
Added CodeDweller namespace, removed 'using namespace std'.

git-svn-id: https://svn.microneil.com/svn/CodeDweller/branches/adeniz_1@92 d34b734f-a00e-4b39-a726-e4eeb87269ab
adeniz 9 年之前
共有 7 個檔案被更改,包括 66 行新增51 行删除
  1. 27
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 4
  5. 3
  6. 4
  7. 18

+ 27
- 25
faults.hpp 查看文件

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
namespace CodeDweller {
const int DefaultExitCode = EXIT_FAILURE; // Use this when no code is provided.
@@ -34,62 +34,62 @@ class AbortCheck {
const string myDescription; // This is what I have to say.
const std::string myDescription; // This is what I have to say.
AbortCheck(const string& Text) : myDescription(Text) {} // I am constructed with a description
AbortCheck(const std::string& Text) : myDescription(Text) {} // I am constructed with a description
void operator()(bool X) const { // Apply me like assert(exp)
if(false == X) { // If the expression is false then we
cerr << myDescription << endl; // failed the check so we display our
std::cerr << myDescription << std::endl; // failed the check so we display our
abort(); // description and abort.
const string Description() { return myDescription; } // You can ask for my Description.
const std::string Description() { return myDescription; } // You can ask for my Description.
class AbortFault { // If this fault occurs we will abort.
const string myDescription; // This is what I have to say.
const std::string myDescription; // This is what I have to say.
AbortFault(const string& Text) : myDescription(Text) {} // I am constructed with a description
AbortFault(const std::string& Text) : myDescription(Text) {} // I am constructed with a description
void operator()(bool X) const { // Apply me like assert(! exp)
if(true == X) { // If the expression is true then we
cerr << myDescription << endl; // have a fault so we display our fault
std::cerr << myDescription << std::endl; // have a fault so we display our fault
abort(); // description and abort.
const string Description() const { return myDescription; } // You can ask for my Description.
const std::string Description() const { return myDescription; } // You can ask for my Description.
class ExitCheck { // If this check is false we will exit.
const string myDescription; // This is what I have to say.
const std::string myDescription; // This is what I have to say.
const int myExitCode; // This is what I send to exit().
ExitCheck(const string& Text, int Code=DefaultExitCode) : // I am constructed with a description
ExitCheck(const std::string& Text, int Code=DefaultExitCode) : // I am constructed with a description
myDescription(Text), myExitCode(Code) {} // and (optionlly) an exit code.
void operator()(bool X) const { // Apply me like assert(exp)
if(false == X) { // If the expression is false then we
cerr << myDescription << endl; // failed the check so we display our
std::cerr << myDescription << std::endl; // failed the check so we display our
exit(myExitCode); // description and exit with our code.
const string Description() { return myDescription; } // You can ask for my Description.
const std::string Description() { return myDescription; } // You can ask for my Description.
const int ExitCode() { return myExitCode; } // You can ask for my ExitCode.
@@ -97,30 +97,30 @@ class ExitFault {
const string myDescription; // This is what I have to say.
const std::string myDescription; // This is what I have to say.
const int myExitCode; // This is what I send to exit().
ExitFault(const string& Text, int Code=DefaultExitCode) : // I am constructed with a description
ExitFault(const std::string& Text, int Code=DefaultExitCode) : // I am constructed with a description
myDescription(Text), myExitCode(Code) {} // and (optionlly) an exit code.
void operator()(bool X) const { // Apply me like assert(! exp)
if(true == X) { // If the expression is true then we
cerr << myDescription << endl; // have a fault so we display our fault
std::cerr << myDescription << std::endl; // have a fault so we display our fault
exit(myExitCode); // description and exit with our code.
const string Description() const { return myDescription; } // You can ask for my Description.
const std::string Description() const { return myDescription; } // You can ask for my Description.
const int ExitCode() const { return myExitCode; } // You can ask for my ExitCode.
class RuntimeCheck : public runtime_error { // Throw if this check fails.
class RuntimeCheck : public std::runtime_error { // Throw if this check fails.
RuntimeCheck(const string& Text) : runtime_error(Text) {} // Construct me with a description.
RuntimeCheck(const std::string& Text) : std::runtime_error(Text) {} // Construct me with a description.
void operator()(bool X) const { // Apply me like assert(exp)
if(false == X) { // If the expression is false then we
@@ -129,11 +129,11 @@ class RuntimeCheck : public runtime_error {
class RuntimeFault : public runtime_error { // Throw if we find this fault.
class RuntimeFault : public std::runtime_error { // Throw if we find this fault.
RuntimeFault(const string& Text) : runtime_error(Text) {} // Construct me with a description.
RuntimeFault(const std::string& Text) : std::runtime_error(Text) {} // Construct me with a description.
void operator()(bool X) const { // Apply me like assert(exp)
if(true == X) { // If the expression is true then we
@@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ class RuntimeFault : public runtime_error {
class LogicCheck : public logic_error { // Throw if this check fails.
class LogicCheck : public std::logic_error { // Throw if this check fails.
LogicCheck(const string& Text) : logic_error(Text) {} // Construct me with a description.
LogicCheck(const std::string& Text) : std::logic_error(Text) {} // Construct me with a description.
void operator()(bool X) const { // Apply me like assert(exp)
if(false == X) { // If the expression is false then we
@@ -155,11 +155,11 @@ class LogicCheck : public logic_error {
class LogicFault : public logic_error { // Throw if we find this fault.
class LogicFault : public std::logic_error { // Throw if we find this fault.
LogicFault(const string& Text) : logic_error(Text) {} // Construct me with a description.
LogicFault(const std::string& Text) : std::logic_error(Text) {} // Construct me with a description.
void operator()(bool X) const { // Apply me like assert(exp)
if(true == X) { // If the expression is true then we
@@ -168,6 +168,8 @@ class LogicFault : public logic_error {
} // namespace CodeDweller.
// End Of Include MNR_faults Once Only =========================================

