", // This is how to title the box.
(LPCWSTR) StuffToSay.c_str(), // This is what to say.
(LPCWSTR) "Message Sniffer Plug-In", // This is how to title the box.
MB_OK|MB_SYSTEMMODAL ); // This makes it modal with a button.
MB_OK|MB_SYSTEMMODAL ); // This makes it modal with a button.
// from snf_engine.xml. If we don't get what we want then we return nothing.
// from snf_engine.xml. If we don't get what we want then we return nothing.
string ConfigurationFilePath() { // Get the config file path.
string ConfigurationFilePath() { // Get the config file path.
char data[256]; // Create a buffer.
DWORD dwType = 0; // Type holder.
DWORD dwCount = sizeof(data); // Data counter.
HKEY rkey; // Key handle.
string KeyLocation("SOFTWARE\\Alt-N Technologies\\MDaemon"); // Key location.
string KeyValueName("AppPath"); // Value name.
// Open the key and if successful read it's value.
string ReadValue = ""; // We'll put the answer here.
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == // Try to open the registry
RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KeyLocation.c_str(), 0, KEY_READ, &rkey)
) { // If it opened successfully:
RegQueryValueEx( // Read the MDaemon AppPath key.
ReadValue = data; // Convert the results to a string.
RegCloseKey(rkey); // Close the registry key.
std::wstring install_pathW;
HKEY hKey;
WCHAR szBuffer[512];
DWORD dwBufferSize = sizeof(szBuffer);
std::wstring regValue = L"";
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Alt-N Technologies\\MDaemon", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey)){
if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hKey, (LPCWSTR) L"AppPath", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) &szBuffer, &dwBufferSize)){
regValue = std::wstring(szBuffer);
std::wstring termCheck;
for(auto val: regValue){
if(val != L'\0'){
termCheck += val;
if(termCheck.size() == 512){
regValue = L""; // RegValue wasn't null terminated
int PathEnd = regValue.length(); // Grab the length.
if(PathEnd > 0) { regValue.erase(PathEnd-1,1); } // Eat the stroke at the end.
PathEnd = regValue.find_last_of(L"\\"); // Find the next stroke in.
int PathLength = regValue.length(); // Grab the path length.
int EraseSpan = PathLength - (PathEnd+1); // Calculate the amount to erase.
regValue.erase(PathEnd+1,EraseSpan); // Erase it to get the root path.
// Now we must convert the APP path to our SNFMDPlugin path.
//convert wstring to utf8
size_t buffer_size = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, ®Value[0], (int)regValue.size(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
std::string strFilePath(buffer_size, '\0');
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, ®Value[0], (int)regValue.size(), &strFilePath[0], buffer_size, NULL, NULL);
int PathEnd = ReadValue.length(); // Grab the length.
if(PathEnd > 0) { ReadValue.erase(PathEnd-1,1); } // Eat the stroke at the end.
PathEnd = ReadValue.find_last_of("\\"); // Find the next stroke in.
int PathLength = ReadValue.length(); // Grab the path length.
int EraseSpan = PathLength - (PathEnd+1); // Calculate the amount to erase.
ReadValue.erase(PathEnd+1,EraseSpan); // Erase it to get the root path.
// Return either the empty string or the configuration file path.
// Return either the empty string or the configuration file path.
return ReadValue; // Return what we have.
return strFilePath; // Return what we have.
// Here are out engine components, startup, and shutdown logic. The actual
// Here are out engine components, startup, and shutdown logic. The actual
string Configuration; // Configuration file path.
string Configuration; // Configuration file path.
MDConfiguration* PlatformConfig = 0; // Platform config interpreter.
MDConfiguration* PlatformConfig = 0; // Platform config interpreter.
DLL_EXPORT void _stdcall Startup(HWND Parent) { // How to get all this started.
extern "C" void _stdcall StartupFunc(HWND Parent){ // How to get all this started.
LatestParent = Parent;
LatestParent = Parent;
EngineIsGood = false; // Start off pessimistically.
EngineIsGood = false; // Start off pessimistically.
try { // Be sure to catch any exceptions.
try { // Be sure to catch any exceptions.
***** deadlocking on their stop() functions (join()).
***** deadlocking on their stop() functions (join()).
DLL_EXPORT void _stdcall Shutdown(HWND Parent) { // How to get all this stopped.
extern "C" void _stdcall ShutdownFunc(HWND Parent){ // How to get all this stopped.
LatestParent = Parent;
LatestParent = Parent;
if(EngineIsGood) { // If the engine is good:
if(EngineIsGood) { // If the engine is good:
try {
try {
// 20080311 _M Adjusted ConfigFunc to use Platform Configuration Parameters.
