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Fixed SIGPIPE bug - transmit and receive functions in networking were using NOFLAGS instead of NO_SIGNALS. As a result broken pipes would raise SIGPIPE on *nix systems -- the coded did not expect that. NO_SIGNALS is not defined for win* systems so an ifdef was added to create NO_SIGNALS like NOFLAGS where it is not defined on win* systems. Win* has no concept of signals so this is a non-event for win* systems.

git-svn-id: d34b734f-a00e-4b39-a726-e4eeb87269ab
madscientist 15 years ago
3 changed files with 8 additions and 4 deletions
  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 2

+ 2
- 2
networking.cpp View File

if(0 > size) // Watch out for bad sizes. if(0 > size) // Watch out for bad sizes.
throw Networking::SocketWriteError("TCPClient::transmit() 0 > size!"); throw Networking::SocketWriteError("TCPClient::transmit() 0 > size!");

int ByteCount = send(Handle, bfr, size, NOFLAGS); // Try to send and capture the count.
int ByteCount = send(Handle, bfr, size, NO_SIGNALS); // Try to send and capture the count.
if(0 > ByteCount) ByteCount = 0; // Mask error results as 0 bytes sent. if(0 > ByteCount) ByteCount = 0; // Mask error results as 0 bytes sent.

if(size > ByteCount) { // If we didn't send it all check it out. if(size > ByteCount) { // If we didn't send it all check it out.
if(0 > size) // Watch out for bad sizes. if(0 > size) // Watch out for bad sizes.
throw Networking::SocketWriteError("TCPHost::transmit() 0 > size!"); throw Networking::SocketWriteError("TCPHost::transmit() 0 > size!");

int ByteCount = send(Handle, bfr, size, NOFLAGS); // Try to send and capture the count.
int ByteCount = send(Handle, bfr, size, NO_SIGNALS); // Try to send and capture the count.
if(0 > ByteCount) ByteCount = 0; // Mask error results as 0 bytes sent. if(0 > ByteCount) ByteCount = 0; // Mask error results as 0 bytes sent.

if(size > ByteCount) { // If we didn't send it all check it out. if(size > ByteCount) { // If we didn't send it all check it out.

+ 4
- 0
networking.hpp View File

#include <winsock2.h> #include <winsock2.h>
typedef int socklen_t; // Posix uses socklen_t so we mimic it. typedef int socklen_t; // Posix uses socklen_t so we mimic it.
typedef SOCKET hSocket; // Winx handles Socket is opaque. typedef SOCKET hSocket; // Winx handles Socket is opaque.
#ifndef NO_SIGNALS
const int NO_SIGNALS = 0; // Make NO_SIGNALS for windows.

#else #else

+ 2
- 2
networking.inline.hpp View File

inline void TCPClient::fillReadBuffer() { // Fills the buffer from the socket. inline void TCPClient::fillReadBuffer() { // Fills the buffer from the socket.
LastError = 0; // Clear the LastError value. LastError = 0; // Clear the LastError value.
ReadPointer = ReadBuffer; // Reset the ReadPointer. ReadPointer = ReadBuffer; // Reset the ReadPointer.
DataLength = recv(Handle, ReadBuffer, sizeof(ReadBuffer), NOFLAGS); // Try to read some data.
DataLength = recv(Handle, ReadBuffer, sizeof(ReadBuffer), NO_SIGNALS); // Try to read some data.

if(0 >= DataLength) { // If there was an error then if(0 >= DataLength) { // If there was an error then
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Grab the last error code. LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Grab the last error code.
inline void TCPHost::fillReadBuffer() { // Fills the buffer from the socket. inline void TCPHost::fillReadBuffer() { // Fills the buffer from the socket.
LastError = 0; // Clear the LastError value. LastError = 0; // Clear the LastError value.
ReadPointer = ReadBuffer; // Reset the ReadPointer. ReadPointer = ReadBuffer; // Reset the ReadPointer.
DataLength = recv(Handle, ReadBuffer, sizeof(ReadBuffer), NOFLAGS); // Try to read some data.
DataLength = recv(Handle, ReadBuffer, sizeof(ReadBuffer), NO_SIGNALS); // Try to read some data.

if(0 >= DataLength) { // If there was an error then if(0 >= DataLength) { // If there was an error then
LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Grab the last error code. LastError = Network.getLastError(); // Grab the last error code.