+ 6
- 4
histogram.hpp 查看文件

@@ -7,8 +7,6 @@

#include <set>

using namespace std;

/** The Histogram class is managed set of HistogramRecords.
*** We play some naughty tricks with pointers to break the rules and
*** directly manipulate the counts of HistogramRecords stored in the
@@ -18,6 +16,8 @@ using namespace std;
*** ordered by key.

namespace CodeDweller {

class HistogramRecord { // A record to assocate a key and count.
int Key; // Here is the key.
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class HistogramRecord {

class Histogram : public set<HistogramRecord> { // A Histogram is a set of HistogramRecords
class Histogram : public std::set<HistogramRecord> { // A Histogram is a set of HistogramRecords
private: // and a private hit counter...
int HitCount;
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class Histogram : public set<HistogramRecord> {
int hit(const int EventKey, const int Adjustment = 1) { // hit() method increments a specific count.
HistogramRecord E(EventKey); // First, make a record for the event key.
insert(E); // Insert the new record (if it's not there).
set<HistogramRecord>::iterator iE = // Find either the pre-existing or the new
std::set<HistogramRecord>::iterator iE = // Find either the pre-existing or the new
find(E); // record for this key.
int* C; // Play naughty pointer games to access
C = const_cast<int*>(&((*iE).Count)); // the Count for this record inside the
@@ -56,5 +56,7 @@ class Histogram : public set<HistogramRecord> {

} // namespace CodeDweller.


+ 4
- 2
mangler.cpp 查看文件

@@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
// Using new optimized chaos driver for uniformity experiments.
// Important in this experiment is proof of highest possible entropy.

#include "mangler.hpp"
#include "CodeDweller/mangler.hpp"

namespace CodeDweller {

unsigned char MANGLER::ChaosDriver(void) { // Return the current
return Fill[Fill[Position]^Fill[Position^0xff]]; // chaos engine output
@@ -103,4 +105,4 @@ MANGLER::MANGLER(void) : Position(0) { // The default constructor sets
Fill[c]=(unsigned char) c; // value and Position to 0.


+ 4
- 0
mangler.hpp 查看文件

@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
#ifndef _MANGLER_
#define _MANGLER_

namespace CodeDweller {

class MANGLER {

@@ -30,5 +32,7 @@ class MANGLER {
MANGLER(void); // Default.



+ 3
- 0
onetimepad.cpp 查看文件

@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#include "onetimepad.hpp"
#include "timing.hpp"

namespace CodeDweller {

class OneTimePad { // One Time Pad generator.
@@ -155,3 +157,4 @@ OneTimePad::OneTimePad() {
} // initial Mangler state.
} // The OneTimePad object is ready.


