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Fixed bug in GBUdbIgnoreList reader to prevent reading outside of the line buffer.

git-svn-id: dc71a809-1921-45c4-985c-09c81d0142d9
madscientist 15 years ago
1 changed files with 5 additions and 4 deletions
  1. 5

+ 5
- 4
GBUdb.cpp View File

@@ -751,15 +751,16 @@ void GBUdb::compress() {
MyDataset = BuildCompressedDataset.New(); // Put the new dataset in place.
delete BuildCompressedDataset.Old(); // Delete the old dataset.
} // All done, so we're unlocked.
int GBUdb::readIgnoreList(const char* FileName) { // setIgnore for a list of IPs
int IPCount = 0; // Keep track of the IPs we read.
try { // Capture any exceptions.
char IPLineBuffer[256]; // Create a line buffer.
char IPLineBuffer[256]; // Create a line buffer.
const int SafeBufferSize = sizeof(IPLineBuffer) - 1; // Safe size always leaves a NULL on the end.
ifstream ListFile(FileName, ios::in); // Open up the list file.
while(ListFile.good()) { // While we've got a good file (not eof)
memset(IPLineBuffer, 0, sizeof(IPLineBuffer)); // Clear the buffer.
ListFile.getline(IPLineBuffer, sizeof(IPLineBuffer)); // Read the line.
ListFile.getline(IPLineBuffer, SafeBufferSize); // Read the line. (safely NULL terminated)

// Now we have an IP on a line (in theory). We will parse
// the ip and process any that parse correctly.
@@ -769,10 +770,10 @@ int GBUdb::readIgnoreList(const char* FileName) {
char* cursor = IPLineBuffer; // Start on the first byte.

if('#' == *cursor) continue; // Lines that start with # are comments.
while(0 < *cursor && isspace(*cursor)) ++cursor; // Eat any leading spaces.

// First octet.

while(NULL!=cursor && !isdigit(*cursor)) ++cursor; // Eat any nondigits.
if(!isdigit(*cursor)) continue; // If it's not a digit skip this line.
if(255 < atoi(cursor)) continue; // If the octet is out of range skip!
IP += atoi(cursor); IP <<= 8; // Grab the first int and shift it.