// 20080311 _M Adjusted ConfigFunc to use Platform Configuration Parameters.
DLL_EXPORT void _stdcall ConfigFunc(HWND Parent) { // Configuration function.
LatestParent = Parent; // Capture the parent for logging.
string ConfiguratorString = PlatformConfig->ConfiguratorCommand(); // Get Configurator launch command.
if(0 < ConfiguratorString.length()) system(ConfiguratorString.c_str()); // If we have a launch command use it.
//DLL_EXPORT void __stdcall ConfigFunc(HWND Parent) { // Configuration function.
extern "C" void _stdcall ConfigFunc(HWND Parent) {
// Initialize application.
wxApp::SetInstance(new dialogapp());
wxEntryStart(0, NULL);
// MessageFunc() scans a message file and injects headers.
// MessageFunc() scans a message file and injects headers.
DLL_EXPORT void _stdcall MessageFunc(HWND Parent, const char* File) { // Message Scan Function.
extern "C" void _stdcall PreMessageFunc(HWND Parent, const char* File){ // Message Scan Function.
LatestParent = Parent; // Capture the parent for logging.
LatestParent = Parent; // Capture the parent for logging.
string LogMessage = "SNF MessageScan: "; // Start a plugin log entry.
string LogMessage = "SNF MessageScan: "; // Start a plugin log entry.
LogMessage.append(File); // add the file name.
LogMessage.append(File); // add the file name.
// MessageIPFunc() looks at the control file for a message, extracts the
// MessageIPFunc() looks at the control file for a message, extracts the
// source IP, and deletes the message if the IP is in the truncate range.
// source IP, and deletes the message if the IP is in the truncate range.
DLL_EXPORT void _stdcall MessageIPFunc(HWND Parent, const char* File) { // IP Scan Function.
extern "C" void _stdcall SMTPMessageFunc(HWND Parent, const char* File){ // IP Scan Function.
LatestParent = Parent; // Capture the parent for logging.
LatestParent = Parent; // Capture the parent for logging.
if(false == PlatformConfig->MessageIPFuncOn()) { // If the IP func is off:
if(false == PlatformConfig->MessageIPFuncOn()) { // If the IP func is off:
return; // We're done.
return; // We're done.
<< "c=" << IPAnalysis.G.Confidence() << ", ";
<< "c=" << IPAnalysis.G.Confidence() << ", ";
switch(IPAnalysis.R) { // The Range analysis.
switch(IPAnalysis.R) { // The Range analysis.
case Unknown: { Happy << " Unknown}"; break; } // Unknown - not defined.
case White: { Happy << " White}"; break; } // This is a good guy.
case Normal: { Happy << " Normal}"; break; } // Benefit of the doubt.
case New: { Happy << " New}"; break; } // It is new to us.
case Caution: { Happy << " Caution}"; break; } // This is suspicious.
case Black: { Happy << " Black}"; break; } // This is bad.
case Truncate: { Happy << " Truncate}"; break; } // This is bad unless we ignore it.
case snfIPRange::Unknown: { Happy << " Unknown}"; break; } // Unknown - not defined.
case snfIPRange::White: { Happy << " White}"; break; } // This is a good guy.
case snfIPRange::Normal: { Happy << " Normal}"; break; } // Benefit of the doubt.
case snfIPRange::New: { Happy << " New}"; break; } // It is new to us.
case snfIPRange::Caution: { Happy << " Caution}"; break; } // This is suspicious.
case snfIPRange::Black: { Happy << " Black}"; break; } // This is bad.
case snfIPRange::Truncate: { Happy << " Truncate}"; break; } // This is bad unless we ignore it.
string WhatWeDid; // So, what do we do?
string WhatWeDid; // So, what do we do?
if( // Are we in Truncate land?
if( // Are we in Truncate land?
(Truncate == IPAnalysis.R && Ugly == IPAnalysis.G.Flag()) || // If the IP is Truncate & Ugly, or
(snfIPRange::Truncate == IPAnalysis.R && Ugly == IPAnalysis.G.Flag()) || // If the IP is Truncate & Ugly, or
Bad == IPAnalysis.G.Flag() // If the IP is just plain bad then
Bad == IPAnalysis.G.Flag() // If the IP is just plain bad then
) { // we are in truncate land so we
) { // we are in truncate land so we
Happy << " Rejected!"; WhatWeDid = "Rejected"; // mark the message Rejected! and
Happy << " Rejected!"; WhatWeDid = "Rejected"; // mark the message Rejected! and