+ 4
- 2
onetimepad.hpp 查看文件

@@ -16,9 +16,9 @@
#include <vector>
#include "mangler.hpp"
using namespace std;
namespace CodeDweller {
typedef vector<unsigned char> PadBuffer;
typedef std::vector<unsigned char> PadBuffer;
class OneTimePad { // One Time Pad generator.
@@ -47,4 +47,6 @@ class OneTimePad {

+ 18
- 18
threading.hpp 查看文件

@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ extern ThreadManager Threads;

class ThreadState { // Thread State Object.
const string Name; // Text name of thread descriptor.
ThreadState(string N) : Name(N) {} // Constructor requires text name.
const std::string Name; // Text name of thread descriptor.
ThreadState(std::string N) : Name(N) {} // Constructor requires text name.

// ThreadType objects are constant static objects defined for each Thread class
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ class ThreadState {

class ThreadType {
const string Name;
ThreadType(string N) : Name(N) {}
const std::string Name;
ThreadType(std::string N) : Name(N) {}

class Thread; // There is such thing as a Thread.
@@ -102,10 +102,10 @@ class ThreadStatusRecord {
Thread* Pointer; // A pointer to the thread.
ThreadType* Type; // A descriptor of it's type.
ThreadState* State; // A descriptor of it's state.
string Name; // Name of the thread if any.
std::string Name; // Name of the thread if any.
bool isRunning; // True if the thread is running.
bool isBad; // True if the thread is bad.
string Fault; // Bad Thread's Fault if any.
std::string Fault; // Bad Thread's Fault if any.

ThreadStatusRecord( // Initialize all items.
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ class ThreadStatusRecord {
ThreadState& S,
bool R,
bool B,
string F,
string N
std::string F,
std::string N
) :
@@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ class ThreadStatusRecord {
const ThreadState& getState() { return *State; }
bool getRunning() { return isRunning; }
bool getBad() { return isBad; }
string getFault() { return Fault; }
string getName() { return Name; }
std::string getFault() { return Fault; }
std::string getName() { return Name; }

typedef vector<ThreadStatusRecord> ThreadStatusReport; // Status report type.
typedef std::vector<ThreadStatusRecord> ThreadStatusReport; // Status report type.

// End ThreadDescriptor
@@ -218,18 +218,18 @@ class Thread {

const ThreadType& MyThreadType; // Identify thread type.
const string MyThreadName; // Name string of this instance.
const std::string MyThreadName; // Name string of this instance.

thread_primative MyThread; // Abstracted thread.
bool RunningFlag; // True when thread is in myTask()
bool BadFlag; // True when myTask() throws!
string BadWhat; // Bad exception what() if any.
std::string BadWhat; // Bad exception what() if any.
void CurrentThreadState(const ThreadState& TS); // Set thread state.


Thread(); // Constructor (just in case)
Thread(const ThreadType& T, string N); // Construct with specific Type/Name
Thread(const ThreadType& T, std::string N); // Construct with specific Type/Name
virtual ~Thread(); // Destructor (just in case)

void run(); // Method to launch this thread.
@@ -242,9 +242,9 @@ class Thread {

bool isRunning(); // Return the Running flag state.
bool isBad(); // Return the Bad flag state.
const string MyFault(); // Return exception Bad fault if any.
const std::string MyFault(); // Return exception Bad fault if any.

const string MyName() const; // The thread's name.
const std::string MyName() const; // The thread's name.
const ThreadType& MyType(); // Thread type for this thread.
const ThreadState& MyState(); // Returns the current thread state.
const ThreadState& CurrentThreadState(); // Returns the current thread state.
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ class ThreadManager {

Mutex MyMutex; // Protect our data with this.
set<Thread*> KnownThreads; // Keep track of all threads.
std::set<Thread*> KnownThreads; // Keep track of all threads.

void rememberThread(Thread* T); // Threads register themselves.
void forgetThread(Thread* T); // Threads remove themselves.
@@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ class ProductionQueue {
Mutex myMutex; // Contains a mutex and
volatile unsigned int LatestSize; // a volatile (blinking light) size
ProductionGateway myGateway; // integrated with a production
queue<T> myQueue; // gateway and a queue.
std::queue<T> myQueue; // gateway and a queue.

ProductionQueue() : LatestSize(0) {} // The size always starts at zero.
