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Minor tweaks to remove warnings. Adjusted script runner algorythm to hold down the trigger until after the guard time expires.

git-svn-id: dc71a809-1921-45c4-985c-09c81d0142d9
madscientist 15 jaren geleden
2 gewijzigde bestanden met toevoegingen van 37 en 28 verwijderingen
  1. 32
  2. 5

+ 32
- 26
SNFMulti.cpp Bestand weergeven

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ using namespace std;

//// Version Info

const char* SNF_ENGINE_VERSION = "SNFMulti Engine Version 3.0.5 Build: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
const char* SNF_ENGINE_VERSION = "SNFMulti Engine Version 3.0.6 Build: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;

//// Script Caller Methods

@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ ScriptCaller::ScriptCaller(string S) :
Thread(ScriptCaller::Type, S), // Set up the thread type and name.
GuardTimer(ScriptGuardDefault), // Initialize the guard time.
GoFlag(false), // Not ready to go yet.
DieFlag(false) { // Not ready to die yet.
DieFlag(false), // Not ready to die yet.
myLastResult(0) { // No last result yet.
run(); // Launch the thread.

@@ -81,6 +82,10 @@ void ScriptCaller::trigger() {
GoFlag = true; // Set the flag.

int ScriptCaller::LastResult() { // Return the result code from
return myLastResult; // the last system() call.

void ScriptCaller::myTask() { // Safely call system() when triggered.
Sleeper WaitATic(1000); // One second sleeper.
while(false == DieFlag) { // While it's not time to die:
@@ -90,11 +95,12 @@ void ScriptCaller::myTask() {
if(true == GoFlag) { // If GoFlag is triggered and
if(hasGuardExpired()) { // Guard time is expired:
CurrentThreadState(CallingSystem); // Publish our state.
system(ScriptThisRound.c_str()); // Make the system call.
myLastResult = system(ScriptThisRound.c_str()); // Make the system call.
GoFlag = false; // Done with that trigger.
GuardTimer.restart(); // Restart our Guard Time.
} else { // If we're waiting for Guard Time:
CurrentThreadState(PendingGuardTime); // publish that state.
CurrentThreadState(PendingGuardTime); // publish that state and hold down
GoFlag = false; // the trigger signal (no stale go).
} else { // If nothing is triggered yet then
CurrentThreadState(StandingBy); // we are standing by.
@@ -212,10 +218,10 @@ const ThreadType snf_Reloader::Type("snf_Reloader");

snf_Reloader::snf_Reloader(snf_RulebaseHandler& R) : // When we are created, we
Thread(snf_Reloader::Type, "Reloader"), // brand and name our thread.
MyRulebase(R), // Capture the rulebase handler.
TimeToStop(false), // It's not time to stop yet.
MyRulebase(R), // Capture the rulebase handler.
TimeToStop(false), // It's not time to stop yet.
RulebaseGetter("RulebaseGetter"), // Setup our ScriptCaller thread.
RulebaseGetterIsTurnedOn(false) { // Rulebase getter is off at first.
RulebaseGetterIsTurnedOn(false) { // Rulebase getter is off at first.
captureFileStats(); // Set up the initial stats.
captureGetterConfig(); // Set up RulebaseGetter config.
run(); // Run our maintenenace thread.
@@ -331,8 +337,8 @@ bool snf_RulebaseHandler::AutoRefresh() {
// done it will reset from the "RefreshInProgress" state and along the way will throw any errors that
// are appropriate. The other functions can count on this one to polish off the various forms of rulebase
// load activity.
const LogicCheck SaneRefreshProcessCheck("snf_RulebaseHandler::_snf_LoadNewRulebase():SaneRefreshProcessCheck(RefreshInProgress)");
const LogicCheck SaneRefreshProcessCheck("snf_RulebaseHandler::_snf_LoadNewRulebase():SaneRefreshProcessCheck(RefreshInProgress)");

void snf_RulebaseHandler::_snf_LoadNewRulebase(){ // Common internal load/check routine.
SaneRefreshProcessCheck(RefreshInProgress); // We only get called when this flag is set.
@@ -1267,9 +1273,9 @@ string snf_EngineHandler::extractMessageID(

return ExtractedID; // Return the extracted id or substitute.
const LogicFault FaultBadMessageBuffer1("snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage():FaultBadMessageBuffer1(NULL == inputMessageBuffer)");
const LogicFault FaultBadMessageBuffer2("snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage():FaultBadMessageBuffer2(0 >= inputMessageLength)");
const LogicFault FaultBadMessageBuffer1("snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage():FaultBadMessageBuffer1(NULL == inputMessageBuffer)");
const LogicFault FaultBadMessageBuffer2("snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage():FaultBadMessageBuffer2(0 >= inputMessageLength)");

int snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage( // Scan this message (in buffer).
const unsigned char* inputMessageBuffer, // -- this is the message buffer.
@@ -1279,14 +1285,14 @@ int snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage(
const IP4Address MessageSource // -- message source IP (for injection).
) {

ScopeTimer ScanTimeCapture(MyScanData.ScanTime); // Start the scan time clock.
unsigned char* MessageBuffer = NULL; // Explicitly initialize these two
int MessageLength = 0; // so the compiler will be happy.
FaultBadMessageBuffer1(NULL == inputMessageBuffer); // Fault on null message buffer.
FaultBadMessageBuffer2(0 >= inputMessageLength); // Fault on bad message bfr length.
ScopeTimer ScanTimeCapture(MyScanData.ScanTime); // Start the scan time clock.
unsigned char* MessageBuffer = NULL; // Explicitly initialize these two
int MessageLength = 0; // so the compiler will be happy.
FaultBadMessageBuffer1(NULL == inputMessageBuffer); // Fault on null message buffer.
FaultBadMessageBuffer2(0 >= inputMessageLength); // Fault on bad message bfr length.
// Protect this engine - only one scan at a time per EngineHandler ;-)

ScopeMutex ScannerIsBusy(MyMutex); // Serialize this...
@@ -1726,7 +1732,7 @@ int snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage(
break; // That's all.

case New: {
case New: {

@@ -1796,11 +1802,11 @@ int snf_EngineHandler::scanMessage(
case Unknown: // Unknown - most likely we couldn't
default: { // find a usable source.
break; // Do nothing.
case Unknown: // Unknown - most likely we couldn't
default: { // find a usable source.
break; // Do nothing.
} // End of IP source depended work (GBUdbOverrides)

+ 5
- 2
SNFMulti.hpp Bestand weergeven

@@ -103,13 +103,15 @@ class ScriptCaller : private Thread {
Mutex MyMutex; // Protects internal data.
string SystemCallText; // Text to send to system().
Timeout GuardTimer; // Guard time between triggers.
bool GoFlag; // Go flag true when triggered.
bool DieFlag; // Die flag when it's time to leave.
volatile bool GoFlag; // Go flag true when triggered.
volatile bool DieFlag; // Die flag when it's time to leave.

string ScriptToRun(); // Safely grab the script.
bool hasGuardExpired(); // True if guard time has expired.
void myTask(); // Thread task overload.

volatile int myLastResult; // Last result of system() call.

ScriptCaller(string Name); // Constructor.
~ScriptCaller(); // Destructor.
@@ -117,6 +119,7 @@ class ScriptCaller : private Thread {
void SystemCall(string S); // Set system call text.
void GuardTime(int T); // Change guard time.
void trigger(); // Trigger if possible.
int LastResult(); // Return myLastResult.

const static ThreadType Type; // The thread's type.
